学英语综合教程第一册(第四版) Section A, Unit 1ppt课件

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,新思路大学英语综合教程第一册(第四版) Section A, Unit 1电子课件,Lead-in,Part,1,What goals do you want to achieve in college ?,Video 1: College life,Make a list of 10 goals for your college life,Are there any differences between high school and college life?,College is a time for growth and change. It can open doors for your career and personal growth so that you will be better prepared for future roles in society.,As a high school student, you might have had your life all planned out. But, now that you are in college, it seems different. Maybe you aren,t even sure what you want to do anymore.,High school VS College life,VS,High school VS College life,Background Information,Part,2,What is college experience?,What is the college experience?,For starters, college is an established process designed to further formal education so that students who attend and graduate will be prepared for certain roles in society.,We frequently see college depicted,(,描绘,),as a place with a major focus on big-time sports, heavy drinking, and partying.,Text Analysis,Part,3,Text A is a text about,college education, and it provides explanation and concrete examples about key factors that determine,college success,and the importance of deciding on,the purpose of college education,in the first year.,Main idea of Text A,Text,Words,Para. 1,C,ollege is about thinking.,Para. 2 College is about,_.,Para. 3 The importance of _.,Para. 4 College can be _.,Main ideas,of each paragragh of Text A,experimenting,developing social networks,fun,Para. 5,C,ollege is,_.,Para. 6,_,to find the,_,of college education.,Para. 7,_,for entering college.,Para. 8,T,o experiment and consider the purpose for college education and its significance to their future life.,Main ideas,of each paragragh of Text A,more than fun,purpose,Experiences,Examples of reasons,Topic sentence of each paragragh of Text A,Reading Comprehension,Part,4,Task 1:,Reading Comprehension,Directions:,Answer the following questions.,1. According to the passage, what is a “critical thinker”?,A “critical thinker” is someone who doesnt believe everything he or she hears or reads but instead looks for,evidence,before forming an opinion.,(Line 3-6,Para.1),2,. How can college education benefit students according to the writer?,College helps students understand how to become a “critical thinker” and allows students to experiment, within limits, provides students with many opportunities for developing a variety of social networks.,(The last sentence of Para. 2 and the first sentence of Para. 4,5),3. How many parts can the passage be divided into? Summarize the main idea of each part in one sentence.,It can be divided into two parts.,Part 1(,Para. 1 to Para. 6,),: Tell students what college is about. Its about becoming a critical thinker, experimenting, developing social networks, having fun, and doing hard work.,Part 2(,Para.7 to Para. 8),: A guidance for students to explore and think about the purpose of college.,4. What does this sentence “They have just been swept along by lifes events, and now here they are” in Para. 7 mean?,It means that some students enter college without knowing what they want. They choose to get an education at college just because others are doing it.,5. In Para. 8, why does the author say its a good idea to keep an open mind even if you are ready to select a major?,Because there are so many ways to pursue while youre in collegemany that you might not have even considered. Or you might learn that the career you always dreamed of isnt what you thought it would be at all.,6. Is first-person point of view, second-person point of view, or third-person point of view used in the text? What effect does this point of view have?,Second-person point(,第二人称,) of view is a little-used technique of narrative in which the action is driven by a character ascribed to,(归因于),the reader. This is the “you” perspective. The use of second-person pronouns is “you, your, yours, yourself, yourselves,.,”,Effects:,The narrator describes what “you” do and lets you into your own thoughts and background.,In books popular with younger readers, it allows the reader to “be” the central character in the story provides an immersive,(沉浸式),reading experience, enhancing what is at stake for the character and reader.,Task 2:,Text to Life,Directions:,Discuss with a partner the following questions.,Share your thoughts and comments with the class.,Do you like your major?,Why did you choose your major?,Do you want to choose a job in related career fields?,Do you think it is possible to combine profession and passion?,For this task, ask students to give sincere, genuine answers.,Task 2:,Text to Life,Video:,Why,Did,You Choose Your Major,?,Detailed Study of the Text,Part,5,1. Developing critical-thinking skills will,empower,you,to,make sound decisions throughout your life. (Para. 1),Developing critical-thinking skills will enable you to make good decisions in your whole life.,empower,:,v,.,to give somebody more control over their own life or the situation they are in,增加(某人的)自主权;使控制局势,empower sb. to do sth.,授权(某人)做(某事),e.g.,My job is to make the children aware and,empower,them to do something.,我的工作是让孩子们知道、并赋予他们权力去做一些事情。