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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,八年级英语(下),English of grade eight (Part Two),Teacher:Teacher Ling,Knowledge Objests,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,知识点目标,),I,.,Key vocabulary,(,目标单词),suggestion,n,.,建议;提议,comment,n.,评论;意见,gift,n.,礼物,album,n.,集子,personal,adj.,私人的;个人的,special,adj.,特别的;特殊的;专门的,receive,v.,收到;接受,gave,v.,g,ive,的过去式,Knowledge Objests,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,知识点目标,),II.,Key structures,(,目标句型,),What should I,get my mom,for her birthday?,我妈妈的生日我应该买什么给她好呢?,How about,some tennis balls,?,买些网球怎么样?,Thatt,too cheap,.,那太便宜了。,What about,a watch,?,一块手表怎么样。,Thats,too personal,.,太个性化了。,Teaching difficulty,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,本课重、,难点,),掌握情态动词,should,+,动词原形表达征求意见的用法:,-,What should I get my mom?,运用,Why dont you?How/What about?,等句型,来表示提供别人建议。,学习围绕“送别人礼物”这一话题而展开的比较物体品,质的句型结构。,教学方法着重体现在听、说、练这三者的结合。首先要会听,听单词,听句型听语言点;听懂之后要会说,用学到的知识说出正确的句型;会说以后要勤练,互相组成对话及情景表演进行练习巩固,三者环环相扣,缺一不可。,本课所用教学法:情景对话法,看图造句法,直接讲解法,图片显示法,问题导入法,词句结合法,举例法,引导法,暗示法,归纳法。,Teaching methods,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,教学,方法,),Teaching difficulty,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,基本教学思路,),本单元围绕“谈论礼物”这一话题而展开。涉及到的,语言目标是比较事物的品质;语法是情态动词,should,动词原型的问句,现在完成时以及,How about?,等句型;,因此在教学过程中要采用互相交流、合作讨论的思路,充分发挥学生的积极主动性和参与性,以对话促提高,在运用和谈论中体验本单元的语言功能目标和语法项目。,八年级英语(下),English of grade eight (Part Two),Teacher:Teacher Ling,教学步骤,Review words and phrases in unit 7(,复习),Teaching Procedures(,讲解),Pariwork(,练习),Summary(,回顾),Homework(,家庭作业),七单元复习,Drills:,Would you mind(not),doing,?,Could you please(not),do,?,Review words and phrases in unit 7:,七单元复习,Review words and phrases in unit 7:,wait,in line,turn,down the music,play,football here,教学法:情景对话法,看图造句法,直接讲解法,七单元复习,Review words and phrases in unit 7:,turn,down the music,Would you mind,turning,down the music?,Could you please,turn,down the music?,七单元复习,Review words and phrases in unit 7:,wait,in line,Would you mind,waiting,in line?,Could you please,wait,in line?,七单元复习,Review words and phrases in unit 7:,play,football here,Would you mind,not playing,football here?,Could you,please,not play,football here?,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf,?,八单元 第一课时,Gifts Giving,(,讲解,),Tomorrow is your mothers birthday.You should prepare a,gift,for her.,I dont know what is the best gift?Can you help me?,教学法:图片显示法,问题导入法,Gifts Giving,(,讲解,),What should I get my mom for her birthday?,(,我妈妈的生日我应该买什么给她好呢,?,),教学法:图片显示法,问题导入法,Gifts Giving,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),下一页,Gifts Giving,-,camera,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),camera,Thatt too expensive.,返 回,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving,-,dictionary,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),dictionary,Thats not interesting enough.,返 回,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving,-,bicycle,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),bicycle,Thats too personal.,返 回,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving,-,CD,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),CD,Thats not special enough.,返 回,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving,-,mobil phone,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),mobil phone,Thats too personal.,返 回,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving,-,flowers,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),flowers,Thats a good idea,!,返 回,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving,-,calendar,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),calendar,Thats not creative enough,.,返 回,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving,-,shoes,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),shoes,返 回,Thats too cheap,.,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving,-,T-shirt,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),T-shirt,Thats comfortable,.,返 回,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving,-,coat,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),coat,thats OK,.,返 回,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving,-,scarf,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),scarf,Thatt too boring,.,返 回,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving,football,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),football,Thats not special enough,.,返 回,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),Gifts Giving,(,讲解,),What should I,get my mom,for her birthday?,我妈妈的生日我买什么东西给她好呢?,教学法:直接讲解法,Gifts Giving,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),How about,?/What about,?,怎么样?,What should I,get my mom,for her birthday?,我妈妈的生日我买什么东西给她好呢?,Gifts Giving,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),No,thats,too boring,.,不。那太没有意思了。,What should I,get my mom,for her birthday?,我妈妈的生日我买什么东西给她好呢?,How about,?/What about,?,怎么样?,Gifts Giving,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),What should I,get my mom,for her birthday?,我妈妈的生日我买什么东西给她好呢?,How about,?/What about,?,怎么样?,No,thats,too boring,.,不。那太没有意思了。,Understand?,Gifts Giving,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Section A,(,讲解,),gifts,comments,Thatt too expensive.,Thats not interesting enough.,Thats too personal.,Thats not special enough.,Thats not creative enough,.,Thats too cheap,.,Thats comfortable,.,Sounds good,Thatt too boring,.,Thats a good idea,!,Its my sisters


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