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Unit 1 Festivals around the world 单元加餐练 语基过关卷 .单词拼写 1.It is difficult to get used to another countrys customs (习俗). 2.I admire (钦佩) him very much for he is a learned and kind man. 3.He was awarded(授予) the first prize in the competition. 4.On his arrival(到达) at the airport,he was told that his flight had taken off. 5.Not having been given the gift,little Tom wept(哭泣) after the ceremony. 6.You cant leave the office without permission(允许). 7.Mary is having a party in celebration (庆祝) of her 60th birthday. 8.It is my belief(信念) that we will find a cure for cancer in the next ten years. 9.Passengers are reminded (提醒)that no smoking is allowed on this train. 10.Forgive (原谅)me for interrupting,but I really dont agree with that. .选词填空 day and night,in memory of,play a trick on, look forward to,keep ones word,dress up,take place,turn up,hold ones breath,as though 1.If the neighbours do not give any sweets,the children might play a trick on them. 2.If Amy doesnt turn up in half an hour,we will have to go to the concert without her. 3.Were looking forward to hearing from you soon because we miss you very much. 4.In order to get ready for the examination,the students are studying day and night. 5.A special assembly will be held in memory of the brave boy. 6.If you want to make friends with others,you must keep your word. 7.Its a small informal partyyou dont have to dress up. 8.Great changes have taken place recently in this mountain area. 9.The race was so close that everyone was holding his breath at the finish. 10.I felt as though my heart was leaving my body. .补全句子 1.A young woman came in with a cup of coffee in her hand. 一名年轻女子手里端着一杯咖啡走了进来。 2.His room,filled with all kinds of books here and there,looks as though/if it was a_ small library. 他的房间到处都是各种不同的图书,看上去仿佛是个小图书馆。 3.As far as Im concerned,this maths problem is very difficult to work out. 就我个人而言,这道数学题很难算出来。 4.It is obvious that youve made a serious mistake.Please be careful next time! 很明显你犯了一个严重的错误。下次要细心点! 5.While (he was) studying in the university,he met with the singer and they became good friends. 当在大学学习时,他见到了这位歌手并与之成为了好朋友。 .单元语法专练(补全句子) 1. The car must break down just when I was about to start. 我正要出发时偏偏车抛锚了。 2. Persons under 18 shall not be employed in night work. 不满十八岁的人不得被雇用做夜间工作。 3.Would you please open/Would you mind opening the window for me? 请你为我打开窗户好吗? 4.I havent seen Alice for several years.She must be an adult girl now. 我有几年没见爱丽丝了。现在她一定是个大姑娘了。 5.Mike cant be cleaning the classroom now.I saw him playing basketball on the playground a moment ago. 迈克现在肯定不在打扫教室。刚刚我看见他正在操场打篮球。 6.My mother gave me a hug and I could see satisfaction in her eyes. 我妈妈给了我一个拥抱,并且我能够看出她眼中的满意。 .微写作 根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文,并背诵成文。 1.春节总是让我们想到家庭团聚。(remind) 2.在春节有各种各样的活动。因此,孩子们特别盼望春节。(look forward to) 3.对成年人来说,这也是一段美好的时光。他们可以在这时相互表达感激、原谅或宽恕之 情。(appreciation,apology,forgive) 4.但很遗憾的是有些人由于各种原因,不能出现在这个重大的节日里。