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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,9/19/2020,#,2020,高考一轮复习,高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,Warming up,WHOs Advice to Protect Yourself from COVID-19,Listen carefully and write down the advice.,WHOs Advice to Protect Yourself from COVID-19,Wash your hands frequently.,Maintain social distancing.,Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.,Practice respiratory rspartr hygiene.,练习呼吸保健法,News,齐鲁网,闪电新闻,1,月,8,日讯,今天上午,11,点,,2020,高考外语听力考试正式结束,闪电新闻记者看到考生们有序地走出考场。大多数考生向记者表示今年的听力题目难度适中,题型变化不大。也有一部分同学认为,这种新的考试形式,使他们拥有了两次听力考试机会,在心理上相对轻松。两次考试一次二十分钟,中间有半小时左右的休息时间。两次成绩取最高分。,这场考试在今天上午九点钟正式开始,不少学生家长在现场等待。大多数家长表示,对于今年英语听力这种新的考试制度,是可以接受的,毕竟考试内容没有变,考试形式不是非常重要,考生做好全面复习才是最关键的。,2020,高考新听力,Listening test,2020,高考新听力,Questionnaire,Which section is more difficult for you?,Section 1 Section 2 Section 3,Why is section1/2/3 difficult?,1. I didnt prepare well, but it had already started.,2. I was so poor in words, expressions and grammar.,3. I couldnt hear clearly.,4. I couldnt get used to the pronunciation.,5. I couldnt concentrate.,6. I was not familiar with the topic.,7. I couldnt understand the question very well.,8. I didnt hear the answer from the conversation.,Mood & attitude,Word bank,Knowledge,Skills,Practice,Ways to overcome these difficulties,高分技巧与策略,1,Be well prepared & relaxed,技巧与策略,2,听力流程,L,istening Process,Before you listen,:,Read questions and choices carefully,Circle the important/different information,Quiz,1. What happened to the man,?,A. He was locked out. B. He missed the train C. He lost his keys.,2. Where are the speakers?,A. At a gym. B. At a restaurant C. At a cinema,While you listen,:,Pay attention to the information you just marked,Take notes,Get the right information,Take notes effectively,Memorization,:,It is used in Part I (Short conversations).,Short; No time to write down many points.,Note-taking,:,1.,根据问题有重点做笔记。,(Take notes according to the questions.),例如,:,(wh-questions names;places;time),Who,人称名词,Where ,地点名词,When,时间名词,How,动词、名词、副词,2.,利用速记符号及缩写。,(Use symbols/ abbreviations),1),运用速记符号,例如:,right wrong,up/,increase,down/,decrease,left right,2),发明并运用字母的缩写形式,bfbefore af after exexpensive eqearthquake,Quiz Take notes,1.What happened to the man,?,A. He was locked out. B. He missed the train C. He lost his keys.,2.Where are the speakers?,A. At a gym. B. At a restaurant C. At a cinema,1. C t get b,Los k,2.,film,After you listen,:,前后联系,综合考虑,一锤定音,Make the final decision,Answer key,1. What happened to the man,?,A. He was locked out. B. He missed the train C. He lost his keys.,2. Where are the speakers?,A. At a gym. B. At a restaurant C. At a cinema,1. C t get b,Los k,2.,film,技巧与策略,3,预测技巧,Prediction,1.,问题预测 :,尤其是,Part1-5Short Conversation,时,可以根据下例,wh-,问题进行预测:,Make prediction by wh-questions:,1),Who,are the two speakers?,2),Why,do they have the conversation?,3),When,did they have the conversation?,4),Where,did the conversation take place?,5),What,is the possible relationshipsbetween them?,Good prediction will help you get the right information.,2.,语篇预测:,Whats the topic of this listening material,?,学校生活;工作与职业;家庭、朋友、同事;饮食;假日;讲座;健康;天气;旅行;学习,开篇句预测主题:,英语听力的第一句话通常会透露整篇的主题,所以要善于抓住听力材料的首句信息。