按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,幼 兒 動 作 教 育 與 幼 兒 發 展,活動是生命的基本性質,教育不可以限制它,更不可以禁止它。相反地,教育應該允許兒童精力的正常發展,並且協助他將精力運用得當。,蒙特梭利博士,發現兒童,動作不僅是自我的表達,更是兒童發展意識過程中不可或缺的因素。因為唯有透過這種實實在在的媒介,兒童的自我才能清楚表明與外界環境的關係。因著從外界環境接受各種意像,並透過動作或生理活動,兒童的智力才能逐漸增長。換言之,我們透過動作與外在真實世界接觸,而慢慢學到具體的、甚至抽象的觀念。身體的活動負責連接心靈與外在的世界。心靈需要身體活動是有雙重的意義:一是習得概念,一是向外界表達自己。,蒙特梭利博士,童年之秘,學 習 的 金 字 塔,從兒童身上,我們可以明顯地看出,心智的發展是經由孩子的動作而來。,從觀察世界各國的兒童,我們肯定,兒童使用他的動作來擴充他的理解,動作幫助心智的發展,而心智又更新下一個動作和活動的表達方式。因此,我們看到的是一個循環關係;心智和動作是一體之兩面。,蒙特梭利博士,吸收性心智,心智大腦身體相互依存的關係,對人類道德及智力的發展而言,身體活動有不容忽視的重要性,如果一個正在成長的兒童,父母老是禁止他使用其動作器官,他的發展勢必受到阻礙,他將像是一個聽力及視力被剝奪的人一樣,甚難達到自己的目標;即使造成目標,也比正常孩子,慢了好幾年。,蒙特梭利博士,童年之祕,動作教育,一般性,定義,動作教育的中心目標是增進健康與幸福感,其意義是為建兒童的身體能和運動與心的各種機能。,動作教育是以透過身體運動技能的訓和創造性運動的發展,促進學習能、待人動能、自我感情和環境之關係等全人的發展。,動作教育的意義就是讓兒童巧妙的使用他的身體,發展他的意志、自信與認知機能,並且富有創意地表達自己,從而促使情緒的成熟和社會性的發展。,動作教育的對象是兒童,內容在增進兒童個人感覺、知覺、運動技能,並促進各種心機能,使兒童所有的能獲得最適當的發展。,動作教育的主要目標,在於想達成促進兒童發展的四大課題,(1),增進感覺運動的機能,(,培育感,官能力,,培育基本動作,能力,),。,(2),形成身體意識,(,培育身體意像、身體圖式與身體概念,),。,(3),形成時間、空間、以及因果關係的意識,(,培育學習學科的準備能力,),。,(4),形成各種心理能力,(,培育視知覺能力、,感覺統合,能力、社會性、創造性等,),。,蒙特梭動作教育的目的和功能,直接目的:,1.,增進幼兒對身體概的解。,2.,訓感官系統,如視覺、聽覺、觸覺、嗅覺、味覺的敏與協調。,3.,訓大小肌肉動作的協調。,4.,訓手、腳與眼睛的協調。,5.,促進神經、骨骼、肌肉和全身性運動的協調與相互間的配合。,6.,培養感覺動作組合功能的完美與協調。,間接目的:,1.,培養幼兒專心、獨、秩序感等人格發展。,2.,促進幼兒生及心健全。,3.,培養幼兒寫字、閱前的準備工作。,4.,學習照顧自己、照顧環境及日常生活所需節。,5.,啟發及增進兒童智能發展。,蒙特梭利日常生活練習簡介,日常生活練習的定義,日常生活練習就是我們日常生活當中做的事情,使得我們的生活能夠更美好,能夠維持,能夠恢復我們環境中適宜的狀態,並且讓我們自己能與家人以及其他人建立社交生活。,We may define these exercises as simple, ordinary activities we perform daily to embellish, maintain and restore proper conditions in our environment as well as to establish and maintain social relations with our- self, our families and other people .,日常生活練習的價值,日常生活是對於孩子成長以及發展的輔助。,They are an aid to the childs growth and development,日常生活練習是孩子進入環境中最開始進行的工作。,They are the first activities in the classroom.,日常生活練習啟動了孩子的吸收性心智。,They make use of the childs conscious Absorbent Mind .,日常生活練習也啟動了孩子敏感期的自然興趣以及能力。,Make use of the natural interests and capacities of the Sensitive Periods.,幫助人類傾向的發展。,Promote the development of the Human Tendencies,日常生活練習需要跟學校環境以及時間表配合在一起,並且可以依照環境擴充。,The Practical Life Exercises are expanded to suit ones particular school environment and schedule,日常生活練習的目的,幫助孩子適應生活,並且產生方向感,適應他的環境以及文化。,Adaptation and orientation to life, the environment and to her culture.,幫助孩子獲得動作發展以及動作協調。,The acquisition of coordinated movements,幫助孩子動作協調的精緻度。,To refine the childs motor coordination,幫助孩子獨立性的發展。,To aid the childs growing Independence,幫助孩子意志力的發展。,The development of the Will,幫助孩子的內在紀律發展。,The development of Inner Discipline,幫助孩子秩序的發展。,Order,幫助孩子專注力的發展。,Concentration,幫助孩子正常化的發展。,Normalization,正常化孩子的特質,喜愛工作,喜愛安靜,擁有全然的集中注意力,不脫離真實的生活,樂於服從,自律,獨立進取,互助合作,喜悅的特質,日常生活練習的其他目的,幫助孩子從他原有的動作技巧,通過日常物品的使用,最終達到使用技巧的熟練。,Achieve the practical skills necessary to gain mastery over his actions as he learns the use of the common objects of daily life.,幫助孩子的人類特質整合:通過有意義的活動整合身體,心智,以及精神。