(It is a pity that.,turn up) 【参考范文】 The Spring Festival always reminds us of the family reunion,when there are all kinds of activities.As a result,children especially look forward to it.Its also a good time for adults when they can express appreciation,make an apology or forgive each other.However,it is a pity that some people cant turn up at such a great festival for a variety of reasons. 语篇提能卷 .完形填空 When I was growing up,I didnt remember hearing the words “I love you” from my father.When your father _1_ says these words to you when you are a (n)_2_,it gets tougher and tougher for him to say these words as he gets _3_.To tell the truth,I could not honestly remember _4_ I had last said those words to him either.I decided to _5_ my ego (自尊心) aside and make the first move.After _6_,in our next phone conversation I blurted out (突然说出) the words,“Dad.I love you!” There was a _7_ at the other end and he awkwardly (笨拙地) replied,“Well,same back to you!” I smiled and said,“Dad ,I know you _8_ me,and when you are ready,I know you _9_ say what you want,to say.” Fifteen minutes later my _10_ called and nervously asked,“Paul,_11_ is okay?” I explained to her perfectly. A few weeks later,Dad _12_ our phone conversation with the words,“Paul,I love you.” I was at work during this _13_ and the tears were rolling down my cheeks as I finally “_14_” the love.As I sat there in tears,I _15_ that this special moment had taken our fatherson _16_ to a new level. A short while after this _17_ moment,my father narrowly _18_ death following heart operation.I have often thought _19_ I did not take the first step and Dad did not _20_ the operation,I would have never “heard” the love. 【语篇解读】本文通过作者与父亲之间的故事,告诉我们一定要珍惜自己的亲人,要勇 敢地对他们说你爱他们,不要等亲人不在了,空留遗憾。 1.A.once B.ever C.never D.often 答案CA.once 曾经;B.ever 永远; C.never 从来没有;D.often 经常。由第一句可 知,在作者成长过程中,从未听到过父亲对他说“I love you”,故 C 选项正确。 2.A.adult B.child C.youth D.student 答案BA.adult 成年人;B.child 孩子; C.youth 青年; D.student 学生。由语境 可知,当孩子小的时候,父亲从未对孩子说过“I love you”,那么,随着父亲年龄越来 越大,他就更不可能对孩子说 “I love you”了。故 B 选项正确。 3.A.younger B.older C.smaller D.taller 答案BA.younger 更年轻; B.older 更老;C.smaller 更小; D.taller 更高。 结合上题解析,可知 B 选项正确。 4.A.when B.how C.what D.where 答案A由该句中的 last 可知,作者也不记得最后一次是什么时候对父亲说 “I love you”了。故选 A。 5.A.get B.let C.take D.set 答案DA.get 得到;B.let 让;C.take 拿走;D.set 放置,安置。由后文中的 make the first move 可知,作者决定抛开自尊心,首先对父亲说“I love you”。set sth aside 意为“把置于一边”。故选 D。 6.A.guidance B.consideration C.calling D.talking 答案BA.guidance 指导;B.consideration 考虑;C.calling 呼唤; D.talking 谈论。作者对父亲说出“I love you”是经过考虑才做出的决定。故 B 选项正确。 7.A.smile B.cough C.laughter D.silence 答案DA.smile 微笑; B.cough 咳嗽; C.laughter 笑声;D.silence 沉默。对于 儿子突然表达“I love you”,父亲感觉非常突然,没有思想准备,所以他沉默了一会儿。 故选 D。 8.A.hate B.love C.forget D.miss 答案BA.hate 厌恶;B.love 爱; C.forget 忘记;D.miss 想念。由语境可知,作者 知道父亲内心实际上非常爱他,但是不善于表达自己的感情。所以他知道父亲准备好了就 会对自己说出他想说的话。故 B 选项正确。 9.A.will B.can C.should D.must 答案A结合上一题解析,可知 A 选项正确。will 表示意愿。 10.A.father B.mother C.daughter D.sister 答案BA.father 父亲; B.mother 母亲;C.daughter 女儿;D.sister 姐妹。由后 文中的 her,再结合语境,可以推知,母亲在得知了作者突然对父亲说“I love you”时, 以为出了什么事情,所以赶紧打电话来询问。故选 B。 