Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,React to Indirect Fire While Dismounted,071-326-0510,Standards:,Reacted to each situation by shouting Incoming,followed the leadersdirections,if available.Took or maintained cover.,Conditions:,You are a member(without leadershipresponsibilities)of asquador team.Youare eitherin a defensive positionor moving onfoot.You hear incomingrounds,shells exploding or passingoverhead,or someone shoutingincoming.,PerformanceSteps,Shoutincoming in a loud,easily recognizablevoice.,Look to yourleader foradditional instructions.,Remainin your defensiveposition(if appropriate),making no unnecessary movementsthat could alert the enemy toyour location.,Take cover outsidethe impactarea(if youare in an exposedposition ormoving),keepingthe body lowif the leader isnot insight.,PerformanceSteps,Shoutincoming in a loud,easily recognizablevoice.,Look to yourleader foradditional instructions.,Remainin your defensiveposition(if appropriate),making no unnecessary movementsthat could alert the enemy toyour location.,Take cover outsidethe impactarea(if youare in an exposedposition ormoving),keepingthe body lowif the leader isnot insight.,PerformanceSteps,Shoutincoming in a loud,easily recognizablevoice.,Look to yourleader foradditional instructions.,Remainin your defensiveposition(if appropriate),making no unnecessary movementsthat could alert the enemy toyour location.,Take cover outsidethe impactarea(if youare in an exposedposition ormoving),keepingthe body lowif the leader isnot insight.,PerformanceSteps,Shoutincoming in a loud,easily recognizablevoice.,Look to yourleader foradditional instructions.,Remainin your defensiveposition(if appropriate),making no unnecessary movementsthat could alert the enemy toyour location.,Take cover outsidethe impactarea(if youare in an exposedposition ormoving),keepingthe body lowif the leader isnot insight.,Checkon Learning,What is theFirstPerformanceStep?,Take cover outsidethe impactarea(if youare in an exposedposition ormoving),keepingthe body lowif the leader isnot insight.,Look to yourleader foradditional instructions.,Remainin your defensiveposition(if appropriate),making no unnecessary movementsthat could alert the enemy toyour location.,Shoutincoming in a loud,easily recognizablevoice.,Checkon Learning,What is theFirstPerformanceStep?,Take cover outsidethe impactarea(if youare in an exposedposition ormoving),keepingthe body lowif the leader isnot insight.,Look to yourleader foradditional instructions.,Remainin your defensiveposition(if appropriate),making no unnecessary movementsthat could alert the enemy toyour location.,Shoutincoming in a loud,easily recognizablevoice.,Checkon Learning,What is theFourthPerformanceStep?,Take cover outsidethe impactarea(if youare in an exposedposition ormoving),keepingthe body lowif the leader isnot insight.,Look to yourleader foradditional instructions.,Remainin your defensiveposition(if appropriate),making no unnecessary movementsthat could alert the enemy toyour location.,Shoutincoming in a loud,easily recognizablevoice.,Checkon Learning,What is theFirstPerformanceStep?,Take cover outsidethe impactarea(if youare in an exposedposition ormoving),keepingthe body lowif the leader isnot insight.,Look to yourleader foradditional instructions.,Remainin your defensiveposition(if appropriate),making no unnecessary movementsthat could alert the enemy toyour location.,Shoutincoming in a loud,easily recognizablevoice.,Reference,STP 21-1-SMCT,FM 21-75,Reactto IndirectFire While Dismounted,071-326-0510,