,Integrate the human personality: the body, mind and the spirit, through meaningful work.,What,I hear , I forget.,對於我聽過的東西,我會忘記,What,I see , I believe.,對於我看過的東西,我會記得,What,I do , I understand.,對於我做過的東西,我會理解,Practical Life List,日常生活練習,Preliminary Exercises,前置準備活動,Moving:,移動,Walking,走路,Standing,站,Sitting down-getting up,坐下站起来,Rolling & Unrolling Mat,捲地墊和打開地墊,Carrying:,拿,Tray,托盤,Book,書,Table,桌子,Chair,椅子,Scissors,剪刀,Pitcher,水壺,Bucket,籃子,Opening & Closing:,開與關,Door,門,Drawer,抽屜,Boxes,盒子,Bottles,瓶子,Care of the Environment - Indoors,環境照顧室內,Sweeping,掃地,Brushing Mats,刷地墊,Dusting:,撣灰塵,Table,桌子,Shelf,櫃子,Sponging Up Spills,將洒出來的水擦掉,Polishing:,拋光,Glass,玻璃,Wood,木器,Silver - Brass,銀器銅器,Washing a Table,洗桌子,Washing Linens-Cloths,洗布,Sewing on Cardboard,卡紙上縫紉,Sewing Buttons,縫鈕扣,Ironing,燙布,Folding Clothes,折衣服,Care of the Plants,照顧植物,Arranging Flowers,插花,Setting the Table,擺設餐桌,Cutting Fruits and Vegetables,切水果以及蔬菜,Lighting a Match,點火柴,Cutting:,切,Snippets,切成段,Lined Paper,帶線的紙張,Newsprint,剪報紙,Punching Paper,在紙張上打洞,Pasting,貼工,Tearing Paper,撕紙張,Making a Cord,做繩子,Making a Braid,綁辮子,Care of the Environment,Indoors,環境照顧室內,Care of the Person,人的照顧,Washing Hands and Nails,洗手以及刷指甲,Dressing and Undressing,穿衣以及脫衣,Hanging Clothes on Hanger,使用衣架掛衣服,Brushing and Combing Hair,梳頭髮,Brushing Clothes,刷布,Cleaning Shoes,清潔鞋子,Dressing Frames:,衣飾框,Grace & Courtesy / Social Relations,優雅與禮儀社會關係,Blowing Nose,擤鼻涕,Greeting and Introducing,問,候,以及介紹自己他人,Offering,提供給他人,Giving and Receiving Compliments,給予他人稱讚以及接受稱讚,Inviting Someone In & To Be Seated,邀請某人進門並且邀請人坐下,Making Way for Someone to Pass,讓他人通過,Picking Up What Someone Let Fall,撿起他人落下的物品,Interrupting,打擾他人,Sneezing / Yawning / Coughing,打噴嚏打呵欠咳嗽,Movement,動作控制,Walking on the Line,走線,The Silence Game,靜默遊戲,學,齡,前,身,體,動,作,教,育,課,程,內,容,學,齡,前,身,體,動,作,教,育,課,程,內,容,( Program Goals and Objectives in Physical for All Preschool Students),一、身體管理技巧,( To Demonstrate Competence in Selected Body Management Skills),身體部位的活動能力,( To demonstrate the ability to move selected body parts),頭head ;肩 shoulder ; 背部back ; 手肘elbow ; 雙手hands ; 臀部hips ; 膝蓋knees ; 雙腳feet,身體軀幹、上肢及下肢的活動能力(部份與全身性),( To demonstrate the ability to perform selected movements of the torso,,,arms ( shoulder and elbow joints),and legs (hip and knee joints),彎曲flexion ; 伸張extension ; 外展abduction; 內收adduction; 旋轉rotation ; 搖擺動作swmgmg movements,身體在指定空間的動作能力(部份與全身性),( To demonstrate the ability to move the whole body and parts of the body in directional space),向前forward ; 後退backward ; 靠邊sideways ; 跨越障礙物over obstacles ; 從障礙物下方under obstacles ; 從障礙物中間between obstacles ; 繞著障礙物around obstacles ; 穿越一個開放性空間,例如隧道through an opening such as a tunnel,移動身體變成不同的形狀和大小,( To demonstrate the ability to move the body into different shapes and sizes),大小big-little ; 高矮short-tall ; 胖瘦fat-thin ; 直的彎的straight-bent,移動物體的能力,( To demonstrate the ability to move objects),攜帶握拿carry-hold ; 