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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Language Focuses For Unit2 Module7,By He Yi-xin,so,not,ever,any,possible,necessary,only,and when,1. if,要是这样的话,如果不是这样,如果曾经是这样的话,即便有,如果有可能,如果有必要,要是该多好,只有,There are few among us who idle away our time, _.,_ you addict yourself to your study, you can achieve your goal.,Try hard. _, you will fall behind.,if any,If and when,If not,doing,to do,ones eyes,ones luck/fortune,for sth,sb for sth,on,sth out on,out for,2. try,尝试做,努力做,损伤眼睛,使眼睛劳累,碰运气,力图获得,因审问/判某人,试穿,在身上做试验,参加选拔,Dont _ your eyes by using the computer too long.,The drug has not been _ on humans.,The young man was _ trading drugs.,try,tried out,tried for,trial,stand trial for,be on trial for,take sth on trial,give sth a trial,trial period,by trial and error,come to trial,3.,试验, 试用, 考验, 审理,因受审判,因受审判,拿来试验,试用某物,试用期,用试错法,通过反复试验,提交法庭审判,The new drug is undergoing clinical _.,By the time the case _, he will have spent a year behind bars.,He has learnt to cook _.,trials,comes to trial,by trial and error,note down,note that,make/take a note of,make/take notes of,take note of,compare notes with sb,change ones note,on a note of,strike the right note,of note,noted,4.,记下,注意,记下,记下,注意,留意,与某人交换意见,改变态度/口气,以口气/态度,说到点子上,做得对,著名的, 重要的,著名的, 知名的,We began our talk _ a friendly _.,Please _ what you have _ and then _ with your partner.,on,note,take note of,noted down,compare notes,call sb names,name sb/sth,nameafter,nameas,by the name of,in the name of,under the name of,in ones own name,to ones name,make ones name,have a name for,in name only,5.,谩骂某人,叫的名字,按给起名,指定/任命为,名叫,以名义,为了,代表,以笔名/名字,擅自地,属于某人自己的,出名, 成名,以著称,名义上, 表面上,The school was _ the donator.,He is strict with us _ our future.,named after,in the name of,wonder,a wonder child,wonder if/who/what/,wonder that,wonder at/about,do/work wonders,It is a wonder that,(Its) no wonder (that),for a wonder,6.,奇迹,神奇,神奇的,神童,不知, 想知道,感到惊讶,对感到惊讶,创造奇迹,产生妙用,真想不到,难怪,怪不得,说来奇怪,She has been studying so hard. _ she is always topping the,honour,roll.,_ he should have caught up with the class.,The medicine has _ for cancer.,No wonder,Its a wonder that/For a wonder,worked wonders,relief,to ones relief,What a relief!,bring relief to,relieve sb of/from,relieve sb of his post,relieve oneself/ nature,relieved,relief food,7.,减轻,缓解,宽慰,救济,令人欣慰的是,谢天谢地!,缓解,解救,解除某人的,免除某人的职务,解手, 方便,排泄,宽慰的,救济粮,_, all my students are diligent and shape well.,The tablet will _ you _ pain.,It is _ to me that all my students are doing well in study and conducting well.,Much to my relief,relieve,from / of,a great relief,put up,come up,turn up,hold up,take up,pick up,make up,set up,break up,look up,show up,do up,8.,举起, 建起, 张贴, 住宿, 提出,发生, 被提到, 发芽, 流行, 上大学,开大,上卷,出现,被找到,查阅,上升,举起, 承受住, 延误, 阻碍, 拦劫,开始从事/喜欢,占用,理解,接受,跟着,捡起,恢复健康,好转,获得,学/买/听到,补充, 虚构, 构成, 占,和解,化妆,安排,建立, 升起, 开办, 设置,打碎, 解散, 放假, 使分解/离/手,好转, 查找, 拜访,出席, 露面, 暴露, 醒目, 使难堪,捆扎, 整理, 打扮, 使疲劳, 扣衣扣,I am so _ that I can go no further.,Her husband often _ her _ with rough jokes at dinner parties.,The company really had a trying time last year, but now things are _.,The two countries used to be at war, but they are presently _ with each other.,She _ in Beijing but made a career of teaching in her home village.,When did you _ the news that the Red Rose Group will _ in,Loudi,?,done up,shows,up,looking up,making up,came up,pick up,turn up,make out,turn