Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Ex-combatants and disability:opportunities for Bank action in demobilization and reintegration programs,Bernard,Harborne,Acting Program Manager,The Multi-Country Demobilization&ReintegrationProgram(MDRP),Thursday 4,December,2008,1.MDRP basics,Established in 2002,7 beneficiary countries,13 donors+World Bank,Finances demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants,Targets over 27,000 disabled ex-combatants for special assistance,2.Target groups,Ex-combatants represent a highly vulnerable group,Chronic disease,Sexually Transmittable Infections(,STIs,),War-related disability,PTSD,3.Operational responses,Medical support:,Screening upon arrival in demobilization camps,Provision of medical support(prosthetics and therapy),Physical rehabilitation,Limited psycho-social support,3.Operational responses,Socio-economic reintegration:,Three-pronged strategy to provide tailored assistance,Specific skill training for severely disabled ex-combatants,Special allowance for transportation,Construction of houses adapted to severely disabled ex-combatants(Rwanda),3.Operational responses,4.Lessons learned,Need for a comprehensive health approach to DDR,Lack of national capacity hampered the establishment of a coordinated protocol of care,4.Lessons learned,Psychosocial support needs to be reinforced,The extra costs associated with special assistance for disabled ex-combatants need to be taken into consideration in the design phase,Thank you,www.mdrp.org,