拿起放下lift-lower ;拉推 pull-push,靜態平衡的能力,( To demonstrate the ability to perform selected static balance skills),有效的坐姿efficient sitting posture ; 有效的立姿efficient standing posture ; 單腳站立stand on one leg ; 踮腳stand on toes ; 四足趴臥地上類似熊的姿勢four-points balance facing the floor,e.g., bear position,四足朝天類似螃蟹的姿勢four-points balance facing the ceiling,e.g., crab position,動態平衡的能力,( To demonstrate the ability to perform selected dynamic balance skills),在線上向前走walk forward on a line ; 沿著線外走walk sideways on a line ;在線上倒退走walk backward on a line ; 腳尖走路 腳跟走路walk forward heel-toe ; 在彎曲的線上走路walk forward on a curved line ; 在平衡木上走路,walk forward on a 4-inch floor-level balance beam,特殊技巧與翻滾技巧,( To demonstrate beginning-level skill on selected stunts and tumbling skills),前滾翻forward roll ; 滾木頭log roll ; 側滾翻滾雞蛋side/ egg roll ; 各種動物走路animal walks,二、基礎性動作技巧,( To Demonstrate Competence in Selected Fundamental Motor Skills),控制物體技巧的基礎能力,( To demonstrate beginning-level skill in selected object-control skills),滾球roll a ball ;肩下,擲,物 throw/toss underhand ; 肩上,擲,物throw overhand ;接住滾動的球 catch a rolling ball ; 接住上拋執的球catch a tossed ball ; 踢球kick a ball; 拍球bounce a ball ; 單手持棒擊球,例如用羽毛球拍擊球one-hand strike,e.g.,using a paddle or racket ; 雙手持棒擊球,例如用棒球棍擊球 two-hand strike,e.g.,using a bat,移動性技巧的基礎能力,( To demonstrate beginning-level skill in selected locomotor skills),走walk ; 跑run,上下樓梯walk upstairs,walk downstairs ;爬上爬下climb up ; climb down ; 快步走gallop ; 單腳跳hop ;上下雙腳跳vertical jump ; 左右雙腳跳horizontal jump ; 彈跳青蛙跳leap ; 跑跳skip ; 滑步slide,使用設備/道具的能力,( To demonstrate the ability to use selected equipment during games and movements activities),各種不同的球:泡綿球、塑膠球、足球、躲避球、迷你棒球或壘球;滑板、跳跳驢、三輪腳踏車;大型遊具:溜滑梯、盪鞦韆、攀爬繩網,soft sponge balls ; playground balls ; sport-like balls such as minibasketballs or Wiffle balls ; lightweight short bats ; paddles ; or rackets ; scooter board ; tricycles ; playground equipments such as swing,slide,and climbing apparatus,水上活動技巧,(demonstrate in selected aquatic skill),親水活動water adjustment ;飄浮技巧有浮板或不需浮板協助float with or without assistance ; 踢水動作flutter kick,三、遊戲、運動、及舞蹈技巧,( To Demonstrate Competence in Selected Games Sports and,Dance Skills ),遵守遊戲規則的能力,( To demonstrate the ability to follow the rules in low-organized games),在引導者作示範時,可以模仿引導者的動作limitae the movements of the leader in follow-the-leader type games ;可以遵守遊戲和活動規則,例如跑壘包或合作遊戲follow the rules in low-organized games and activities,e.g.,running the bases or participating in partner game,在適當位置的能力,( To demonstrate the ability to play ones position in low-organized games and activities ),停留在指定被分派的範圍空間,例如在遊戲時排在等代線的後面stay within assigned territory,e.g.,behind the line during games ; 參與不同的角色,例如在遊戲活動中扮演領導者與被領導者participate in different roles,e.g.,leader and player,within a game or activity.,模仿與創造的能力,( To demonstrate the ability to imitate or create movements during dance activities),聽音樂學動物走路animal walks to music ; 