,2. Its OK to experiment in college, within limits, because thats what college is designed for. (Para. 2),Students are allowed to try new ideas, methods, or new things in college, without going beyond what is considered reasonable or allowable, because thats exactly the value of college education.,3.,In addition to,being fun, college is a lot of work. (Para. 5),College can be fun, but its more than that. It requires hard work.,In addition to,: as well as,除之外,e.g.,In addition to,these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.,除了这些安排以外,另增救护车值班至午夜。,You need money and time,_,_, you need diligence.,你需要金钱和时间,此外你还需要努力。,_ giving me some advice, he gave me some money.,他不仅给我提了些忠告,而且还给了我一些钱。,in addition,In addition to,We use,“,in addition or additionally,”,between two sentences, We use,“,in addition to,”,follow by a noun, pro,noun, or v-ing.,4.But most important, college will be a set of experiences that will help you to further define and achieve your own purpose. (Para. 6),In college, you will have various experiences through which you will find the purpose of college education and realize your dream.,5.Or maybe you are bored or in a rut and see college as a,way out,of it. (Para. 7),Or maybe you are bored or suffering from dull life and feel that college can be a chance to change.,way out,(Para. 7),:,n,.,1) a door used for leaving a building,(建筑物的)出口,2) a way of escaping from a difficult situation,(困境的)出路,She was in a mess and could see no,way out,.,她陷入困境,,_,。,He was used to talking his,way out,of tight corners.,他惯于凭借口,_,。,找不到出路,才摆脱困境,6.But you,ought to,use your first year to explore and think about your purpose for college and how that might connect with the rest of your life. (Para. 8),But you should experiment and consider the purpose for college education and its significance to your future life.,ought to,(Para. 8),:,modal verb,1) used to say what is the right thing to do,应该;应当,2) used to say what you expect or would like to happen,(表示期望或可能发生的事) 应该,Chinese to English,:,1.,他们本该道歉的。,2.儿童7岁时应该识字了。,1.They,ought to,have apologized (= but they didnt).,2.Children,ought to,be able to read by the age of 7.,Task 4:,StructureEven If/Even Though,Even if,you are ready to select a major, its a good idea to keep an open mind. (Para. 8),“Even though” and “even if ” are often confused but they are not interchangeable. “Even though” means “despite the fact that.” It is used for introducing a fact that makes the main statement in your sentence very surprising. “Even if ” means “whether or not.”,It is mainly used to talk about unreal or imaginary situations.,Directions:,Complete each of the sentences with “even if” or “even though.”,1.,I become a millionaire, I will always lead a simple life.,2.,he is a millionaire, he leads a simple life.,3. I will not be able to finish that assignment,they extend the deadline by a few weeks.,4. I could not finish that assignment,they extended the deadline by a few weeks.,Even if,Even though,even if,even though,Word using,Part,6,1.,e,xperiment,(Para. 2),:,v,.,to try or test new ideas, methods, etc. to find out what effect they have,尝试;试用,n,.,a new activity, idea or method that you try out to see what happens or what effect it has,尝试;实践,Translation,:,I _ until I got the recipe just right.,我不断地尝试,直至找到正合适的烹饪法为止,。,Ive never cooked this before so its _.,我以前从未做过这种菜,所以这是一个尝试。,experimented,an experiment,2.,definitely,(Para. 4),:,adv.,You use,definitely,to emphasize that something is the case, or to emphasize the strength of your intention or opinion.,清楚地;明显地;肯定地;当然,Translation,:,Im,definitely,going to get in touch with these people.,我肯定会跟这些人取得联系。,The whole experience was,definitely,more positive than negative.,整个经历当然是利多于弊。,3.,root for,(Para. 4),If you are rooting for someone, you are giving them your support while they are doing something difficult or trying to defeat another person.,支持;为某方鼓劲,Translation,:,Good luck, well be _ you.,祝你好运,我们会支持你的。,Its one of those movies in which youre forced to _ the villain.,这是那种让人不得不为坏人叫好的电影。