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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,1:Make the following sentences more polite.,1) You should tell us when you can arrange the,shipment.,2) We need the report by next Monday.,3) Your calculations are inaccurate.,4) Your components are too expensive.,5) We do not permit outside groups to use our,equipment except on a cash rental basis.,Exercise (Unit 1),Key to exercise 1:,1) You should tell us when you can arrange the,shipment.,1)We will appreciate your advising us when we may expect to,receive the shipment.,2) We need the report by next Monday.,2) would you please send us the report by next Monday?,(We would be grateful if you could send us the report by next,Monday.),3) Your calculations are inaccurate.,3)We feel that perhaps your calculations are not completely,accurate.,4) Your products are too expensive.,4) The price of your products seems to be rather high.,5) We do not permit outside groups to use our equipment,except on a cash rental basis.,5)You are welcome to use our equipment on a cash rental basis.,Exercise 2: rewrite the following sentences in,more concise language.,1) Please be good enough to inform us when you will be able to deliver us the goods we have ordered.,2) I have the pleasure in informing you that the goods you require are now available and will be delivered to you within the course of the next few days.,3) I hope that you will be in a position to make a decision within a short time.,4) We are sorry to have to inform you that we will not be in a position to dispatch the goods at the present moment.,Exercise 3: revise the following paragraph so,that it would be more effective.,Key to exercise 3:,Exercises (unit 2),1.Write correct salutation and complimentary close for letters to:,1) Messrs Miller & Sons,Dear Sirs or Madams, Yours faithfully,(UK),2) Frank Jones, Export Manager,Dear,Mr,Jones, Yours sincerely,3)Ann Ericson, Managing Director of Industrial Engineering PLC,Dear Ms Ericsson, Yours sincerely,4) America Today Inc,Dear Sirs or Madams, Truly yours,(US),5) Mary Watkinson, a good friend of yours,Dear Mary, Yours/Best wishes,2.Arrange the following in proper form .,senders name:,China National Light Industrial Products Imp & Exp Cor.,senders address: 128 Hunan Road, Shanghai, China,date:March,3,2005,receivers name:,H.G.Wilkinson,& Co.,receivers address: 245,Lombart,Street, Lagos, Nigeria,salutation: Dear Sirs,subject: sewing machine,the message: omitted,complimentary close: Yours faithfully,3. Address an envelope for the above letter (,Express,).,E,xercise (unit 3)translate the following into English.,美国,J&M,有限公司已将贵公司的名称和地址告知我们,并认为贵公司是中国有潜力的棉布买主。棉布属于我公司的经营范围,我们将很乐于与贵公司建立直接的业务关系。,兹随函附上商品小册子和价目单各一份,以,便于了解我们可供出口棉布的概况。一俟接到贵方的具体询价,将立即航空邮寄我公司的报价单和样本。,恭候佳音。,E,xercises (unit 4),1.Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions.,1)We are _ the market _ mountain bicycles. If your price is competitive and your samples are satisfactory _ our customers, we shall place orders _ you _ large quantities.,2)We have received your enquiry _ October 10 _ TV sets. We are sending our quotation along _ the catalogue _ your reference.,3)We have learned _ ABC company that you are one of the leading manufacturers specializing _ digital cameras.,4)We regret that we are not able _ supply the goods you ordered because they are _ of stock at present, but we assure you that we will revert _ this matter when they are available.,5)We look forward _ your early reply.,2.Complete the following sentences in English.,1) To acquaint you with the products we export,我们现给你方航邮产品目录三份。,十件样品已经另邮寄出。,我们现附寄两份价格表。