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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,OVERVIEW OF CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE LEGAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENTS OF MAJOR CHINESE ENTERPRISES中国大型跨国企业法律事务部的挑战和机遇讨论,Robert D.Lewis,主讲:吕立山,Lovells Beijing,路伟国际律师事务所北京代表处,Caveats/Comments,前言:,This presentation is based only on a general understanding of the current structure and management of the law departments of many major Chinese corporations,本讲座根据主讲人对中国跨国企业法务部现有组织机构和管理程度的理解编写。,In preparing this presentation,we have made certain assumptions:,在本讲座的编写系以如下假设为根底:,2.1Many major Chinese companies will aggressively expand their business globally over the next 3-5 years,在将来3-5年间,中国跨国企业将在全球范围内积极扩展业务;,2.2Many leading law departments intend to achieve the service performance levels of law departments of leading multinational companies in the next 3-5 years,中国跨国企业法务部(目前在中国公司法务部中名列前茅)有意在将来3-5年间使其效劳程度到达国际大型企业法务部的程度;,2.3Many major Chinese companies intend to continue to improve its corporate governance policies and practices as they move towards international operational standards,中国跨国企业有意在向国际经营标准迈进的过程中继续改进其公司治理制度和标准。,Key Questions:,主要问题:,What are the key matrices for evaluation of the structure role and management of the law department?,评价中国跨国企业法务部组织机构、作用和管理程度的主要标准是什么?,What is the role of the law department with respect to:,中国跨国企业法务部在以下方面发挥什么样的作用?,Global expansion of the companys business?,中国跨国企业业务的全球性扩展,Development of the companys corporate governance policies and practices?,中国跨国企业公司治理制度和标准的制定,How can the law department add the most value to the companys business operations?,中国跨国企业法务部如何为中国跨国企业的业务经营创造最大价值?,What other key challenges will the in-house legal team face in striving to reach service performance levels of corporate law departments of leading international corporations?,中国跨国企业法务部在使其效劳程度到达国际大型企业法务部程度的努力中面临哪些其他挑战?,1.1Total Legal Spending 法律开支总额,1.2Staffing 人员装备,1.3Structure 组织机构,Benchmarking the Chinese Corporate Law Department Against Law Departments of Foreign Multinationals,中国跨国企业法务部与国外跨国公司法务部的比较,1.1,Total Legal Spending,法律开支总额,US/EU,美国,/,欧洲,Asia,亚洲,Total Legal Spending as a Percentage of Company Revenue,法律开支总额占公司营业收入的百分比,0.25%,to 0.50%,0.10%,Inside Legal Spending vs.Outside Counsel Spending,内部法律开支与外部法律顾问开支的比例,40%(,internal,内部,),60%(,external,外部,),50%(,internal,内部,),50%(,external,外部,),Inside Spending per In-house Lawyer,每名内部法律顾问的开支,US$200,000-US$300,000,N/A,Outside Counsel Spending per In-house Lawyer,每名内部法律顾问的外部法律顾问开支,US$250,000,US$400,000,N/A,Note:All number are approximate based on comparison of data from various sources,注:所有数据均为约数,以不同来源数据的比较为根底,Sources:ACCA,PWC Global Law Department Survey;Global Counsel 2002/3 Benchmarker Survey;Corp.Legal Times In-house Counsel Survey 数据来源:美国公司法律参谋协会(ACCA)、PWC全球公司法律部调查、全球法律参谋2002/3比较调查、公司法律时报法律参谋调查,1.2Corporate Law Department Staffing公司法务部人员装备,US/EU,美国,/,欧洲,Asia,亚洲,#,of In-house Lawyers per US$B of Revenue,每,10,亿美元营业收入所对应的内部法律顾问人数,5 9,3-4,#,of In-house Lawyers per 1,000 employees,每千名员工所对应的内部法律顾问人数,1.4(,global median),(,全球中位数,),N/A,不适用,Support Staff per In-house Lawyer,每名内部法律顾问所对应的辅助人员人数,0.8,0.8,1.3,Corporate Law Department Structure,公司法务部组织机构,Reporting lines,责任制度,To Whom Does the CLO report?总法律参谋对谁负责?,-directly or indirectly to Chairman/CEO 直接或间接对董事长/执行总裁负责 60%,-Directly or indirectly to CFO 直接或间接对财务总监负责 15%,-directly or indirectly to CLO of parent co.直接或间接对母公司的总法律参谋负责 10%,-directly or indirectly to other senior mgr.直接或间接对其他高层管理人员负责 15%,Which departments report to CLO?哪些部门对总法律参谋负责?,-tax 税务 10%,-IPR management知识产权管理 65%,-treasury 财务 5%,-regulatory compliance 政府监管 60%,-company admin/secretary 公司行政/公司秘书65%,-corporate governance 公司治理 60%,Benchmarking Issues for Chinese Companies比较之下中国跨国企业面临的问题,Legal Risks and Legal Costs in China are Lower than in EU/US,在中国面临的法律风险和法律开支低于欧洲,/,美国,legal spending as a percentage of total revenue likely will need to increase as the companys business expands globally 随着全球性的业务扩展,中国跨国企业的法律开支占其营业总收入的百分比可能需要增加,Given lower lawyer salaries in China,#of in-house lawyers per US$B revenue can/should be disproportionately higher in China 由于中国律师的薪酬较低,中国跨国企业每10亿美元营业收入所对应的公司法律参谋人数可能/应该增加,Per in-house lawyer costs in EU/US will be significantly higher 中国跨国企业在欧洲/美国每名公司法律参谋的本钱将会显著增加,-possible tension between EU/US legal staff and China legal staff?可能造成欧洲/美国法务部人员与中国法务部人员之间关系紧张,-will need to consider use of additional non-lawyer staff in EU/US 需要考虑在欧洲/美国增聘非律师人员,Will need more specialized support from outside legal counsel in EU/US 在欧洲/美国将需更多外部法律参谋提供专业效劳,Will need to increase internal integration of the Companys law department and consider restructuring of reporting lines 将需加强中国跨国企业法务部的内部整合,考虑重组责任制度,2.,Role of In-house Law Department in Companys Global Expansion,中国跨国企业法务部在中国跨国企业全球扩展过程中的作用,Corporate:Capitalization requirements,company secretarial,directorships,securities compliance;etc.,公司:资本要求、公司董秘、董事事务、遵守证券事务法规等,Financial:i


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