,例如:,Americans have a popular saying “Time is money”.,从这一句开篇句我们可以预测的信息范围:,1),这是一篇关于时间的话题。,2),涉及对象是美国人。,Quiz,1. What seems to be the mans problem?,A. He doesnt sleep well.,B. He has no more pills.,C. He cant focus properly.,2. What is the man advised to do?,A. Stay home from work.,B. Have a check-up.,C. Stop feeling anxious.,Predict,:,Who are the speakers?,Whats the topic of this conversation?,Who are the speakers?,A man & a doctor,Whats the topic of this conversation?,A man asked advice from doctor about his sleeping problem.,技巧与策略,4,常见题型突破,Frequently asked questions,1.,事实细节题,高考题中约占,8,小题,它要求我们听清、听懂与话题中心相关的具体信息,准确理解具体细节,如时间、地点、人物、价钱、数量、目的、原因、结果等。,常见问题:,What,s wrong with the girl?,Where,is the man going?,Which,of the following is true?,How,does the man pay for the tickets?,When,does the woman plan to arrive?,Why,does the man thank the woman?,Listen carefully and take notes.,Pay attention to wh-questions.,2.,言外之意题,高考题中约占,3,小题,它要求我们从话语中听出其中可能有的“弦外之音”,也就是揣摩说话人的意图、观点或态度等,常见问题:,What does the man mean?,What can we know about the woman?,What does the speakers want to tell us?,What can we learn from the conversation/speakers?,What is the probable result of the conversation?,Pay attention to adj./sentences which describe the speakers attitude.,Pay attention to adj./sentences which describe the speakers attitude.,Quiz,1.,How,did the man get to work today?,A. By bike.,B. By bus.,C. On foot.,2.,What,is the mans major concern about driving a car?,A. Expenses.,B. Health.,C. Environment.,3. What does the woman,think of,using a car?,A. Its costly.,B. Its dangerous.,C. Its convenient.,Listen carefully and take notes.,Pay attention to how & what questions.,1. Bus,2.,polluted,3,. ct do wio car;,t child to sch,1,:,平时熟悉、积累不同人物身份及人物关系所对应的单词、短语、句型和场景,称呼语,关键词。,2,:,熟悉、积累不同语音语调所表达的不同意思,以及特定单词、短语和句型所表达的隐含信息,进行准确判断。,3,:,认真听清事件发生的全部过程及前因后果,去伪存真,才能找出事件发生的真正原因。,3.,推断题,高考题中约占,5,小题,它要求我们从谈话或说话的话题和语气来推断出对话双方(或说话人)的职业身份,彼此之间(或与他人)的关系,对话发生的时间、地点或场合等。,常见问题:,When does this conversation take place?,Where does this conversation take place?,Who do you think the woman probably is?,Where did the conversation most likely happen?,Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?,Watch & Guess,What is the topic of her poem?,Who,do you think she speaks to?,Listen carefully and pay attention to her tone .,But mostly,I hate the way I dont hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.,技巧与策略,5,难点突破,Difficult questions,1,:,对判断类数字题需要在听到的两个或两个以上数字中判断符合题意的数字。不要急于下结论。,2,:,对推断类数字题则通常涉及到简单的数学四则运算,需稍加计算,才能得出正确答案。,许多听力材料中会涉及数字,如年代、日期、价格、数量等等,并且会以基数词、序数词、分数、小数、百分比等形式出现,这就需要辨别各种形式的数字,还要熟悉数字之间的关系。