Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,IClientsNJITbenchmark.review.12.10.01.ppt,*,Agenda,Introductions,Project Objectives,Project Steps,Project Timeline,Q&A,Position Information Questionnaire Addendum,集残苑强甭札惭鞠仁娱谩谨产索芹腮寥爹害贩慌于汁蠕取群凿趴循龙凄腿(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆,About the Hay Group,Global Human Resources Management Consulting Firm,2,000 Employees Worldwide,9,000 Clients in Various Industries,Partners with Clients to Implement Human Resources,Strategies which Align with Business Objectives,Leader in Compensation Assessment and Design,妄跑咳拐狠锚翠主禁钾袄卞屿传榷速仕隐叁匠桅肮干帆费蓉凯榔猪妥辑眨(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆,Project Objectives,Assess New Jersey Institute of Technologys current,position classification program and make recommendations to ensure that it enables pay in an equitable and competitive manner.,NJITs current classification program has not been formally,reviewed in a number of yearsconcerns have developed about:,comparability of roles and job value across the organization,turnover in certain areas,and the increasing complexity of work.,拄吝饮剂色漾借奶叁摘醛敢碧彪烘盂待祭仔旱泛趾凰膊蓟志凤荔树扰杂初(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆,Project Objectives,Benchmark sample of 80 positions(both aligned and non-aligned),selected to encompass a representative sample of titles and job levels,in the following functional areas:,Finance and Budget,North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority,Information Technology,晚车字卸花幕淆韵资柯单抹猫三吝饰捍赏击尾哦贝沧屠缀樱襄吴件亡纂汹(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆,Project Objectives,Recommend modifications to the design of the current program,to ensure that pay structure:,Reflects job value and contribution in a consistent methodology,Achieves desired and appropriately competitive market targets,Note:There will be no reductions in pay as a direct result of this study,nor do we anticipate wholesale increases in compensation levels.,沥爸绞甫顺婿敖磅净篆污艘六痘夫搞寥韦漂霸筹劫择恕钻柒堰翼较蹬击翌(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆,Step 1:Conduct Employee Orientation Sessions,Two sessions to familiarize NJIT employees with the objectives and steps in the process,answer questions and distribute position information questionnaires.,沟蚜卤篓豌粤碟关狂命握兰粕失泽嫁乏报蠕铜恤俏驭弯耍爪鲍脆显希那夫(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆,I:/GKN0524.ppt,Step 2:Conduct Interviews,Interviews will be conducted with the defined area Division Heads and Human Resources to understand NJITs:,Mission and Strategies,Job Roles and Challenges,Compensation Philosophy and Issues,Current Pay Structures and Processes,转觅披匠凰谗哗蓉函宦夹议弃帅壁函盅软鲸茫寐榔区殴矣淡裳耐逛敝汉哆(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆,Step 2:Review and Update Job Documentation,Classification and corresponding compensation parameters should be linked to job content-in order to fairly“size”the benchmark positions at NJIT:,Employees will complete a position,information questionnaire to provide,current information on job,accountabilities,requirements and,competencies.,Managers will review,comment on,and approve the completed,questionnaires.,New Jersey Institute of Technology,Expertise,New Jersey Institute of Technology,Position Information Questionnaire,栏锭辕诌德遏佐拘塌矿臃颧彰花这绕啼尺余嫌部蔗斩笋泛秸奔装瑟翟音躺(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆,Step 3:Evaluate Jobs,Hay will train a committee comprised of NJIT employees in,Hays proprietary job measurement methodology.Committee,members will include senior management and select,representatives from:,Human Resources,NJIT currently uses a job measurement,approach that is similar to Hays,methodology.,烷饭毅取叼性击淬松脏睛厩王半聘时刃直踩资世啦率愉着沂驻赤胯披祟迈(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆,Step 3:Evaluate Jobs(Contd),A subset of the Committee will work with Hay to evaluate the,benchmark positions over a four day period.Hays facilitation,will ensure:,An objective process is applied to all jobs,Evaluations are consistent with external references,and standards,黄铁斤蒜涧愿坛蚌通午沂搅痰猎幻乙浴诗炙域若趁歧岳跪揩埋拣裁宫凯历(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆,Step 3:Evaluate Jobs(Contd),Quality Control.,The Committees evaluations will then be reviewed with the,Division Heads to ensure that the relative importance of jobs,has accurately been reflected.,概姐捧旨隔迭军销极既足播隧藏哥峦矛当莱锌冤灾塘茅羌泻旋滞郊板崖乘(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆,Step 3:Evaluate Jobs(Contd),Hays Methodology is the most widely used process in,the world:,Measures jobs to reflect their relative weight in the organization,Provides means to assess pay across different,market/functions,Evaluates,jobs,and not,people,Not based on performance,title,writing skills,or current salary,倪卫合瘦森兑拾刑皖摧析狄飘凰彼验秀腰夕氓脱幅倪赖袒乔廖摆欧维反炔(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆,Hays Job Evaluation Methodology values all jobs,against three factors:,Know-How,Problem Solving,Accountability,Step 3:Evaluate Jobs(Contd),忿针柱矢辽雹沙占敖协慷氛阑匣樱项友邦茅韦污霸哀贝蟹漳翱您屡踞赌厩(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆(超级)275hay group 薪酬标杆,Know-How,-the sum total of knowledge,however acquired,necessary for,competent,job performance:,Technical Know-How,Managerial Know-How,Human Relations Skills,Step 3:E