英语人教版八年级下册Unit1 Section A

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I have a” and give advice by using “should”.,Learn and master the names of the illness and give advice.,head,face,arm,eye,nose,leg,mouth,f,oo,t,ear,hand,Lets learn the parts of the body.,t,oo,th,t,ee,th,f,ee,t,calabash brothers,See a video,Whats the matter with Jimmy?,He has a bad cold.,Act with your deskmates.,one student mimes(,哑剧,) an illness, the other students guess the illness.,the best actor,Task 1:Roly play,Whats the matter with you?,I_.,have a cold,have a fever,have a toothache,have a sore throat,have a stomachache,have a cold,1c Pairwork,Task 2,Free talk:,Whats the matter with him/her?,He /she _.,What should he/she do?,He/She should _.,2a,Listen and number the pictures,1-5 in the order you hear them.,4,1,2,3,5,2b,Listen again. Match the problems with the advice.,1 fever a lie down and rest,2 stomachache b drink some hot tea,with honey,3 cough and sore throat c see a dentist and,get an X-ray,4 toothache d take your temperature,5 cut myself e put some medicine on it,fever,take your temperature,stomachache,lie down and rest,cough and sore throat,drink some hot tea with honey,2b,Listen again. Give some advice.,put some medicine on it,toothache,see a dentist and get an X-ray,cut myself,Whats the matter with him?,guess,He has a toothache.,He,should,see a dentist,.,?,What,should,he do?,Whats the matter with her?,guess,She has a headache.,She,should,lie down and rest,.,?,What,should,she do?,Whats the matter with him?,guess,He has a fever.,He,should,drink a lot of water,.,?,What,should,he do?,Whats the matter with him?,guess,He,should,drink hot tea with honey,.,He has a sore throat.,?,What,should,he do?,2c,Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.,At the doctors,At the doctors,A: Whats the matter?,B,:,My head feels very hot.,A:,Maybe you have a fever.,B,:,What should I do?,A:,You should take your temperature.,At the doctors,A: Whats the matter?,B,:,I have a sore back.,What should I do?,A:,You should lie down and rest.,A: Whats the matter?,B,:,I have a tootehache.,What should I do?,A:,You should,see a dentist and get an X-ray.,At the doctors,At the doctors,Task 3,pairwork,Task,4,Brainstorming(头脑风暴),Doctor: Lily, whats you?,Lily: I and .,Doctor: Maybe you .,Lily: What I do?,Doctor: ?,(3 minutes later.),Oh , you , .You need to .,Lily: , doctor .,Doctor: . You soon.,have a bad cold,feel terrible,take your temperuture,three times a day,nothing serious,Thank you,have a cough,should,Why dont you,with,take the medicine,Dont worry,have a fever,must be better,the matter,At the doctors,Make a summary,Whats_,_wrong,Whats_,Whats_,感冒,发烧,咳嗽,头痛,牙痛,胃痛,背疼,喉咙疼,I/we/They,患,_,He/She,得了,_,询问某人怎么了,某人得了什么病,a,(_you/him/her)?,the matter,Whats,the trouble,the problem,with,have,has,cold,fever,cough,head,ache,tooth,ache,stomach,ache,sore,back,sore,throat,.,根据句意及首字母提示写出单词,Whats the m_ with you?,2. We hear with our e_ and see with our e_.,3.,My brother usually goes to school on f_(foot,),4. I have a t_, so I want to see a dentist.,5. She talked too much yesterday and didnt,drink enough water. She has a very s,_,throat now.,6. Lucy has a h _(head),so she cant think about anything at present.,yes,oot,oothache,atter,ars,ore,Exercise,eadache,句型转换:划线部分提问,1.I,have a stomachache,.,2. Ben,hurts himself,.,3. I should,drink some hot tea with honey,.,4.Lisa should,take the temperature,.,Whats the matter with you ?,Whats the matter with Ben ?,What should you do ?,What should Lisa do ?,1.Role-play a conversation between the doctor and the