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To know about some famous s,4,Words:,hit, ancient, drum, ring, bell, enjoy, dish, tour, guide, move, sign,Phrases:,climb up, No photos!,Focus on,Words: Phrases:Focus on,5,How many famous places can you find from the video?,What kind of delicious food do you know about Xian?,视频欣赏,How many famous places can you,6,The Xian Circumvallation,西安城墙,西安明城墙位于陕西省西安市中心区,国家AAAA级景区,墙高12米,顶宽12-14米,底宽15-18米,轮廓呈封闭的长方形,周长13.74公里。城墙内人们习惯称为古城区,面积11.32平方公里,著名的西安钟鼓楼就位于古城区。,城墙有主城门四座:长乐门(东门),永宁门(南门),安定门(西门),安远门(北门),这四座城门也是古城墙的原有城门。从民国开始为方便出入古城区,先后新辟了数十四座城门,至今西安城墙已有城门18座。,The Xian Circumvallation 西安城墙,7,鼓楼,古时击钟报晨,击鼓报暮,因此有“晨钟暮鼓”之称。同时,夜间击鼓以报时,“三鼓”,就是“三更”,“五鼓”就是“五更”,一夜共报5次。明代的西安城周长11.9公里,面积为8.7平方公里,鼓楼地处西安城中部偏西南,为使鼓声能传遍全城,就必须建造高楼,设置大鼓。明、清两代,鼓楼周围大多是陕西行省、西安府署的各级衙门,这些衙门办公和四周的居民生活都离不开鼓声,鼓声亦成为当时人们最熟悉的悦耳之声了。李允宽所书写的“声闻于天”的匾额,画龙点睛,说明了鼓楼的实际意义。,The Drum Tower,Why did people build the Drum Tower?,鼓楼古时击钟报晨,击鼓报暮,因此有“晨钟暮鼓”之称。同时,夜,8,钟楼,据说,明太祖朱元璋登基后不久,关中一带连连发生地震,民间相传城下有条暗河,河里有条蛟龙,蛟龙在翻身,长安在震动。朱元璋怕了,心里感觉不踏实,于是想办法要压着它。道人术士们给他出了个主意,让在西安的城中心修一座钟楼,钟乃天地之音,可镇住蛟龙。为此,朱元璋专门修了一个全国最大的钟楼,并调来“天下第一名钟”景云钟前来助阵。,The Bell Tower,Why did people build the Bell Tower?,钟楼据说,明太祖朱元璋登基后不久,关中一带连连发生地震,民间,9,大雁塔被视为古都西安的象征。大雁塔是8世纪为保存玄奘法师由天竺经丝绸之路带回长安的经卷佛像而建。,大雁塔被视为古都西安的象征。大雁塔是8世纪为保存玄奘法师由天,10,Terra Cotta Warriors,Terra Cotta Warriors,11,Daming Palace National Heritage Park,大明宫国家遗址公园,大明宫,位于今西安北侧的龙首原。始建于公元634年,原名永安宫,是唐长安城的三座主要宫殿(大明宫、太极宫、兴庆宫)中规模最大的。自唐高宗起,先后有17位唐朝皇帝在此处理朝政,历时达二百余年。大明宫是当时全世界最辉煌壮丽的宫殿群,其建筑形式影响了当时东亚地区的多个国家宫殿的建设。大明宫占地350公顷,是明清北京紫禁城的4.5倍,被誉为千宫之宫、丝绸之路的东方圣殿。,2014年6月22日,在卡塔尔多哈召开的联合国教科文组织第38届世界遗产委员会会议上,唐长安城大明宫遗址作为中国、哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦三国联合申遗的“丝绸之路:长安-天山廊道路网”中的一处遗址点成功列入世界遗产名录。,Daming Palace National Heritag,12,Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor),秦始皇帝陵,Mausoleum of the First Qin Emp,13,Li Shan,骊山(l shn),又称“郦山”。是秦岭北侧的一个支脉,东西绵延20余公里,最高海拔1256米,远望山势如同一匹骏马,故名骊山。骊山是秦岭终南山世界地质公园的重要组成部分,国家森林公园,国家AAAA级旅游景区,全国重点文物保护单位。骊山温泉喷涌,风景秀丽多姿,自3000多年前的西周就成为帝王游乐宝地。周、秦、汉、唐以来,这里一直是游览胜地,曾营建过许多离宫别墅,吸引着各代游人。这里有被称为关中八景”之一的“骊山晚照”;烽火戏诸侯的“烽火台”;纪念西安事变的兵谏亭;纪念女娲补天的老母殿等。,Li Shan骊山(l shn),又称“郦山”。是秦岭北,14,烽火台,烽火台,15,骊山晚照,骊山晚照,16,老母殿,老母殿,17,Tang Paradise,西安大唐芙蓉园是国家AAAAA级旅游景区,全国首个全方位展示盛唐风貌的大型皇家园林式文化主题公园,是首个“五感”(即视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉、味觉)主题公园,拥有全球最大户外香化工程以及全球最大的水景表演展示。,大唐芙蓉园位于陕西省西安市曲江新区,建于原唐代芙蓉园遗址所在地,占地1000余亩,总投资13亿元。景区包括紫云楼、仕女馆、御宴宫、芳林苑、凤鸣九天剧院、杏园、陆羽茶社、唐市、曲江流饮等众多景点。,Tang Paradise 西安大唐芙蓉园是国家AAAAA级,18,Huaqing Palace Heritage Site,Huaqing Palace Heritage Site,19,陕西历史博物馆,Shaanxi History Museum,陕西历史博物馆馆藏文物370,000余件,上起远古人类初始阶段使用的简单石器,下至1840年前社会生活中的各类器物,时间跨度长达一百多万年。中国历史上强盛的周、秦、汉、唐等王朝曾在陕西西安附近建都,拥有丰富的文化遗存,深厚的文化积淀,文物数量多、种类全,品位高、价值广,其中有精美的商、周青铜器,千姿百态的历代陶俑,以及汉、唐金银器,唐墓壁画。堪称陕西悠久历史和文化的象征。陕西历史博物馆被誉为“华夏珍宝库”和“中华文明的瑰丽殿堂”。