Your heading here,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Your heading here,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Your heading here,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Your heading here,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Your heading here,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,2015 SET,双周报(WUH,1,区),Training Content,培训内容,如,之前所述,我继续在包装生产线培训(瓶装,1,线和听装,3,线)。我主要关注包装生产效率和一些可能会产生影响的物流因素。并且,我希望了解整个生产过程包括纯生酒和普通啤酒。,As,I mentioned previously,I continued my training at packaging production line(CAN 3 and BL 1).I focus on the packaging production efficiency and those kinds of the logistics factors which could affect it.Moreover,I want to be familiar with the whole production processes including draft beer and normal beer.,倍,Chen Bo,陈博,LOG,WUH,Training Achievements,培训感想,生产,效率衡量的是经济是否在竟可能的产生而不需要浪费任何宝贵的资源。理论上来说,生产效率包括所有的生产中所有的边界点,但是在实际中很难衡量。因为资源是有限的,竟可能的让生产效率达到更高的台阶。如果经济达到无法牺牲另一件产品而制造更多的产品,那么已经达到生产的最高效。,Production efficiency measures whether the economy is producing as much as possible without wasting precious resources.Theoretically,production efficiency will include all of the points along the production possibility frontier,but this is difficult to measure in practice.Because resources are limited,being able to make products efficiently allows for higher levels of production.If the economy cant make more of a good without sacrificing the production of another,then a maximum level of production has been reached,.,Chen Bo,陈博,WUH-LOG,Coach Program,教练项目进展,汇报,最近培训进展,总结目前工作的哪些不足之处,交流后续培训安排。,Report,my training progress,reflect the weakness of my work,and communicate the next step of my training.,倍,My Proposal for My Plant,我为工厂出点力,翻译部门,TSC,文件,Translated the TSC file for logistics department.,