A,A,*,Unit 9Intercultural Management,What is intercultural management?,跨文化管理真正作为一门科学,是在20世纪70年代后期的美国逐步形成和开展起来的。它研究的是在跨文化条件下如何克服异质文化的冲突,进行卓有成效的管理,其目的在于如何在不同形态的文化气氛中设计出切实可行的组织结构和管理机制,最合理地配置企业资源,特别是最大限度地挖掘和利用企业人力资源的潜力和价值,从而最大化地提高企业的综合效益。,兴起这一研究的直接原因是二战后美国跨国公司进行跨国经营时的屡屡受挫。,Contents,Cultural factors in international business management,The role of culture in international business management,Types of organizational culture,Joint venture culture,The influence of national culture,Corporate culture,Understanding corporate culture,The contents of corporate culture,Development of teamwork,Selection of the team,Establishment of credibility and trust,Conflicts of the team,Formation of team culture,Strategies for international marketers,Intercultural acculturation in international marketing,Alternative multinational strategies:global versus local,Adapting marketing strategy to culture,Standardizing global strategy across cultures,Mixed strategy,Changing the culture,Cultural factors in international business management,It is of vital importance to have a clear idea about various cultural factors,for example,organizational culture,national culture,and,joint venture culture,.,The Role of Culture in International Business Management,Cultural savvy is a working knowing of the cultural variables affecting management decisions.文化常识/理解,Cultural sensitivity or cultural empathy is an awareness and honest caring about other individuals culture.It requires the ability to understand the perspective of those living in other(and very different)societies and the willingness to put oneself in anothers shoes.,文化敏感性/文化共鸣,The Role of Culture in International Business Management,This cultural awareness enables international managers to develop appropriate policies and determine how to plan,organize,lead,and control in a specific international setting.It leads to successful strategies and effective interaction in a workforce of increasing cultural diversity,both in the home country and in other countries.文化意识,Types of organizational culture,Organizational culture is the personality of the organization.Culture is comprised of the assumptions,values,norms and tangible signs of organization members and their behaviors.,There are,four types,of cultures in terms of organizational culture in general:,academy culture,universities,hospitals,large corporations,etc.,baseball team culture,investment banking,advertising,etc.,club culture,the military,some law firms,etc.,fortress culture,banks,large car companies,etc.,Joint venture culture,What is joint venture?,合资企业,一般指中外合资 中外合资经营企业是由中国投资,者和外国投资者共同出资、共同经营、共负盈亏、共担风,险的企业。外国合营者可以是企业、其他经济组织或个人。,中国合营者目前只限于企业、其他经济组织,不包括个人,和个体企业。经审查机关批准,合营企业是中国法人,受,中国法律的管辖和保护。它的组织形式是有限责任公司。,Joint venture culture,Culture fulfills a number of functions:,integration,create a general consensus on fundamental issues and facilitates decision making during crisis,coordination,shared values and norms,coordinate actions motivation,the change of values and the emphasis on the individual,identification,“we-feeling,The influence of national culture,National culture is an important influence on the development of joint ventures.,National cultural differences have an important impact in large,multinational companies.However,this does not mean that they are the paramount factor in joint venture success.In practice,they are an extra limiting variable,which management must take into account.The different levels of culture(individual,organizational or national)do not exist in isolation.They are always linked together.,Corporate culture,What is Corporate culture?,Simple terms:Corporate culture is“the way things work in a corporation.Culture can be best understood as overlapping webs or patterns of widely shared and deeply felt values and assumptions in an organization.,General terms:Corporate culture is the look,the feel,the atmosphere of an organization and people within it.It is based on ones perceptions and assumptions of how things get done within that particular organization.,企业文化中一些典型的可观察到的要素,典礼和仪式,典故,象征物,语言,Some tips about Corporate culture,A companys culture is greatly influenced by the management team as they set the policies and practices for the organization.,Many articles and books have been written in recent years about culture in organizations,usually referred to as“corporate culture.,Every organization has its own unique culture or value set.,To be specific,corporate culture can be looked as a system.,Often the people who see an organizations culture more clearly are those from the outside,the new comers,or the consultants.,Understanding corporate culture,The culture of an organization is typically created unconsciously,base on the values of the top management or the founders of the organization.,To be specific,corporate culture can be looked at as a system.,Inputs,include feedback from society,professions,laws,stories,heroes,values on competition or service,etc.The process is based on our assumptions,values and norms.,Outputs,or