,陕西历史博物馆 Shaanxi History Museum,20,唐代壁画珍品馆,唐代壁画珍品馆,21,与陕西省地图轮,廓暗合的秦跪射俑,与陕西省地图轮,22,鸳鸯莲瓣纹金碗,鸳鸯莲瓣纹金碗,23,(biangbiang面),油泼辣子biangbiang面,bingbiang面是陕西关中民间传统风味面食,特指关中,麦子磨成的面粉,通常手工拉成长宽厚的面条。,(biangbiang面)油泼辣子biangbiang面 b,24,牛羊肉泡馍是西安市著名小吃,用优质牛羊肉加佐料入锅煮烂,汤汁备用。把烙好的“虎背菊花心”坨坨馍,掰成碎块,加辅料煮制而成。其特点是:肉烂汤浓、香醇味美、粘绵韧滑。,Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup,牛羊肉泡馍是西安市著名小吃,用优质牛羊肉加佐料入锅煮烂,汤汁,25,肉夹馍,Chinese hamburger,八宝稀饭,Eight Delicacies,Rice,水盆牛(羊)肉,Basin Beef or mutton,麻酱凉皮,Cold noodle with,sesame,粉蒸肉,Steamed pork,with rice and flour,肉夹馍八宝稀饭水盆牛(羊)肉麻酱凉皮粉蒸肉,26,Click it.,Click it.,27,Listen and choose.,What can you see in Xian?,Temple of Heaven,The Big Wild Goose Pagoda,The Drum Tower,Mogao Grottoes,The Bell Tower,Terra Cotta Warriors,1,p7,Listen and choose. What can yo,28,1) How long and how old is the wall,in Xian?,2) How old is the Big Wild Goose Pagoda?,3) What can you do in the Bell Tower?,4) What does Danny want to do? Can he,do it?,5) What does Jenny want to do? Can she do it?,Answer the following quesions.,1) It is about 12 kilometres long and,over 600 years old.,2) It is over 1 300 years old.,3) You can ring the ancient bell.,4) He wants to sit on one of the horses.,He cannot do it.,5) She wants to take photos.,She cannot do it.,2,p7,1) How long and how old is the,29,3,p7,ring,move,hit,enjoy,ancient,3p7ringmovehitenjoyancient,30,Translate the phrases into English.,爬上;攀登,禁止拍照,击鼓,敲古钟,享用特色菜,玩得开心,拍照,导游,climb up,No photos!,hit the drum,ring the ancient bell,enjoy the special dishes,have a lot of fun,take photos,tour guide,Translate the phrases into Eng,31,Fill in the blanks.,Welcome to Xian - the Walled City. It is about 12 kilometres long and over 600,years old. You can _ the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. It is over 1300 years old. You can _ the _ drum in the Drum Tower. You can also _ the ancient,_ in the Bell Tower. You can visit the famous Terra Cotta Warriors. Eat delicious food and _ the special _ of Xian. You will have a lot of fun in this ancient city!,climb up,hit,ancient,ring,bell,enjoy,dishes,Fill in the blanks.Welcome to,32,Read and try to recite the conversations in 5minutes.,Read and try to recite the con,33,Role-play,1.,Role play the conversation,in groups;,2.,Role play the conversation,in front of the class,Lets see which group does the best.,Role-play1. Role play the conv,34,Group Work,Work in groups and find some information about other places in Xian. Then do a role-play. One or two students can be the tour guides and the rest of the group can be the tourists.,Task Tips:,What is the name of the place?,How old is it?,Why is it special?,What interesting things can you see or do there?,Group WorkWork in groups and f,35,Welcome to the Bell Tower.,Can I ring the ancient bell in the Bell Tower?,How exciting! There are so many delicious food around here! We can enjoy the Chinese hamburger. May I take photos?,For example:,Yes, you can.,Yes, of course.,Welcome to the Bell Tower. Can,36,Language points,Language points,37,1. You can,climb up,the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.,climb up 爬上;攀登,Cats often find it easier to,climb up,a tree than to climb down.,猫儿爬树往往是爬上去比爬下来容易些。