在舞蹈活動中模仿各種動作imitate movements in dances activities ; 在舞蹈活動中創造性肢體動作create movements in dances activIties,規則性韻律知覺能力,( To demonstrate the ability to move the whole body or parts of the body to simple rhythms or music with even beats),能跟著簡單旋律或有規律節拍的音樂做活動walk to simple rhythms or music with even beats ;march to simple rhythms or music with even beats ;能跟著簡單旋律或有規律節拍的音樂做行進活動move the arms to simple rhythms or music with even beats,不規則性韻律知覺能力,( To demonstrate the ability to move the whole body or parts of the body to simple rhythms or music with uneven beats ),能跟著簡單旋律或不規律節拍的音樂做活動,move to simple rhythms or music with uneven beats,四、體適能發展,( To Demonstrate Competence in Selected Indicators of Physical Fitness ),柔軟度( flexibility):身體各部位關節活動最大範圍。,肌力( strength/ muscle tone):肌肉組織群最大努力的表現。,耐力( endurance):維持肌肉張力長時間收縮狀態的能力。,速度與敏捷性( speed and agility):速度/最短時間通過一段短距離的能力。,敏捷性/ 身體能依照不同的指示快速前進。,爆發力( power):在短時間內個體由靜止到快速行動的能力。,平衡感( balance):個體在靜態及動態的動作條件下,維持一定姿態的能力。,協調性( coordination):整合身體各部位和諧工作的能力。,五、與身體活動有關的認知概念,( To Demonstrate Knowledge of Selected Activity-Related Cognition Concept),對身體部位命名及辨識的認知能力,( To demonstrate the ability to name and identify ( touch) selected body parts),頭、眼睛、肩膀、背部、腹部、手臂、手肘、雙手、臀部、腿部、膝蓋、雙腳,head ; eyes ; ears ; shoulders ; back; abdoment ; arms ; elbows ; hands ; hips; legs ; knees ; feet,對身體動作術語的認知能力,( To demonstrate knowledge of simple movement terminology),彎曲伸直伸展扭動擺盪搖擺手搖動拍擊,bend;straighten;stretch ; twist;swing;sway;shake;clap,對空間位置及方向感的認知能力,( To demonstrate knowledge of directions and positions in space),向前退後靠邊;,forward-backward-sideways,;近遠,near-far,;在一起分開,together-apart,;中間旁邊,centre-beside,;,right-left,左右;上下,up-down,;高低,high-low,對不同身體形狀和大小的認知能力,( To demonstrate knowledge of different body shapes and sizes),大小,big-little ;,高矮,short-tall ;,胖瘦,fat-thin ;,直的彎的,straight-bent,能跟隨指示進行活動的能力,(To demonstrate ability to follow directions in the physical education environment),能夠跟隨一個身體部位的指令,follow one-part directions;,能夠跟隨兩個身體部位的指令,ollow two-part directions;,能夠模仿曾經示範過的動作,imitate simple movements that are demonstrated,安全知覺能力,( To demonstrate knowledge about safety in the physical education environment),可以遵守簡單的安全規則,follow simple safety rules such as stay in fenced playground area or walk on the pool deck ;,了解而且能夠回報對安全有危害的東西,例如壞掉的器材、尖銳物、滑滑的地面,recognize and report safety hazards such as broken equipment,,,slippery surfaces ;or sharp objects ;,了解而且能夠回報疑似的受傷,例如割傷、碰傷或疼痛,recognize and report suspected injuries such as cuts,,,bruises,,,or pain,健康生活的基本常識,( To demonstrate basic knowledge about a healthy lifestyle),明確說出:運動可以幫助我強壯運動可以幫助我長大運動好好玩,states that exercise,“,make me strong,“,help me grow is fun,六、與身體活動有闋的個人一社會技巧,( To Demonstrate Competence in Selected Activity-Related Personal- Social Skills ),在活動中盡情參與的態度,( To demonstrate enjoyment of physical activities),表現出積極的情感開懷大笑、愉悅、活潑,show positive affect,,,e. g.,,,smiling or laughing,,,during