,2) Please quote,最优惠的香港到岸价。,伦敦离岸价,含我方,3%,佣金。,100,打男士衬衫最低价。,3.Translate the following message into English.,我们从,BHT,公司得知贵公司,AL326,型号,漆料(,paint,),质量很,好,畅销世界。,我公司是中国最大的化工产品进口商之一,在该行业已经,有,20,多年的经验了。,现寄去询价单一纸,希望贵方报大连最低到岸价含我方,2%,佣金,标明最早船期和可供数量。为方便我方了解贵方全部,产品,请立即航邮,6,份产品目录,.,若贵方报价具有竞争力,我方拟大量定购。,盼早复。,K,ey to exercise 3:,We have learned from BHT Corp. that your paint Model AL326 is superior in quality and enjoys fast sales all over the world.,We are one of the biggest importers of chemicals in China, having experiences in this line for more than 20 years.,We are enclosing a sheet of enquiry, hoping that you could quote the lowest CIF Dalian price, including our 2% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment and the quantity,suppliable,. To acquaint us with all your products, please airmail 6 catalogues immediately.,If your price is competitive, we shall place substantial orders with you.,We look forward to your early reply .,4.Letter writing (,classwork,).,Background:,A businessman from U.K makes an enquiry for,walnutmeat,.From internet, he has learned that you lie within the scope of this line. So hed like you to make an offer for 2000 tons,walnutmeat,of F.A.Q. on FOB basis and indicate the earliest delivery time and payment terms.,Requirements:,According to the situation, write a letter as a businessman from U.K .,5.Letter writing ( homework ).,你代表南京联合国际文具公司,正在询购,办公用品,你给,Advanced Business Co.,写一封询盘信,注意下列要点:,1,)你是如何知道他们的,?,2,)你具体需求何种办公用品?,3,)你需要对方提供什么资料?,你的地址:南京市鼓楼区中山路,65,号,邮编,290083,对方地址:,6123 Hastings Street, Burnaby,BC V5B 1R9, Canada,Exercises (unit 5)1.Translation.,1.,国际商会,2.,报价单,3.,预期买主,/,潜在客户,4.,畅销,5.,成本加运费拉各斯价,含,2%,佣金,6.,形式发票,7.,递盘(出价,/,投标),8.,公吨,9.,进口许可证,10.,一式两份,/,一式三份,(,Pro forma Invoice,),11. the minimum quantity for order,12. come to business,13. regular customer,14. with keen interest,15.,brochure(pamphlet,/booklet)/leaflet,16.,offerer,/,offeree,17. Circular letter,18. trial order/repeat order,19.,PNTR,20. illustrated catalogue,(,Permanent Normal Trade Relations,),2.E,rror modification.,Thank you for your letter of May 17.,At your requested, we are making you an offer,without engagement as following:,2000 drums of “Tiger” Brand Paint US$12.5 per,drum FOB Tianjin prompt shipment, subject to your,final confirmation.,Enclosed you please find our leaflets.,We hope you will be acceptable to the above offer,and cable us your acceptance.,3.,Write a non-firm offer,with the following points.,1),货号:,AB680,印花棉布,2,)规格:,35,36,42,码,3,)数量:,14800,码,4,)包装:木箱,5,)价格:每码,20,美元,CIF,温哥华,含,3%,佣金,6,)装船:自,2007,年,3,月三批等量装运,7,)支付:保兑的不可撤销的,30,天期信用证,4.H,omework: letter writing,Background: You are a leading exporter of Chinese Silk, and Smith Co. Ltd. is your old customer. Now the New Year Day is coming, Smith Co. Ltd. intends to place silk scarves to catch up the festival.,Requirements: write a letter making,Mr.Smith,a firm offer.,1.,Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions.,1) We are prepared to keep the offer open _ July 15.,2) If you could reduce the price _ 5%, we are confident _ / have confidence _ securing large orders for you.,3) _ view of our long relationship, we will,make a reduction _ 4% _ our,price if you increase the quantity to 1000,pcs.,Exercises (unit 6),4) Many clients complain that your price is _ the high side and _ _ line _ the ruling market.,5) We admit that the quality _ your goods is slightly better, but the difference in price should, _ no case, be _ big _ 10%.,2.,T,ranslation.,Thank you for your offer of 6 August,however,我方发现你方价格偏高并且脱离市场行情。,我方无法接受你方即期信用证付款的条件。,我方希望把装船日期提前到,5,月,15,日。,Exercises (unit 8),1.Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.,1) We confirm receipt of your faxes _the sale,_ you _ 100 tons of groundnuts.,2) We expect to put the deal _.,3) You will be advised _ time when the machines,are ready _ shipment.,4) The relative L/C will be airmailed soon and you are requested to ship the above lot _ the first available steamer _ receipt _ our L/C.,5) We take pleasure _ sending you the attached Order Confirmation No. 554, _ our recent purchase _ you _ 500 tons barley(,大麦,).,6) If the quality of your initial consignment turns _ to be satisfactory, we can assure you _ repeat orders.,2.Translate the following into English.,1),关于我们向你公司订购的,1000,台电视机,我们已收到,你方的销售确认书,4856,号。,2),你方,8,月,14,日的来函及随附的定单已收到。兹附寄第,235,号销售确认书一式二份,请会签一份以便存档。,We have received your S/C No. 4586 regarding 1 000 TV sets we ordered from you.,Your letter of August 14 and the enclosed order have been received. We are enclosing our Sales Confirmation No. 235 in duplicate, one of which please sign and return for our file.,3),请注意,信用证条款与合同条款必须严格相符,以免,日后修改。,4,)请放心,一收到你方信用证,我方将立即安排第一艘,便轮装运货物。,5),若此次试销订单令人满意,随后必有较大数量的订单。,Please note that the terms and conditions of/in the L/C must strictly comply with those of/in the contract so as to avoid future amendments.,Please rest assured that we will effect shipment by the first available steamer immediately upon/on receipt of your L/C.,If this trial order,turns out to be,/,proves to be,satisfactory, larger orders will follow.,3. class work,W,rite a reply to sample letter 2 (P180).,Y,our Order No.1,We have received your S/C No.216 for pillowcases.,Enclosed is the duplicate with our counter-signature.,We have issued the relative L/C in your favor with,.Bank which is due to reach you around December,10. Please arrange/effect shipment upon receipt of,the L/C.,We are pleased to have closed the deal with you,and look forward to further business.,A possible reply to Letter 2,4.homework 1) write a S/C according to the following letter.,敬启者:,兹告知已收到我们于,08,年,9,月,1,日在青岛签订的第,112,号销售合同,,现会签并确认合同条款如下:,50,公吨花生,,08,年产大路货,每公吨成本运费加保险费汉堡价,600,美元,麻袋包装,船期为,08,年,10,月由青岛至汉堡, 由卖方,按发票金额的,110%,投保一切险。付款条件是装船前一个月开出,的不可撤销的即期信用证。装船唛头如下:,ABC,HAMBURG,NO.112,Dear sirs,W,e are pleased to,infom,you that we have received the S/C No.112 signed between us on,Sep,.1,2008 in Qingdao.,Weve countersigned the contract and confirm the terms as below:,C,ommodity: peanut,Quantity: 50M/Ts,S,pecification: FAQ,2008 crop,Unit,price: USD600 per M/T, CIF Hamburg,P,acking : in gunny bags,S,hipment: in/during Oct.2008 from Qingdao to,Hamberg,I,nsurance: to be effected by the seller for 110% of the invoice value,P,ayment: by irrevocable sight L/C to be opened one month before shipment,S,hipping marks: ABC,HAMBURG,NO.112,Yours faithfully,2),根据下列中文合同信息,填制英文合同。,合同号码:,PC0102325,卖方:美国,ABC,食品贸易公司,买方:中国粮油食品进出口公司,商品名称:大豆粗粉(,Soybean,meals,),原产地:阿根廷或者巴西,由卖方选定。,规格:蛋白质(,protein,)最低含量,43.5%,,脂肪(,fat,)最高含量,13%,。,数量:,50,,,000,公吨,,10%,溢短装由卖方选定。,单价:每公吨,209,美元,成本加运费到天津新港。,总金额:,1,,,045,万美元,包装:散装,保险:由买方承担,装运港:美国旧金山,目的港:中国天津新港,唛头:由卖方选定,装运期:,2005.10.20-11,月,20,日(含)期间,不允许分装和转船。,付款方式:即期信用证付款,保持在装运期后的,25,天内在美国议付有效。,签约地点、日期:纽约、,2005.9.14,Contract No.: PC0102325,Sellers: ABC Food Trading,Co.,Ltd,USA.,Buyers,: China Cereals,Oils&Foodstuffs,Import&Export,Corporation,Name of C,ommodity: Soybeanmeals,O,rigin: Argentina or Brazil at sellers option,S,pecification: protein 43.5%min; fat 13%max,Q,uantity : 50,000M/Ts,10% more or less at sellers option,U,nit price : USD209 per M/T,CFRXingang,Total price: USD10,450,000,Packing : in bulk,Insurance : to be effected by the buyer,Port of Shipment: San Francisco,Port of Destination:,Xingang,TIANJIN,Shipping marks: at,sellersoption,Shipment: fromto, partial shipment and transshipment,not allowed,Payment : by sight L/C, keeping valid for negotiation in US,within 25 days after shipment,signing place and date :,NewYork, Sep.14,2005,.,D,one and signed in,NewYork,on Sep.14,2005.,exercises,Put the following from English into Chinese or vice versa.,1),D/D,2) accept the time draft,3) dishonour the B/E,4) documents against payment,5) payee,6) auction,7),延期付款,8),可转让金融工具,9),空白背书,10),议付行,11),通知行,12),出票人,承兑远期汇票,票汇,blank endorsement,negotiating Bank,advising bank/notifying bank,deferred payment,t,ransferrable financial instruments,2.,根据下列内容填制一张汇票:,信用证有关条款:,THIS CREDIT IS AVAILABLE BY NEGOTIATIION OF BENEFICIARY,S DRAFT DRAWN ON,US,AT SIGHT FOR FULL INVOICE VALUE, BEARING THE CLAUSE,“,DRAWN UNDER CITIBANK NA SINGAPORE AN IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT NO.779-211-12758,DATED OCTOBER 15,2008.,”,B.,有关资料:,INVOICE NO.: 2008FK-3018,INVOICE VALUE: USD29,000.00,ISSUING BANK: CITIBANK NA SINGAPORE 5 SHENTON WAY,UIC BUILDING SINGAPORE 068808,NEGOTIATING BANK: BANK OF CHINA, GUANGZHOU BRANCH,BENEFICIARY: GUANGDONG TEXTILES IMPORT & EXPORT CORP.,Brown & Brothers Co. asked you to supply them with cotton piece goods for USD5000. They suggested that you draw on them at 60 days sight under collection terms. Write a letter explaining that you can only do business on L/C basis.,3. Write a letter with the particulars given below:,Exercises,Put the following from English into Chinese or vice versa.,1,)保兑行,2,)付款行,3,)贴现,4,)打包贷款,5,),信用证展期,6,)无追索权,without recourse,7,) 循环信用证,revolving L/C,8,),drawee,9,),usance L/C,10) transferable L/C,Packing Loan,远期信用证,1),第,123,号合约项下的,1000,辆自行车已经备妥待运,但,至今未收到你方信用证,请速开证,以便装运。,The 1000 bicycles under contract No.123 have been ready for shipment, however,we have not received,your L/C, please expedite the same so that we can,effect shipment.,2),请将第,36,号信用证的装船期和有效期分别延展至,2009,年,3,月,31,日和,4,月,15,日,并注意修改通知书于,2,月,28,日前到达我方,以便我方在,3,月份安排装运。,please extend the shipment date and validity of the L/C No.36 to . and . respectively, and see to it that your amendments reach us before. so that we can arrange shipment during March.,2.Translate the following sentences into English:,3,),你方第,256,号信用证收到,发现下列两点与合同不符,,请将信用证修改为:, 允许转船和分批装运, 按发票金额的,110,投保一切险,装运期已近,请立即修改信用证。,We have received your L/C No.256,on examination,we have found two discrepancies, please amend the,L/C to read:,(1) Allow transshipment and partial shipment,(2) Insure against,all risks for 110% of the invoice value,The shipment date is approaching, please amend the L/C,at once.,3.Write a letter in English asking for amendments to the,following L/C by checking it with the given S/C,terms.,New York Bank Date: 4 January, 2010 To: Bank of China, Beijing,We hereby open the Irrevocable Letter of Credit NO.12685 in,favor of China Imp & Exp Corp. for account of New York Trading Company up to an amount of GBP13200 (Say Pounds Sterling Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred Only) for 100% of the invoice value relative to the shipment of: 160 metric tons of Peanuts at GBP95 per M/T CIF New York as per your S/C No. 12589 from New York to China port. Drafts to be drawn at sight on our bank and accompanied by the following,documents marked X:,(X) Commercial Invoice in triplicate (X) Bill of Lading in triplicate made out to our order quoting L/C No. 12685, marked FREIGHT COLLECT (X) One original Marine Insurance Policy or Certificate for All Risks, covering 110% of the invoice value.,Partial shipments and transshipment are prohibited. Shipment must be effected not later than 31 March, 2010.,This L/C is valid at our