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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4,Public transport,单元总结,Words,convey, arise, violate, fine, cab, tyre,interval, crash, ferry, architect, section,postpone, ownership, receptionist,undertake, enlarge, tram, split, cyclist,rail, turning, choke, authority, enquiry,brake, platform, anniversary, growth,minister, handful, timetable, outer,Words,reservation, port, departure, minibus,beer, load, crossing, horse-drawn,unfortunately, punctual, unbelievable,pedestrian, drunk, aggressive, annual,traffic jam, via, user-friendly,Expressions,drop off, link up, speed up, fill in,at (.) intervals, put through,in addition to, as well as, lead to,decide on / upon, put off, turn up,pay attention to, apply to, split up,in particular, a handful of, in total,give approval to, under repair,depend on / rely on, drive away,an invitation to sth. / sb., listen for,Expressions,wash up, take down, arise from, in,connection with, be aimed at,in honour of, pick up, break out,watch out for, come up with,be related to, be aware of,in good condition, refer to,allow sb. sth., be true of, make out,have a responsibility to do sth. /,take the responsibility to do sth.,Patterns,1. 倒装句(Below are +主语),2. Why not do sth.?,3. Its recommended to do sth. / that .,4. Its up to sb. to do sth.,5. Its possible to do sth.,Grammar,短语动词,知识清单,1,n,. (常规) 路线,2,vt,. 运送,输送;表达,3,prep,. 经由,经过(某一地,方);通过,凭借,4,vt,. 延迟,延期,5,n,. 间隔,间隙,6,v,. 承担,从事;承诺,答应,7,v,. 扩大,扩展,增大,8,n,. 少量的人或物;一把(的量),convey,route,via,postpone,undertake,enlarge,handful,interval,单词,(一) 基本单词,9,vi,.&,vt,. 分割,(使)分开;撕开,,割破,10,adj,. 每年的,一年一次的,11,n,. 离开,出发;背离,违反,12,vi,. 出现,产生,13,n,.,&,v,. 撞车;碰撞;倒闭;崩溃,14,vt,. 处以罚金,15,adj,. 喝醉的,n,. 醉汉,酒鬼,16,n,. 负荷,负载;大量,许多,vt,. 装载,装上,装入,split,annual,departure,arise,load,crash,fine,drunk,17,adv,. 遗憾地,不幸地,,可惜地,adj,. 不幸的,可惜的,18,adj,. 令人难以置信的,v,. 相信,认为,n,相信;信念,19,n,增加,增长;成长,生长,v,. 种植;增长;成长;生长,20,n,预订,预约;保留意见,v,保留;预订;储备,n,贮藏(物);储备,unbelievable,believe,unfortunately,unfortunate,growth,grow,reservation,reserve,belief,(二) 派生单词,21,adj,. 准时的,守时的,adv,. 准时地,n,准时,守时,22,n,询问,咨询;调查,查,究,探究,v,询问,咨询;调查,23,adj,. 好斗的,挑畔的,富有攻,击性的,n,侵略,攻击,24,v,违反,违犯;侵犯,n,违反,违犯;侵犯,punctual,punctually,punctuality,enquiry,enquire,aggressive,aggression,violate,violation,1,中途下客或卸货,2,联合,连接,3,每隔距离或时间,4,给某人接通(电话);,使经历,5,决定,选定,6,推迟,推延;使反感,7,出现,到来;调高,(音量等),drop off,link up,at (.) intervals,put through,decide on/upon,put off,turn up,短语,8,填写(表格);消磨(时间),9,少数的,少量的,10,分组,分解;分离,11,(使)加速,12,起因于,由,引起,13,堵车,交通堵塞,fill in,a handful of,split up,speed up,arise from,traffic jam,1. Having seen the situation, a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes, undertook improving the system in 1902 by obtaining ownership of the many different lines and setting up the Underground Electric Railways Company of London.,句式, 【句析】,此句是一个_句。,简单,2. The number of road accidents and the,deaths arising from those accidents has,increased over the past year., 【句析】,此句是一个_句。,简单,核心要点,1. convey,v,.,_,【归纳】,convey ones feelings/emotions/meanings,表达某人的感情/情感/意思,convey sth. to sb.,向某人表达/传递,convey sb./sth. from A to B,把某人或某物从A地运送到B地,convey that .,传达,表明,运送,输送;表达;传达;转让(财产),单词, I found it hard _ in,words.,我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。, _ her.,请代我向她表示祝贺。, Wires _ power,stations to the users.,电线将电流从发电站传送到用户。, Her behavior _ she had a,warm heart.,她的行为说明她有副热心肠。