,1. You can climb up the Big Wi,38,ring,作动词,意思是“,敲(钟);打电话;按(铃);鸣;响,”。,As soon as he got home, the phone,rang,.,他一到家,电话就响了。,Would you,ring,me as soon as you find out?,你一查清就给我打电话好吗?,ring 也可用作名词。,2. You can also,ring,the ancient bell in the Bell Tower.,ring 作动词,意思是“敲(钟);打电话;按(铃);鸣;响,39,3. over,prep,. 越过;在之上,adj,. 结束的,They are,over,2, 000 years old.,它们有2,000多年了。,(用作介词),There is a bridge,over,the river.,河上有座桥。,(用作介词),Winter is,over,. It is spring now,.,冬天过去了。春天到了。,(用作形容词),3. over prep. 越过;在之上,40,【探究总结】,over的用法,【探究总结】over的用法,41,【学以致用】,Its,more than,6, 500 kilometres long.,about B. a little,C. over D. on,【学以致用】,42,fun,在此处用作名词,意为“,乐趣;有趣的人(事物),”,。,fun,也可以作形容词。fun作形容词时多用于口语,意为“,有趣的,令人愉快的,”。,We have so much fun!,我们玩儿得开心极了!(名词),Swimming is so fun!,游泳很有趣!(形容词),4. You will have a lot of,fun,here in this ancient city!,fun 在此处用作名词,意为“乐趣;有趣的人(事物)”。 4,43,1. Lucy _ (按) the bell but no one answers.,2. Lets go and _ _ (爬) the mountain this week.,2. The children _ _ _ _ _ _ (玩得很开心) in the park this weekend. (用适当的时态完成句子),按要求完成下面题目。,rings,climb up,will have a lot of fun,1. Lucy _ (按) the bell but,44,Now 2 mins to test your spelling.,Spelling Bee,1.,English-Chinese,bell pit guide,2.,Chinese-English,招牌;记号 喜欢;享受.乐趣,菜肴;盘,碟 旅游;游行,When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.,Now 2 mins to test your spelli,45,I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式。,1. I,h,_ him and he quickly countered (反,击).,2. People have lived in this valley (山谷),since _ (古老的) times.,3. I stood at the front door and _ (按),the _ (铃) several times.,it,ancient,rang,bell,Quiz,注: word 文档,点击此处链接,I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式。1. I h_ him a,46,4. Come on, why arent you dancing?,E,_ yourselves!,5. A bus took us on a sightseeing _,(观光旅游) of the city.,6. We hired a _ (导游) to take us up,into the mountains.,7. Im so cold I cant _ (移动) my,fingers.,njoy,tour,guide,move,4. Come on, why arent you dan,47,II Translate the sentences into English.,1. 这是你第一次参观巴西吗?,2. 这座塔有八百多米高。,3. 我弟弟可以爬上这棵树。,4. 博物馆里写着 “禁止拍照”。,5. 杰尼在西安玩得很开心。,1. Is it your,first,time to visit Brazil?,2. The tower is,over,eight hundred,metres high.,3. My brother can,climb up,the tree.,4. It says “,No photos,” in the museum.,5. Jenny,has a lot of fun,in Xian.,II Translate the sentences int,48,1. Search the Internet and find out more information about Xian.,2. Preview Lesson 4:,A Visit to Lanzhou,Homework,1. Search the Internet and fin,49,


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