11.A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing 答案Canything 任何事物;something 某件事情,某个事物;everything 一切事物; nothing 什么也没有。由语境可知,母亲询问作者是否一切安好,故 C 选项正确。 12.A.concluded B.started C.carried D.ignored 答案Aconclude 得出结论,结束;start 开始;carry 带;ignore 忽略。由下一空前 的 finally 可知,在通话结束时,作者的父亲以“I love you”结束了他们的谈话。A 选 项正确。 13.A.week B.holiday C.conversation D.trip 答案CA.week 周;B.holiday 假日; C.conversation 谈话; D.trip 旅行。由上一 空后面的 our phone conversation 可知 D 选项正确。作者和父亲在交谈的过程中,作者当 时正在工作。故选 C。 14.A.felt B.heard C.received D.touched 答案BA.felt 觉得;B.heard 听见; C.received 收到; D.touched 触摸。由最后 一段中的“heardthe love”可知,B 选项正确。 15.A.realized B.noticed C.found D.saw 答案AA.realized 意识到; B.noticed 注意到; C.found 发现; D.saw 看见。 由语境可知,作者意识到这特殊的一刻将他和父亲的关系提升到一个新的高度。故选 A。 16.A.feeling B.distance C.connection D.relationship 答案Dfeeling 感觉,感情;distance 距离;connection 连接,联系;relationship 关系。结合上一题解析,可知 D 选项正确。 17.A.unbelievable B.especial C.special D.important 答案Cunbelievable 令人难以置信的;interesting 有趣的;special 特殊的,专门 的;important 重要的。由上一空前面的“this special moment”可知,C 选项正确。 18.A.avoided B.escaped C.accepted D.refused 答案Bavoided 避免;escaped 逃脱;accepted 接受;refused 拒绝。由下一句可知, 作者的父亲手术后活了下来,故 B 选项切题。escape from sth 意为“避开”。 19.A.since B.as C.if D.because 答案C句意:如果我没有迈出第一步,父亲没有从手术中活下来,那么,我就永远也 听不到父亲对我说“I love you ”了。故选 C。 20.A.survive B.live C.operate D.recover 答案Asurvive 经历活下来,幸存;live 生活,活;operate 做手术,操作; recover 恢复。由上下文可知,父亲手术后活了下来,故 A 选项切题。 .语法填空 I was living a life in my screen and hardly noticed what 1._(be) around me.I was always checking the time and thinking of future 2._(plan).My thought was:“Whos going to text me now? What will I do next?” My bedtime routine was usually centered 3. _ one thing:my phone.4._ I went to sleep,I browsed through news websites and checked my emails.When I woke up in the middle of the night,I did the same thing.The problem with this was that I felt anxious every night. So when my friends invited me 5._(go)for a long weekend camping without the cell service,I thought this was 6._(exact)what I needed.Heres how 7._(keep) away from my phone for 48 hours changed me and my way of life. Without my phone,I 8._(fall)asleep listening to the songs of frogs and crickets.In the morning,I woke up energetically.Sitting by the river,riding a bike,or singing the old songs, I 9._(true)enjoyed what I was doing. I felt free without my phone at weekend camp,10._ changed me completely.I listened to what my body wanted instead of what my phone was telling me to do. 答案1.was文章主要是过去时态,此处也用 be 的过去时态,根据主语 what 故填 was。 2.plansplan 是可数名词,此处指将来的计划,故填复数形式 plans。 3.on此处是固定短语 center on“集中在,以为中心”,故填 on。 4.Before此处指在睡觉前,我浏览网页、查看邮件。故填 Before。 5.to go此处是 invite sb to do sth“邀请某人做某事”,故填 to go。 6.exactly句意:我认为这正是我需要的。副词 exactly 修饰 what I needed,故填 exactly。 7.keeping句中 how 引导的是表语从句,keeping away from my phone for 48 hours 在表语从句中作主语,动词用ing 形式,故填 keeping。 8.fellfall asleep“入睡,睡着”,全文是过去时态,此处用 fall 的过去式 fell。 9.truly句意:我真正地在享受我所做的事。此处修饰动词 enjoy,用副词形式 truly。 10.which此处是非限制性定语从句,which 指代前面整个句子,故填 which。


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