,to convey my feelings,Convey my congratulations to,convey electricity from,conveyed that,【运用】,2. postpone,v,.,_,【归纳】,postpone sth. to/until .,把事情推迟到,postpone doing sth.,耽搁/推迟做某事,延迟,延期;使延迟, The game has already _,three times.,这场比赛已经三度延期了。, They _ because of the,weather.,他们因天气原因而延期离开。, The sports meeting will _,the following Saturday because of the rain.,由于下雨,运动会将推迟到下周六。,been postponed,be postponed to,postponed leaving,【运用】,3. undertake,v,.,_,【归纳】,undertake a task,承担任务,undertake an attack,发动进攻,undertake to do sth.,答应/同意做某事,undertake that .,承诺,承担,从事;承诺,答应, He _ the job by Friday.,他答应星期五之前完成这项工作。, I repeat that we cannot _.,我再说一遍,我们不能承担这项任务。, She _ the,whole scheme.,她负责整个计划的组织工作。, I can _ you will enjoy the,play.,我保证你会喜欢这个剧。,undertook the organization of,undertake the task,undertook to finish,undertake that,【运用】,【归纳】,split up,分组;分解;分离,,解散;绝交,split (up) with sb.,与断绝关系,分手,split sb. up,拆散某人,split (up) into .,分开(成几部分),split sth. between .,分摊,分配,4. split,v,.,_,分割,(使)分开;撕开,割破, John has just _ his girlfriend.,约翰刚刚跟女朋友吹了。, The arrow just _.,箭把苹果分成两半。, Profits _ three,companies.,利润将在3个公司之间分配。,split up with,split the apple in half,will be split between,【运用】,5. reservation,n,_,【归纳】,make a reservation,预订,without reservation,毫无保留地,【拓展】,reserve,vt,.,保留;预订;储备,n,.,贮藏(物);储备,reserve sth. for sb.,为某人准备某物,in reserve,备用,预订,预约;保留意见, Ill call the restaurant and _.,我要给饭店打个电话预订座位。, The instruction should be carried out,_.,这个指令应当毫无疑问的彻底执行。, You will find a little stack of candles,_.,你会发现一小堆备用蜡烛。, Id like _ Sunday,night at eight.,我想预订一个星期日晚上八点的位子。,make a reservation,without any reservation,in reserve,to reserved a table for,【运用】,6. punctual,adj,.,_,准时的,守时的,【归纳】,be punctual for .,在方面很守时,be punctual to the minute,一分不差, She has been _.,她一直可靠守时。, I have to go now because I must,_ class.,我现在不得不走了,因为我得按时去上课。, We can not guarantee _,of trains in foggy weather.,雾天我们不能担保火车准点到达。,reliable and punctual,be punctual for,the punctual arrival,【运用】,7. arise (arose, arisen),v,.,_,【归纳】,arise from ,arise out of,由引起/产生,if the need arises,如果有需要,出现,产生, _ in the,course of their experiment.,在他们进行实验的过程中,出现了意想不到,的困难。, _ in the night.,夜间刮起强风。, Accidents _ carelessness.,意外事件可能因疏忽而引起。, A mist _ the lake.,湖上起雾了。,Unexpected difficulties arose,A strong wind arose,can arise from,arose from,【运用】,8. load,n,.,_,v,. _,【归纳】,a load of ,loads of,大量的,许多,(修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词),take a load off ones mind,消除某人的思想负担,load up (with sth.),装上,装入,load sth. into/onto .,把,某物装入(到),负荷,负载;大量,许多,装载,装上,装入, Her recovery _ my mind.,她恢复健康,使我卸下心中重担。, The truck is carrying _.,那辆卡车运载着大量的橘子。, He climbed the hill _,his shoulder.,他背着重物登山。, He helped me _ my furniture _,the truck.,他帮我把家具装上卡车。,took a load off,a load of oranges,with a heavy load on,load,onto,【运用】,1. put through,_,【归纳】,put off,推迟,延迟,put up,张贴;建造,搭起,put away,收起来放好,储蓄,put back,放回,拨回(钟表指针),put on,穿(戴)上,上演,增加(体重),put forward,提出,拨快(钟表指针),给接通(电话);使经历;完成,使成功,短语, At last we successfully _ the business deal.,最终我们成功地完成了这桩交易。, Never _ till tomorrow what you can do today.,今日事今日毕。, Its time _ those foolish ideas.,是该放弃那些愚蠢的想法了。,put off,to put away,put through,【运用】, The clock has _ half an hour.,钟拨快了半小时。, He _ a constructive suggestion.,他提出了一个建设性的意见。,been put forward,put forward,2. speed up,_,【归纳】,at high/low/full/top speed,以高/低/全/最高速,at a speed of .,以速度,with all speed,尽快地,reduce speed,减速,pick up speed,加速,(使)加速, Whats _ on the motorway?,高速公路的速度限制是多少?, He drove the car _ through the,town.,他驾驶汽车全速穿过那座城镇。, The hurricane has _ 73 miles per,hour.,飓风每小时73英里。