physical activity ;,對活動的參與有強烈的意願,participate willingly in physical education activities ;,顯現對身體活動的偏好,indicate physical activity preferences,積極性的自我概念,(To demonstrate a positive self-concept in the physical education environment),參與許多老師所建議的活動,attempt most activities suggested by the teacher ;,對於熟悉的活動,表現出很有自信,perform familiar activities with confidence ;,對自己在身體活動中的表現很滿意我接球很厲害我很健康我很漂亮,communicate satisfaction with ones abilities in physical activities,,,e. g.,,,I am good at catch the ball ; communicate satisfaction with ones body e. g.,,,I am healthy or I look good,“,在活動中努力,( To demonstrate effort in games and physical activities),可以接受強烈情感的身體性努力的引導語,例如你可以跑得更快你可以丟得更遠,follow directions to intensity of physical effort,,,e. g.,,,run as fast as you can or throw as far as you can ;,可以接受準確性的身體性努力的引導語例如請走在線上請把球滾到前面的標的物,follow directions related to accuracy of physical effort,,,e.g. walk on the line,“,or roll the ball toward the target,與他人溝通的能力,( To demonstrate ability to communicate with others in the physical education environment),可以用口語向老師表達需求,如要喝水、上廁所或想要的器材,communicate needs such as teacher attention,,,water,,,equipment,,,and toilet;,可以用口語向老師表達自己喜歡的活動、器材或喜歡的活動伙伴,communIcate choice such as preferences for activities,,,equipment,,,or activity partner;,可以表達自己的感受,例如高興、驕傲、傷心或生氣,communicate feelings such as happy,,,proud,,,sad or angry;,可以表達自己拒絕的想法,communicate refusals such as in ability or unwillingness to perform a skill,合作的能力,(,To demonstrate ability to cooperate with other during low-organized games and activities,),當被要求時可以與他人交換教具或分享教具,Share or exchange equipment when requested;,當被要求時可以等待輪流,take turn when requested;,在圍圓圈的活動中願意與他人牽手,hold hands in a circle game ;,可以參與和他人一起合作完成的活動,partcipate with a partner on a task requiring cooperative effort such as pushing partner on a scooter,勇於嘗試與勇於面對挑戰的態度,( To demonstrate courage in movement activities that involve reasonable and safe physical or social risks),參與平衡感練習的活動,participate in balance activities ;,參與攀爬性的活動,participate in climbing activities;,參與水上活動,partIcIpate in aquatic activities ;,參與鬼捉人的遊戲,participate in games such as tag;,參與有可能嚐到失敗或挫折的活動,participate in activities previously associated with perceived or real failure,尊重他人,( To demonstrate respect for others in the physical education environment),適當地使用個人和公共空間,appropriate use of personal and general space ;,有禮貌地使用請、謝謝、對不起,courtesy including appropriate use of phrases as please and thank you ;,在必要時可以給予他人身體性的協助語言與非語言上的鼓勵,support other students by offering physical assistance or verbal / nonverbal encouragement,尊重器械與教具,( To demonstrate respect for equipment),遵守老師的指示或所教導的方式來使用器械與教具,use equipment as directed ;,器械與教具使用完,可以物歸原處,有歸整的能力,return equipment to storage area upon request,自我控制與個人責任感,( To demonstrate self-control and personal responsibility),傾聽老師的指示或注意老師的示範,listen to teacher directions ;,可以等待輪流,wait for turn ;,可以在線上排隊等待,wait in line,