Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/11/2013,#,The Dynamic Environment of International Trade,国际贸易的动态环境,Topic#5,Chapter#2,The Twentieth to the Twenty First Century,20,世纪到,21,世纪,The first half of The Twentieth Century was marred by two major global conflicts,and The Great,Depression.20,世纪的前半叶两次世界大战和经济大萧条损毁,World War 1 1914 to 1918,第一次世界大战,1914-1918,The Great Depression 1929 to 1939,大萧条时期,1929-1939,World War 2 1939 to 1945,第二次世界大战,1939-1945,The Marshall Plan,马歇尔计划,The Marshall plan;Was a plan aimed at the rebuilding of Europe and Japan after their destruction during the Second World War.,马歇尔计划,:,计划的目的是重建在二战中摧毁的欧洲和日本,Agency of International Development;was an organization created after WW2 where member countries could invest funds to help foster economic development in underdeveloped countries in order to create a stronger world economy.,国际开发总署,:,二战后成立的组织,为了更强大的全球经济,成员国可以在不发达国家投资促进经济发展,The benefits flowed both ways,since for every dollar developed countries invested in underdeveloped countries,they received hundreds of dollars in return on invested capital in the form of manufactured goods,agricultural goods,etc.Since the North American economies and infrastructures had not been ravaged by the war,they were the main benefactors of the post war economic resurgence.The United States and Canada became rich countries!,利益有两方面,发达国家的每一美元投资都投入到不发达国家,以工业品,农产品为形式作为投入资本的回报,.,因为北美国家的经济和基础设施没在战争中破坏,他们是战后经济复苏的主要资助者,美国和加拿大聚敛财富,GATT,关税和贸易总协定,GATT(General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade);In 1947 GATT was ratified by 23 member nations.Their goal was to limit trade barriers and increase global trade among nations.,关税和贸易总协定,:1947,年,23,个国家批准了,GATT,他们的目标是降低贸易壁垒和增加全球贸易,During the world wars trade amongst warring nations had all but stopped,and in the period between the wars there was an atmosphere of protectionism.This lead to tariffs as high as 60%on many products to limit trade,and is one of the causes of The Great Depression!After the wars world leaders sought cooperation and trade!,战争期间,交战国的贸易停止了,贸易保护主义盛行,许多产品的关税高达,60%,这限制了贸易,这也是导致经济大萧条的原因之一,战后世界的领导者寻求合作和贸易,Trade Investment Measures(TRIMS);Established the basic principle that investment restrictions can be major trade barriers.,贸易投资措施,:,建立的投资限制的基本原则可能会成为主要的贸易壁垒,The World Trade Organization,世界贸易组织,The World Trade Organization(WTO);Was created in 1994 as an institution to deal with,and eliminate trade disputes amongst the 132 member countries.,世贸,:1994,成立的机构旨在处理和消除,132,个成员国之间的贸易争端,The Uruguay Round;GATT became part of WTO and the number of nations seeking global barrier free trade increased to 117 nations.,乌拉圭会谈,:,关税和贸易总协定成为世贸的一部分,更多的国家寻求全球的自由贸易,成员国增至,117,个,Skirting the Spirit of GATT and WTO,回避关贸协定和世贸精神,The WTO has been trying to set health and safety standards and work place rights across all member nations.They also try to enforce patent and trademark protection,however many developing nations are slow to comply.,世贸努力在成员国中建立安全的标准,他们也实施专利和商标保护,然而许多发展中国家推行的很慢,There is also different levels of institutionalised corruption and influence within different member nations that create problems for businesses and countries involved in trade.,不同成员国的不同程度的制度化的腐败和影响使商业和国家的贸易产生了问题,The International Monetary Fund,国际货币基金组织,The International Monetary Fund(IMF);Was formed after WW2 to stabilise foreign exchange rates and the establishment of freely convertible currencies to facilitate the expansion and balanced growth of international trade.(181 member countries),国际货币基金组织,:,二战后成立,致力于稳定货币汇率和建立自由兑换货币促进扩张,平衡国际贸易的增长(,181,个成员国,),The World Bank,世界银行,The World Bank;Is an institution that has as its goal the reduction of poverty and the improvement of living standards by promoting sustainable growth and investment in people.,世界银行,:,这一机构的目标在于减少贫困,提高生活质量,促进可持续增长和投资,There are five institutions within The World Bank providing service for poor and developing countries.,世界银行中有五个体系为贫穷和发展中国家提供服务,Services Provided by The World Bank,世界银行提供的服务,1.Lending money to the economies of developing countries to finance development projects in education,health,and infrastructure.,为发展中国家提供贷款支持教育,医疗,基础设施的建设,2.Providing assistance to governments for developmental projects to the poorest developing countries,(per capita income of$925).,为最贫穷国家的政府的发展项目提供援助,(,平均每人每年,925,美元,),3.lending directly to the private sector to help strengthen private business sector in developing economies.,在发展中国家直接对私营部门投资增强私营企业,4.Providing investors with investment guarantees against non commercial risk factors.,为投资者提供投资保证防止商业风险,5.increase investment flow by providing conciliation and arbitration services to sort disputes between governments and investors.,通过提供调解和仲裁政府与投资者之间的争端的服务来增加投资,Protests Against Global Institutions,反对全球化体系,Anti-Globalists;They rebel against the implications of its existence and vehemently challenge the view that it is inevitable and naturally occurring,.,反对全球化者,:,他们对抗存在的影响,激烈的挑战不可避免的和必然发生的观点,Every time world leaders get together to discuss the world econ