, Wed better _ if we want to get,there in time.,如果我们想准时到达那里,我们最好加快速,度。,the speed limit,at full speed,a speed of,speed up,【运用】,3. arise from sth.,= arise out of (由)引起;,(因)产生,【运用】,injuries _ a road accident,道路交通事故造成的伤害,Emotional or mental problems can _ a physical cause.,身体上的原因可以引起情绪或精神上的问题。,arising out of,arise from,4. decide on/upon 决定;选定,【拓展】,decide between A and B,= decide against sth.,对作出抉择;,决定;选定,decide for/ against sb.,裁决;判决,1. Having seen the situation, a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes, undertook improving the system in 1902 by obtaining ownership of the many different lines and setting up the Underground Electric Railways Company of London.,句式, 【句析】,此句是一个_句。Having seen the situation作_;现在分词短语improving the system作undertook的_语;分词短语obtaining ownership of the many different lines and setting up the Underground Electric Railways Company of London作介词by的_语。,简单,时间状语,宾,宾,2. The number of road accidents and the,deaths arising from those accidents has,increased over the past year., 【句析】,此句是一个_句。现在分词arising from those accidents短语作_的_。,简单,the deaths,后置定语,语法,短语动词用法小结,1. 短语动词是由,动词、介词或副词,通过一定的结合而组成的。,短语动词的构成,主要有如下几种:,动词+副词,:如:,a. My uncle is leaving for Yunnan tomorrow and I will see him off at the airport.,b. The man refused to give out any information.,常见的这类短语动词还有:,fall behind, break out, think over, put down,等。,动词+介词,:如:,a. Because of my poor health, I ask for a long holiday.,b. Would you care for another drink?,常见的这类短语动词还有:,call on, work on, go over, die from, look after,等。,动词+副词+介词,:如:,a. You must work hard to catch up with other students.,b. Anyone who swims in the river in such weather will end up with a stomach upset.,常见的这类短语动词还有:,do away with, go in for, look forward to, add up to, get on with,等。,注意:有些短语动词中包含名词,其结构为“,动词+名词+介词,”,如:,a. When we were young, we were often reminded to pay attention to our table manners.,b. I believe my son took no part in the fighting.,有些语言学家不把它们归入短语动词范围内,但它们的作用和短语动词相似,。常见的这类短语动词还有:,get rid of, catch hold of, make use of, catch sight of, take pride in,等。,2. 有些短语动词的用法与,及物动词类似,,有些则与,不及物动词类似,(不及物短语动词没有被动语态),如:,a. I ran across some old pictures while I was cleaning the cupboard.,b. If you are willing to wait, the price may go down.,3. 在由“,动词+副词,”构成的短语动词中,,宾语既可置于副词前,也可置于副词后,,但,如果宾语是代词,它必须置于动词和副词之间,,如:,a. She picked out a navy blue dress.,b. We should have won support. But we threw the chance away.,c. Always look your paper through before handing it in.,4. 在由“,动词+介词,”构成的短语动词中,,介词的宾语总是置于介词后,,如:,a. All living things depend on the sun and water for their growth.,b. I have to begin with an apology.,5.,许多短语动词一词多义,,如:,a. Tom made up an excuse for his strange behavior.,b. They made my face up to look like a clown.,c. Im paying 500 dollars and Andy is making up the rest.,d. In my opinion, you should forget your differences and make up.,e. Women make up 40 percent of the workforce.,make up 在a中意为“编造”; 在b中意为“给化妆”;在c中意为“补足,凑够”;在d中意为“言归于好”;在e中意为“组成”,。,【即学即用】单项填空。,1. My uncle hasnt been able to quit smoking, but at least he has _.(陕西 2013),A. cut out B. cut down,C. cut up D. cut off,2. Butterflies _ a sweet liquid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect.(湖北 2013),A. carry on B. feed on,C. put on D. focus on,B,B,3. In much of the animal world, night is the time _ for sleep pure and simple.,(湖北 2013),A. set aside B. set down,C. set off D. set up,4. I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasnt able to _.