,rooting for,root for,4.,transfer,(Para. 6),:,v.,1) to a new place,到新地方,2) to move from one job, school, situation, etc. to another; to arrange for somebody to move,(使)调动;转职;转学;改变(环境),Translation,:,The film studio,is transferring to,Hollywood.,这家电影制片厂,好莱坞。,Children usually,transfer to secondary school,at 11 or 12.,儿童通常在 11 或 12 岁时,。,正迁往,升读中学,4.,transfer,(Para. 6),:,v.,前缀的主要意思是“,acroos,”,意为“横穿,穿过,分叉,使理解”,transfer,v,.,(使)转移,搬迁,(记),trans-,=across,-fer,=to bear across,运到对面去,translate,v,.,翻译,转变,(记),trans-,=across,-lat,=carry,动词后缀,带到另一种语言去,transmit,v.,传递,传达,传播,(记),trans-,=across,-mit,=send,输送过去,4.,transfer,(Para. 6),:,v.,transform,v.,改变,改造,(记),trans-,=across,-,form,=take shape,从一种形态变化到另一种形态变形,转换,transcript,n.,抄本,副本,(记),trans-,= across,-,(s)cript,=,write,抄本,副本,transact,v.,办理,执行,(记),trans-,= throughout,-act,=,work,做到底办理,处理,4.,transfer,(Para. 6),:,v.,trans-,4.,transfer,(Para. 6),:,v.,Translation,:,He,translated,the letter into English.,他把这封信译成了英文。,The ceremony was,transmitted,live by satellite to over fifty countries.,典礼通过卫星向五十多个国家进行了实况转播。,It was an event that would,transform,my life.,那是能够彻底改变我一生的一件事。,We dont know how the,transcript,leaked.,我们不知道抄本是怎样泄露的。,Task 3:,Collocations,Directions:,Fill in,each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase from the box. Change the word form where necessary.,camaraderie,enrich,preference,in addition to,definitely,empower,upheaval,fulfill,ought to,1.My life was greatly,by knowing her.,2.,his apartment in Manhattan, he has a garden in Italy and a castle in Scotland.,3. Men and women,be able to compete for jobs on an equal footing.,4. This law,the president to declare an emergency for a wide range of reasons.,5. The long garbage strike in 1970 caused much political,.,6. I have a,for sweet food over spicy food.,7. For me mountain climbing is less about physical effort than about cooperation and,.,8. I,my dreams of becoming a biologist.,9. “Shes not coming?” “No,not.”,enriched,In addition to,ought to,empowers,upheaval,preference,fulfilled,definitely,camaraderie,Theme-based Translation,Part,7,趁现在年富力强的时候,努力做一种专门学问。少年是一去不复返的,等到精力衰时,要做学问也来不及了。即为吃饭计,学问绝不会辜负人的。吃饭而不求学问,三年五年之后,你们都要被后进少年淘汰掉的。到那时再想做点学问来补救,恐怕已经太晚了。,胡适,不要抛弃学问,,节选自张培基,英译中国现代散文选(二),Directions:,Translate the following paragraph into English.,While you,re in the prime of your life, why not devote yourselves to a special field of study?,趁现在年富力强的时候,努力做一种专门学问。,Youth will soon be gone and never to return. It will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years.,少年是一去不复返的,等到精力衰时,要做学问也来不及了。,Knowledge will do you a good turn even as a means of subsistence.,即为吃饭计,学问绝不会辜负人的。,If you give up studies while holding a job, you will in a couple of years have had yourself replaced by younger people.,吃饭而不求学问,三年五年之后,你们都要被后进少年淘汰掉的。,It will then be too late to remedy the situation by picking up studies again.,到那时再想做点学问来补救,恐怕已经太晚了。,Reference,Cultural Notes,Part,8,1.,Critical thinking (,批判性思维,)(Para. 1),Critical thinking means making reasoned judgments based on the analysis of facts.,The essential aspects of critical thinking are as follows:,l,Dispositions,(性格),: Critical thinkers are open-minded, respect evidence, look at different points of view, and will change positions when reason leads them to do so.,l,Criteria,(标准),: An assertion,(断言),must be based on relevant, accurate facts and credible sources.,1.,Critical thinking,(,批判性思维,),(Para. 1),l,Argument,(论据),: A statement or proposition with supporting evidence.,l,Reasoning,(推理),: The ability to infer a conclusion from one or multiple premises,(以,为前提),.,l,Point of View: The way one views the world, which shapes ones construction of meaning.,l,Procedures for Applying Criteria,(申请准则的程序),: These procedures may include asking questions, making judgments, and identifying assumptions.,1.,Critical thinking (Para. 1),American college campuses use the terms “traditional” and “non-traditional” to refer to the age of students. The non-traditional tends to be 24 years old and up, while the traditional is those right out of high school.,2.,“traditional” and “non-traditional” (Para. 2),Alma mater is an allegorical,(讽喻的),Latin phrase now used to identify a school, college, or university where one attended before. It can be translated as “nourishing mother,” or “nursing mother,” which means that a school provides intellectual nourishment,(营养),to her students like a mother. It was originally a title given by Romans to certain goddesses,(女神),especially Ceres,(,刻瑞斯,谷类的女神),and Cybele,(,西布莉,古代小亚细亚人崇拜的自然女神),.,3.,Alma mater,(,母校),(Para. 4),


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