out,bring out,set out,break out,hold out,wear out,carry out,figure out,work out,help out,hand out,come out,9.,看/认/听出,理解,弄清,谎称,进展,尽力,解雇,生产,培养,原来是,最后成为,起床,拿出, 出版, 说出, 引起,出发, 开始, 力图, 摆出, 陈述,爆发,使逃脱,伸出, 坚持住, 维持, 递给(to),穿破, 使疲劳, 经受住, 消磨,执行, 完成,算出, 想出, 理解,制订出, 解决, 算出, 理解, 结果, 锻炼,救出, 帮助脱困, 帮忙,扶出, 分发, 施舍,出版, 发表, 结果, 得第几名,He _ himself _ to be a noted reporter, but _ as a cheat.,The boy will _ to be a marvelous man in the long run.,He was so excited that he could hardly _ a word.,The girl _ first in the English Contest.,The millionaire is said to enjoy _.,She had a hired woman _ with the housework and cooking.,I just cant _ the new comer. She is a mystery to me.,The victim _ under the ruins for seven days.,made,out,came out,turn out,bring out,came out,handing out,help out,figure out,held out,away with,believe,do,for,it,like,out,up,up for,up to,make sure,10. make,偷走, 挥霍, 吃光,假装/扮,勉强应付,走向, 扑向, 有利于, 导致,成功,发迹,及时抵达,赶上,做到,假装, 冒充, 扮演, 充当,写出,看/认/听出,理解,谎称,进展,补充,虚构,化妆,和解,构成,占,弥补, 补偿,讨好, 巴结, 报答, 向 求爱,确保, 务必, 一定, 设法做到,I wonder how I can _ my parents for their love and care.,There is some time to go before the train leaves. I think we shall _.,Early rising _ good health.,At the beginning of the new school term, we had no text books, but we _.,As students, we are not supposed to _ our parents money.,make up to,make it,makes for,made do,make away with,out vt.,sb down, in,on vi.,up,alone,go,oneself go,11. let,放出, 发出, 泄露, 解散,让某人失望,让 进来,泄露, 透露,停止, 结束, 缓和,不打扰, 更不用说,释放, 松手, 解雇,放松, 随心所欲, 不修边幅,Before the program is carried out, the man in charge will by no means _.,At the party she just _ and had a wonderful time.,I have not even read the first chapter, _ finished the book.,He has been _ so much in the past years that he has no faith in anyone.,Her progress never _ by reason of her diligence.,let on,let herself go,let alone,let down,lets up,point,make a point,beside the point,off the point,come to the point,to the point,to the point of,on/ at the point of doing,There is no point in doing,Thats the point.,I take your point.,12.,尖, 点, 位置, 程度, 要点, 观点, 目的, 作用,发表看法,给出观点,离题, 不中肯,偏题,谈到正题,切中要害,到 程度/地步,正要做.,做 没有意义,那才是问题所在,你说的是,_. We have no time to lose.,_. Try to be tolerant.,I was _ phoning him when he came.,I take your point,Theres not much point,on the point of,Important Phrases,1. in large quantities,2. be made out of,3. put through,4. decide on,5. split up,6. a handful of,7. let out,8. thin blood,9. in contemporary society,10. try sth out on,11. mass production,12. bring relief to,13. put up with,14. make out,大量地,由制成,接通(电话), 完成,对做出决定,分成,分离,分手,少数的, 少量的,放出,泄露,解散,稀释血液,在当代社会中,在上做试验,批量生产,解救,救助,缓解,忍受,看出,理解,谎称,进展,15. come up,16. as it is,17. write a radio script,18. do an interview,19. involve sb in doing,20. a man with a strong will,21. look to do,22. clear up,23. go through,24. bring sth under control,25. pregnant women,26. be blocked from doing,27. by trial and error,28. on a friendly note,发生,被提到,发芽,流行,照现样子, 事实上,写广播稿,做采访,让某人专心于,一个意志坚强的人,指靠, 盼望做,放晴, 变清, 清理,经历, 经受, 浏览,控制住,孕妇,被阻止做,用试错法,通过反复试验,以友好的态度,29. take note of,30. compare notes with,31. in the name of,32. no wonder,33. a wonder child,34. much to ones relief,35. put sb down,36. get addicted to,37. fill in time,38. split ones sides,39. do up,40. make ones name,注意, 留意,与交换意见,以名义,为了,代表,难怪,怪不得,神童,令某人十分欣慰的是,让某人出丑/出洋相,对上瘾,沉迷于,消磨时间,捧腹大笑,打扮, 整理,使疲劳,捆扎,出名, 成名,


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