(天津2013),A. get away B. drop in,C. check out D. hold on,A,A,5. Mother always complains that children _ their shoes very quickly.,(江西2013),A. find out B. wash out,C. wear out D. set out,C,巩固练习,I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)。,1. Jane is always p_, but her friend is always late.,2. An a_ is a person who designs buildings and advises in their construction.,3. Far more information can be c_ through a good photograph than through plain words.,punctual,architect,conveyed,4. At lunchtime the streets were c_ with traffic and it took me one hour to drive home.,5. The event has been p_ due to lack of interest.,6. The i_ between the old mans various illnesses grew shorter and shorter.,7. The house was quiet again, after the noise of their _ (离开).,choked,postponed,intervals,departure,8. The taxi driver quickly drove back to the hotel and learned from the _ ( 接待员) that the couple, who had left the handbag in his taxi, just went into the elevator.,receptionist,II. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。,1. Workers and employees shared deep _ (reserve) about the wisdom of the governments plans for the industry.,2. The company was returned to private _ (own) in 2013.,3. Stewart could not remember exactly why he had done the silly thing because he was so _ (drink).,4. Take the third _ (turn) on the left after the traffic lights.,reservations,ownership,drunk,turning,III. 用方框中短语动词的适当形式填空,使每组的两个句子句意相近。,come over, come back to, stay up, rocket up, eat up, wake up, go on, get down to,take away, ring up, go for, come up with,1. Ill eat what you cant finish.,I can _ all the food left over.,2. Are you on a diet?,Are you _ a diet?,3. Come here and have a taste of this.,_ and taste this.,4. We start to make dinner.,We _ preparing dinner.,5. Are you fond of cooking?,Do you _ cooking?,eat up,going on,Come over,get down to,go for,6. House prices are rising sharply this year.,House prices are _ this year.,7. Have you phoned the remover to help us move?,Have you _ the remover to help us move?,8. This medicine should remove some of the pain.,This medicine should _ some of the pain _.,rocketing up,rung up,take,away,9. Its unhealthy for you to keep late hours.,_ late will do you harm.,10. I am woken by my mother each day.,Every day my mother comes to _ me,_.,11. We will make a practical overseas study,plan for clients.,We will _ a practical plan for,the clients who want to study abroad.,12. I will return to China after my graduation.,I will _ China when I finish,my studies.,Staying up,wake,come up with,come back to,up,IV. 单项填空。,1. Caroline doesnt have a gift for music, but she _ it with hard work. (2014大纲全国卷),A. goes back on B. takes away from,C. makes up for D. catches up with,2. As a grassroots singer, she reads everything she can _ concerning music, and takes every opportunity to improve herself. (福建2014),A. catch sight of B. get hold of,C. take charge of D. make mention of,C,B,3. Ive been trying to phone Charles all evening, but there must be something wrong with the network; I cant seem to _. (湖北2014),A. get through B. get off,C. get in D. get along,4. Is this your necklace, Mary? I _ it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning. (湖北2014),A. came across B. dealt with,C. looked after D. went for,A,A,5. Dad, I dont think Oliver the right sort of,person for the job.,I see. Ill go right away and _.,(江苏2014),A. pay him back B. pay him off,C. put him away D. put him off,B,


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