,例如:,年代:,1980s 1980,分数、百分比:,1/4 =25%,十几和几十:,16&60,减价:,20% off/discount, special price, on sale,原价:,regular/ normal price,增长:,10% increase,下降,: 5% decrease,1.,数字计算题,1,:,熟悉、积累常用地名,如国家、首都、大城市、着名的标志性建筑以及山川河流的名称等。,2,:,熟悉、积累与各个地点场所有关的单词、短语、句型和场景。,2.,文化背景题,文化背景类试题主要考查地点,该项内容的考查多为以,where,开头的特殊疑问句。,解这类试题时,我们需要有一些积累和推断。,Where does the conversation take place?,(,We spent 5 days in Big apple.,),高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,ppt,高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,ppt,Pay attention to the first and last sentence.,Find out the topic sentence which the speaker talks a lot about.,3,.,主旨大意题,它要求我们对听到的内容有一个整体的把握和全面的领会,抓住说话者究竟在说什么。,常见问题:,Whats the topic of the passage?,Whats the passage mainly about?,What are the two speakers doing?,What are the two speakers talking about?,What is the dialogue/conversation about?,高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,ppt,高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,ppt,Quiz,1. Who reached the top of Mount Qomolangma?,A. Ellen.,B. Jonathan.,C. Heather.,2. How long did the man spend on his adventure travel?,A. 96 days.,B. Four months.,C. One year.,3. What does the woman think about doing in the future?,A. Walking through a national park.,B. Cycling along a country road.,C. Camping out in the mountains.,1. Ellen, climbed,2.,96 d 4 m,3,. walk across national park,高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,ppt,高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,ppt,技巧与策略,6,日常训练,Practice makes perfect,高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,ppt,高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,ppt,Practice makes perfect,!,每日半小时,练后看材料,听说不分家,技巧长磨练,知识多积累,满分就到手,高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,ppt,高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,ppt,免费视听材料分享,高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,ppt,高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,ppt,1.,学习可以彻底的改变自己,即使失去原来改变的条件,人也不会退回到原来的样子,因为经过“輮”。人已经脱离一个旧我,变成一个新我,.,2.,这一段介绍了怎样学习,也就是学习的要素。荀子认为积累是学习的第一要素,也是学习的根本。学习可以达到奇妙的效果,可以“兴风雨”“生蛟龙”。“神明自得,圣心备焉”从人的角度,来说学习的效果。接着运用正反对比的手法来说明积累的效果,体现了荀子文章说理的生动性。,3.,家庭在西洋是一种界限分明的团体。在英美,家庭包括他和他的妻以及未成年的孩子。而在我们中国“家里的”可以指自己的太太一个人,“家门”可以指叔伯侄子一大批,“自家人”可以包罗任何要拉入自己的圈子,表示亲热的人物。,4.,这表示了我们的社会结构本身和西洋的不同,我们的格局不是一捆一捆扎清楚的柴,而是好像把一块石头丢在水面上所发生的一圈圈推出去的波纹,愈推愈远,愈推愈薄。每个人都是他社会影响所推出去的圈子的中心。被圈子的波纹所推及的就发生联系。,5.,在乡土社会里,地缘关系也是如此。每一家以自己的地位做中心,周围划出一个圈子,个圈子是“街坊”。可是这不是一个固定的团体,而是一个范围。范围的大小也要依着中心的势力厚薄而定。,6.,在这种富于伸缩性的网络里,随时随地是有一个“己”作中心的。这并不是个人主义,而是自我主义。在个人主义下,一方面是平等观念,指在同一团体中各分子的地位相等,个人不能侵犯大家的权利;一方面是宪法观念,指团体不能抹煞个人,只能在个人们所愿意交出的一分权利上控制个人。,7.,“画竹”是本文的线索,本文记述文与可画竹的情形,以充满感情的笔触回忆两人的交往,以及文与可死后自己的悲慨,又从文与可的创作经验中总结出艺术创作的规律,熔叙事、抒情、议论于一炉。,8.,总之,说明文中使用生动活泼的语言,不仅能增强文章内容表达上的形象性、可感性和文学色彩,使读者获得不同程度的美感体验,受到美的陶冶,还有助于加深读者对说明内容的理解,增知益智。,感谢观看,欢迎指导!,高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,ppt,高考英语听力,高分技巧与策略,ppt,


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