counter until 15 April 2010.,附:,12589,号合同主要条款:,卖方:中国进出口公司,买方:纽约贸易公司,商品名称:花生,数量:,160,公吨,单价:,CIF,纽约每公吨,95,英镑,总值:,15200,英镑,装运:,2010,年,3,月,30,日前自中国港口至纽约,允许分装,与转船,保险:由卖方按发票金额的,110%,保一切险,支付:不可撤销的即期信用证,于装运前,1,个月一到卖方,,于上述装运期后,15,天内在中国议付有效,Dear Sirs,While we thank you for your L/C No.12685, we regret to say that we have found some discrepancies. You are, therefore, requested to make the following amendments:1. The amount both in figures and in words should respectively read “GBP15,200.00 (Say Pounds Sterling Fifteen Thousand Two Hundred Only)”.2. “From New York to China port” should read “from China port to New York ”.3. The Bill of Lading should be marked “Freight Prepaid” instead of “Freight Collect”.4. “Partial shipments and transshipment are prohibited” should be amended to read “Partial shipments and transshipment are allowed”.,5. Shipment must be effected not later than 30 March, 2010 instead of 31 March, 2010.”.,6. “This L/C is valid at our counter” should be amended to read “This L/C is valid at your counter”.Please make the amendments by fax as soon as possible.Yours faithfully,Exercises,Put the following from English into Chinese or vice versa.,1,),neutral packing,2),packing list,3),outer/inner packing,4),bulk cargo,5),FCL,6),粗鲁搬运,7),适合海运的包装,8),重量单,weight list / memo,9),唛头,10),完好无损的,in perfect condition,2.,translation,我们感到非常吃惊,货物到抵达时,箱子完好无损,但其 内所装货物数量短少。,To our great surprise, the cases were in perfect,condition, but the contents were short when the goods,arrived.,2.,我们的货物应用木箱包装,每箱,30,匹,内衬防潮纸。,Our goods should be packed in wooden cases of 30,pieces each, lined with damp-resisting paper.,3.,货物应用纸板箱包装,内衬防水纸,并用金属条加固。,The goods should be packed in cartons, lined with waterproof paper and secured/reinforced,by metal bands.,4.,纸板箱作为一种包装容器在国际贸易中广泛使用,因此你们不必担心它们的适航性(,seaworthiness,),。,As a kind of packing container, cartons have been,widely used in international trade and therefore you,need not worry about their seaworthiness.,Exercises,Put the following from English into Chinese or vice versa.,1),shipped on board clean B/L,2),through B/L,3),straight B/L,4),Charter Party,5),demurrage and dispatch money,6),stowage charges and trimming charges,7),ETD & ETA,8),装船通知,9),大副收据,/,收货单,10),装货单,/,关单,联运提单,记名提单,滞期费和速遣费,理仓费和平仓费,mates receipt,E,stimated Time of Departure/Arrival,s,hipping order,租船契约,1.,兹告知,第,123,号订单项下的货物已经装,“,红星,”,轮,该轮,将于两日内启程驶往你港,有关货运单据已通过我方银行,航邮给你。,We inform you that the goods under Order No.123 have been shipped on ss. “,Redstar,” which will sail for your port within 2 days, the covering shipping documents have been airmailed to you through our bank.,2.,很遗憾我们不能于,5,月初装运货物,因为驶往伦敦的直达轮仅在每月的,10,号左右停靠我方港口。,we regret that we are not able to ship the goods (in)early May, as the direct steamer sailing for London calls at our port only on or about the 10th every month,.,2. translation,3.,商品需由第一艘便轮运往香港,然后转运到巴黎。,The goods should be shipped to,Hongkong,by the first available steamer/vessel, and then transshipped to Paris.,Exercises,Put the following from English into Chinese or vice versa.,1),Insurance Policy,2),TPND,3),FWRD,4),PICC,5),水渍险,6),平安险,7),推定全损,8),实际全损,9),共同海损,10),单独海损,Fresh Water/Rain Damage,Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery,偷窃提货不着险,The peoples insurance company of China,1.,应你方要求,我们将按照发票金额的,110,为货物投保水渍险和偷窃提货不着险。,At your request, we shall insure the goods against WPA,and TPND for 110% of the invoice value.,2.,我们很高兴地通知你方,我们已就上述货物向中国人民,保险公司投保了一切险,保险费率为,1.5%.,We are glad to inform you that we have covered the above,goods with the PICC against All Risks at the (premium) rate of 1.5%.,2. translation,


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