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英语应用文写作Notices教学设计授课人:管庆红 教学背景: Background英语应用文写作是英语教学的一项重要内容,目的是让学生掌握一些应用文写作基础知识,学会英语中简单常用的应用文体的写法。教学应遵循“实用为主,够用为度”的原则。本章节介绍的是notices的写法:notices 包括通知、告示、启事等等,但本节主要介绍关于会议、讲座等的一般性通知的写法。考虑到中学学生的英语学力基础,为了让学生听懂、学会,授课老师需要采用中英文交互使用的授课方式,在具体讲解写法时用中文诠释,便于学生理解掌握,但整节课的教学用语依然以英语为主,从而保证学生在听懂的基础上又不失真实的英语语言环境。同时,运用模版归纳和范例讲解来增强学生对重点内容的印象,并通过集体练习帮助学生巩固所学写作知识。所授内容既要简单连贯又要重点突出。授课内容: Contents English Practical Writing Notices目的与要求: Teaching Target and Skills Development 1. Let students know what a notice is.2. Let students know how to write notices in three forms properly: letter form, notice form and poster form.重点、难点: Teaching FocusHow to write brief notices about meetings or daily activities, especially in bulletin form and poster form.教学方法: Teaching MethodsExpository method, demonstration method and practice method, etc.小 结: Summary Two questions: 1.What is a notice? 2. How to write a notice? Three forms: Letter Form, Bulletin Form and Poster Form.) Three elements of the body: activity, place and time.作 业: AssignmentsWrite a notice with the given information both in bulletin and in poster form. (Detailed information is in the end of the paper.)教学过程: Teaching ProcessStep 1 Introduction (概述授课内容) Brief introduce the main contents of the class: two questions about notices:1. What is a notice?2. How to write a notice? Point out the second question is the most important part.Step 2 Presentation & Practice (讲解与练习) In this step, the teacher will answer the two questions one by one and explain how to write a notice in detail. During this process, the teacher will take some methods such as sample explanation, format paraphrase and practice to deepen the students impression on the key contents.IWhat is a notice? 1. Notices 包括告示、启事、通知等,目的都是告诉公众某件事或某项活动。(分别给出一个例子)Sample 1:会议通知 English DepartmentNoticeAll teachers of the English Department are requested to meet in the college conference center on Friday, April 29, to discuss the mid-term teaching inspection. The meeting will begin at 1:30 p.m. April 20, 2007 LectureByPresident Lee WebsterFromHaihua International BusinessTravel Agency, ShanghaiOnWTO and Chinese TourismAt Room 101, Tianjin BuildingThursday, Nov. 19, 20088:30 a.m.Sample 2:讲座通知停水告示 Notice Notice is hereby given that the water supply is not available from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, owing to the repairs of the water pipes. General Affairs ServiceSample 3:Sample 4:订婚启事NOTICE OF ENGAGEMENTMr. and Mrs. Holand Walshman have the honour to announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lucy, to Mr. Samual Russell on Saturday, August 11, 2007.2. The Purpose of notices: To inform the public something or some activity. 目的是告诉公众某件事或某项活动。 II. How to write a notice? Introduce three forms of notices often used in brief notices: letter form (书信式), bulletin form (布告式) and poster form (广告式).1. Letter Form (书信式)此种通知的优点是能够详细地介绍相关信息,写作形式形同普通书信 ,但它通常会在正文的上方添加一个标题(Title)。2. Bulletin Form (布告式)此类通知形式相对比较正式,通知上方正中通常写上Notice或NOTICE(通知),具有四个特征:1)通常不用称呼,2)发通知的单位的具体名称可放在正文前,也可放在正文右下角处;3)通知的日期可写在右上角或左下角, 4)有时日期和单位名称均可省略。 正文部分至少应包括三项内容: 时间(Time); 地点(Place); 活动内容(Activity)。 Notice There will be an English Party in the School Hall at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 9, 2012. All the students and teachers are welcome. Students Union 3. Poster Form (广告式)广告式通知的写作形式简单多样,通常分行书写,居中排列。内容简洁,一般表达清楚了就行;经常可通过字体、颜色等突出主旨内容。在现实生活中很常见。 介绍两则校园通知范例取自美国电影“High School Musical”.(Organization 1)Notice/NOTICEActivityIs to be heldPlaceTime(Organization 2 )(Date) Format:(时间和发通知的单位可省略) 写作练习:试着将布告式的通知范例改写成广告式(将正文三要素填进 广告式模版相应的位置)错误范例 注意: 正确范例Notice/NOTICEAn English Party Is to be heldIn the School HallAt 2:30 p.m. On Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 NOTICEAn English PartyIs to be heldIn the School HallOn Friday, Nov. 9, 2012.At 2:30 p.m.广告式通知时间的表达通常遵循week-date-time的顺序。Step 3 Summary (总结) Two questions: 1.What is a notice? 2. How to write a notice? Three forms: Letter Form, Bulletin Form and Poster Form. Three elements of the body: activity, place and time.Step 4 Assignment (课后作业)请分别以布告式和广告式这两种文体写一则通知,具体信息如下: 时间:本周五(4月26日)晚上7:30-10:30 地点:足球场 活动内容:足球友谊赛(数学系&英语系) 举办单位:足球俱乐部 欢迎全体师生参加! 附: 练习答案(参考): Answers to the exercises:Bulletin Form: Notice Welcome all the students and teachers to the friendly football match to be held between Math Department and English Department on the football field on Friday, Apr. 26, 2013. The match may be from7:30 p.m. to 10:30p.m. Please be on time! Football Club NOTICEA Friendly Football MatchIs to be heldBetweenMath Department & English DepartmentOn the Football FieldOn Friday, Apr. 26, 2013From 7:30 p.m. to 10:30p.m.FOOTBALL CLUB Poster Form: 7


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