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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Book 5 Module 1-Module 6,知识点串点记忆,莘县一中 常林,The linguists,who study linguistics,say American English,1,有相似之处,with British English.That is,the former,2,与,相似,the latter.But in fact,they,3,有区别,in many ways.First,they have differences in vocabulary.For example,people,4,四处走动,in London by underground,while in New York by,5,subway,.Besides,the same word has a,6,稍微的,different meaning,which can be,7,令人困惑的,.Second,the differences between them exist in grammar and prepositions.Third,there are also differences between the two,8,种类,in spelling and pronunciation,.,9,和,相比,British Englishs spelling,American Englishs spelling seems simpler.The work of Noah,10,有影响,leading to this variation.Noah,11,简化了,some words spelling and made them have a,12,distinctive,American look.He wrote a dictionary,introducing lots of new American words,pronunciation,use and new spelling.Although British,13,批评,it and werent,14,支持,these changes,it,15,迅速地,became popular among Americans thanks to Noahs,16,努力,.The dictionary became a standard,17,参考,book in the USA.,The linguists,who study linguistics,say American English,has a lot in common,with British English.That is,the former,is similar to,the latter.But in fact,they,differ,in many ways.First,they have differences in vocabulary.For example,people,get around,in London by underground,while in New York by,subway,.Besides,the same word has a,slightly,different meaning,which can be,confusing,.Second,the differences between them exist in grammar and prepositions.Americans use in the team while the British use on the team.Third,there are also differences between the two,varieties,in spelling and pronunciation.,Compared with,British Englishs spelling,American Englishs spelling seems simpler.The work of Noah,made a difference,leading to this variation.Noah,simplified,some words spelling and made them have a distinctive American look.He wrote a dictionary,introducing lots of new American words,pronunciation,use and new spelling.Although British,criticized,it and werent,in favor of,these changes,it,rapidly,became popular among Americans thanks to Noahs,attempt,.The dictionary became a standard,reference,book in the USA.,My neighbor,Mr.Lee,used to be a barber and had a,1,满意的,job.But three years ago,he,2,遭遇,a terrible accident near his home because a truck driver didnt,3,遵守,the traffic rules.The crossroads was very busy,4,in particular,at rush hours.Mr.Lee,5,had a close encounter with,death and the accident,6,有深远的影响,him.Thanks to his,7,外向的个性,he didnt lose heart.He felt it was his,mission,to make people obey the traffic rules.,After recovery,Mr.Lee,8,申请,a post as a traffic policeman but got refused,because he wasnt be,9,合格的,for the job.But he was allowed to be a temporary rather than permanent worker.Mr.Lee,10,签署一份合同,but now doesnt,11,earn,much.Mr.Lee realizes that its,12,essential,for everyone to respect the traffic rules.Every day,Mr.lee,13,占据,his place in the street,14,指挥交通,.Some people who pass by,15,注意到,him and feel very strange,but with time going by,they,16,认为,理所当然,Mr.Lee does this.Sometimes,he helps the elderly or kids cross the street and they are,17,grateful,to him.He also requires everyone to obey the traffic rules.,18,对,回应,his work,people who often pass by the crossroads never break the rules.,19,In practice,the toll here has dropped to zero.,My neighbor,Mr.Lee,used to be a barber and had a,satisfying,job.But three years ago,he,suffered from,a terrible accident at a crossroads near his home because a truck driver didnt,respect,the traffic rules.The crossroads was very busy,in particular,at rush hours.Mr.Lee,had a close encounter with,death and the accident,had a profound effect on,him.Thanks to his,outgoing personality,he didnt lose heart.He felt it was his,mission,to make people obey the traffic rules.,After recovery,Mr.Lee,applied for,a post as a traffic policeman but got refused,because he wasnt be,qualified,for the job.But he was allowed to be a temporary rather than permanent worker.Mr.Lee,signed a contract,but now doesnt earn much.Mr.Lee realizes that its essential for everyone to respect the traffic rules.Every day,Mr.lee,takes up,his place in the street directing the traffic.Some people who pass by,take notice of,him and feel very strange,but with time going by,they,take it granted that,Mr.Lee does this.Sometimes,he helps the elderly or kids cross the street and they are,grateful,to him.He also requires everyone to obey the traffic rules.,In response to,his work,people who often pass by the crossroads never break the rules.,In practice,the toll here has dropped to zero.,Module 3,Mark twain,one of Americas greatest writers,1.,建立,his,reputation,for his great works.His novel,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,3.,以,为背景,the USA in the 19th century,is in fact his auto-,.4.,biography,rather than a,5.,fiction,he,6.,创造,.That is,his own life,7.,r


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