(精品)广州版牛津英语九年级上U2 Hair Care , Speaking & Writing

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(精品)广州版牛津英语九年级上U2 Hair Care , Speaking & Writing_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,Page,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Speaking,Showing interest and changing the topic,Questions showing interest,(,升调,),Really? Is that so?,Exclamations showing interest,(,降调,),No!I dont believe it!,Change the topic:,By the way ,Practice A 1 on page 25, and pay,attention to :,Really?,Is that so?,No!,By the way ,Finish A2,A: You know , I had my hair done,yesterday as well.,B: _,A: Yes, It only cost me,¥,10.,Really?,B: _,A: I got it done at a small shop around the,corner.,B: _,A: They didnt do a good job,however. They cut it too short.,I dont believe it!,No!,B:_,A: The hairdresser was very nice,though.,B: _, have you done,your homework?,Is that so?,By the way,Useful expressions,At home./ At the “Golden Scissors” Salon in our neighbourhood.,Nothing.,/,Ten,yuan,.,Once/ twice/ three times a month/year.,He /She cuts/washes/dries my hair.,Yes/No, he/she is excellent/ not very good/ terrible.,Survey about your hair,A: Excuse me. I am doing a survey,about hair and hairdressers for,our school magazine. _,mind answering a few questions?,B: No problem. What can I help you,with?,Would you,A: _ cut your hair?,B: At the “Golden Scissors” Salon.,A: _ cost?,B: 10,yuan,.,A: How often _?,B: Once a month.,Where do you,How much does it,do you have it cut,A: What _,_,_?,B: He cuts and washes my hair.,A: Does he do a good job?,B: Yes, he is excellent.,does the hairdresser do,B4 Complete the report below.,I interviewed _ people in my survey.,_ have their hair cut at _,_. On average, they pay _,yuan,. They go _ times a _. The,hairdresser usually _ their hair.,_ feel that their hairdressers are,_ and _ would _ them,to other people.,four,They,The salon in their,neighbourhood,10,very good,12,year,wash and cut,Most people,they,recommend,Language points,How often do you have it cut? (P26),你多久理发一次?,解析: 区别,how often,,,how long,和,how soon,:,how often,意为“多久”,用来询问做某事的频率,,回答时常用“,once a week,,,every day”,等表示频,率的短语。,how long,意为“多久、多长时间”,用来询问做某,事的时间长短,回答时常用“,(for)+,时间段”或,“,since+,时间点”等表示时间长短的短语。,how soon,意为“多久、多快”,用来询问做某事的时间快慢,回答时常用,“,in+,时间段”,表示“多长时间之后”。,请对比:,How often,do you go to see your grandparents?, Once a week.,你多久去看你爷爷奶奶一次?,一周一次。,How long,will you plan to stay there?, (For) two days.,你计划在那里呆多久?,两天。,How soon,will you be back?, In two hours.,你多久会回来?,两个小时后。,Writing,Read the conversation, and then complete the e-mail,Connie: Ive hurt my foot.,Doctor: How did you hurt it?,Connie: I fell on my way to the,salon this morning.,Doctor: You need to see a specialist.,Ill ring the hospital to make an,appointment for you.,(a little later),Right, Connie. Theyll see you at 11:30 tomorrow morning.,“,Mrs. Harrison” Tomorrows appointment,Dear _,I am writing to tell you that I cannot do,your hair tomorrow.,This morning I fell on my way,_,_,_ and _,_,_ foot.,Mrs Harrison,to the salon,Ive hurt my,My doctor told me that I needed to,_. He made,_ for me for tomorrow,_,_,_,at _,_,_.,I hope to see you again at a later date.,Regards,see a specialist,an appointment,morning,11:30,Connie,Write an e-mail to your piano teacher, Ms Liu, that you cannot go to your piano lesson. Use the notes to help .,Last Sunday,/ fell off my bicycle,damaged a tooth /,father told me / see a dentist,made an appointment,/,Tuesday,afternoon / 4 p.m.,Dear Ms Liu,I am writing to tell you that I cannot go to the piano lesson on Tuesday afternoon.,I fell off my bicycle last Sunday and damaged a tooth.,My father told me that I had to see a,dentist. He made an appointment for,me for Tuesday afternoon at 4 p.m.,I hope to see you again next week.,Regards,*,写作导引,假如你是韩枚,请根据下面内容提示给你的美容,师娟娟写一封取消预约的电子邮件,词数,:60-80,。,预约,后天做美容,取消预约原因,妈妈早上擦窗户摔倒,伤了腰,(waist),,需要卧床几天,在家照顾她,再约时间,本周日,【,谋篇布局,】,本习作是一封电子邮件,所以要按照电子邮件的格式来写;再有,本习作的内容是取消约会,所以要注意其顺序:说明取消约会的原因。希望再约。,【,谴词造句,习作中会用到哪些常用的句子?请想一想,Dear Juan,Juan,I am writing to tell you that I cannot do the facial the day after tomorrow. My mother fell off and hurt her waist when she was cleaning the window this morning. The doctor said that she needs to stay in bed for a few days. So I have to take care of her at home.,I hope to do the facial this Sunday.,Regards,Han,Mei,【,点评,】,本篇习作格式规范,小作者在习作中能注意顺序:先直截了当地告之取消预约,然后说明原因,最后表示再约。同时小作者还能灵活运用了所学过的句型,如:,I am writing to tell you that.,;,I hope to do.,;,The doctor said that .,等。可以说是一篇佳文。,不过习作中有,两处错误,:,(1)fall off,的意思是“从,掉下来”,后面要接宾语,而,fall down,则是“跌倒”之意,所以此处改为,fell down,会更好。,(2) The doctor said that she needs .,是宾语从句,主句谓语是一般过去时,从句的谓语时态也要用过去的某种时态,所以从句中,needs,应该改成,needed,。,


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