students.,2.Finish your exercise.,1. The little baby has two _.,A. tooth B. tooths C. toothes D. teeth,2. Whats the matter with you? -_.,A. Im glad B. I have a cold,C. I have something to do D. Sorry, I dont know,3. People smell (,闻,) with their _.,A. noses B. ears C. hands D. mouths,Exercises,4. If you have a toothache, you should see a _.,A. policeman B. teacher,C. nurse D. dentist,5. Do you often brush (,刷,) your _? - Yes, I do.,A. tooths B. toothes C. teeth D. teeths,6. I am often ill. - _.,A. I think so. B. thats OK.,C. Really? Thank you. D. I am sorry to hear that.,Thank you.,Section A,Period 1 (1a 2d,),Unit 1,Whats the matter?,Lets play: I say, you do.,Everybody moves your,body,Nod your,head,and touch your,face,Touch your,nose,and close your,eyes,Touch your,ears,and clap your,hands,Raise your,arms,and look at your,back,Touch your,stomach,and tap your,foot,Sit down and move your,legs,Guessing Game,one student mimes(,哑剧,) an illness, the other students guess the,illness and give advice.,the best actor,head,eyes,nose,mouth,teeth,ear,arm(s),legs,foot,feet,hand,head,arm,back,neck,stomach,leg,foot,nose,eye,nose,ear,toe,neck,face,elbow,heel,leg,Learn and master the parts of the body, the names of the illness and the expressions of giving advice.,Learn to talk about health problems by using “Whats the matter? I have a” and give advice by using “should”.,Enable students to talk about health problems and give advice with the language points.,Learn to give appropriate advice to the certain health problems.,body,f,ee,t,tooth,t,ee,th,head,mouth,eye,arm,foot,hand,knee,2b,Listen again. Match the problems with the advice.,1 fever a lie down and rest,2 stomachache b drink some hot tea,with honey,3 cough and sore throat c see a dentist and,get an X-ray,4 toothache d take your temperature,5 cut myself e put some medicine on it,Touch and say,Touch,(,触摸,) the parts of your body when you hear your partner say,GAMETIME,ear,arm,hand,leg,foot (feet),head,eye,nose,mouth,tooth(teeth),face,stomach,back,Where is his,neck,?,neck,Lets learn the parts of the body.,one student mimes(,哑剧,) an illness, the other students guess the,illness and give advice.,the best actor,Task 2:Guessing game,Task 1: Role play,Act in groups or pairs as the,doctor,(医生),and the patient,(病人,).,Make up a conversation between a doctor and a patient.,Whats the matter with him?,guess,He has a toothache.,He,should,see a dentist,.,?,What,should,he do?,Mandy:,Lisa, are you OK?,Lisa:,I have a headache and I cant move my,neck. What should I do? Should I take my,temperature?,Mandy:,No, it doesnt sound like you have a,fever. What did you do on the weekend?,Lisa:,I played computer games all weekend.,Mandy:,Thats probably why. You need to take,breaks away from the computer.,Lisa:,Yeah, I think I sat in the same way for,too long without moving.,Mandy:,I think you should lie down and,rest. If your head and neck still hurt,tomorrow, then go to a doctor.,Lisa:,OK. Thanks, Mandy.,Mandy:,Lisa, are you OK?,Lisa:,I have a headache and I cant move my neck. What should I do? Should I take my temperature?,Mandy:,No, it doesnt sound like you have a fever. What did you do on the weekend?,Lisa:,I played computer games all weekend.,Mandy:,Thats probably why. You need to take breaks away from the computer.,Lisa:,Yeah, I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.,Mandy:,I think you should lie down and rest. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor.,Lisa:,OK. Thanks, Mandy.,2d,have a headache,neck,have a fever,played,sat,moving,head,neck,hurt,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Jenny,:,Your is really , Peter!,Peter,:,Hes , Dingding. Hes very .,Jenny,:,Really? What ?,Peter,:,He can on . He can , too.,Jenny,:,Wow!,Peter,:,your family have a pet?,cute,smart,Jenny,:,My mom has a big , but I .,Peter,:,Why like the cat?,Jenny,:,Well, shes boring. She . , and her name is Lazy.,Peter,:,Haha, then thats a for her!,cat,kind of,dog,can he do,walk,Does,dont you,all day,good name,dance,sleeps,my new pet,two legs,dont like her,because,Mandy:,Lisa, are you OK?,Lisa:,I,and I cant,. What should I do? Should I,?,Mandy:,No, it doesnt sound like you,.What did you do on the weekend?,Lisa:,I,all weekend.,Mandy:,Thats probably why. You need to,away from the computer.,Lisa:,Yeah, I think I,way for too long without,.,Mandy:,I think you should,. If your,and,still,tomorrow, then,.,Lisa:,OK. Thanks, Mandy.,2d,have a headache,neck,have a fever,played computer games,sat in the same,moving,head,neck,hurt,take my temperature,take breaks,lie down and rest,go to a doctor,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Mandy:,Lisa, are you OK?,Lisa:,I and I cant move my . What should I do? Should I ?,Mandy:,No, it doesnt sound like you . What did you do on the weekend?,Lisa:,I all weekend.,Mandy:,Thats probably why. You need to away from the computer.,head,have a fever,Lisa:,Yeah, I think I for too long without .,Mandy:,I think you should . If your and still tomorrow, then .,Lisa:,OK. Thanks, Mandy.,kind of,neck,played,go to a doctor,lie down and rest,computer games,take my temperature,take breaks,moving,hurt,have a headache,sat,in the same way,neck,kind of,kind of,kind of,Mandy:,Lisa,OK?,Lisa:,I,and I cant,. What,? Should I,?,Mandy:,No, it doesnt,you,.,What,on the weekend?,Lisa:,I,all weekend.,Mandy:,Thats probably why.,You,to,away from,.,Lisa:,Yeah, I think I,way for too long without,.,Mandy:,I think you should,. If your,and,still,tomorrow, then,.,Lisa:,OK,. ,Mandy.,2d,Mandy:,Lisa, are you OK?,Lisa:,I have a headache and I cant move my neck. What should I do? Should I take my temperature?,Mandy:,No, it doesnt sound like you have a fever.,What did you do on the weekend?,Lisa:,I played computer games all weekend.,Mandy:,Thats probably why. You need to take breaks away from the computer.,Lisa:,Yeah, I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.,Mandy:,I think you should lie down and rest. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor.,Lisa:,OK. Thanks, Mandy.,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Touch and say,Touch,(,触摸,) the parts of your body when you hear your partner say,GAMETIME,1.- Whats the matter _ you , Lucy?,-I have a fever.,A. on B .with C. to D. of,2. - _?,- I have a sore back.,A. Whats the matter?,B. Whats the wrong ?,C. Do you have a sore back?,D. Whats matter?,Practice,3. People smell (,闻,) with their _.,A. noses B. ears C. hands D. mouths,4. If you have a toothache, you should see a _.,A. policeman B. teacher,C. nurse D. dentist,5.The little baby has two _.,A. tooth B. tooths C. toothes D. teeth,6.- I have a bad cold.,- You should _.,A. drink some coffee B. do some exercise,C. go to see a doctor D. stay up late,7. You should drink some hot tea _ honey.,A. in B. of C. with D. to,8.-You should lie down and rest.,- That _ good.,A. sounds B. listens C. hears D. sounds like,2b,Listen again. Match the problems with the advice.,1 fever a lie down and rest,2 stomachache b drink some hot tea,with honey,3 cough and sore throat c see a dentist and,get an X-ray,4 toothache d take your temperature,5 cut myself e put some medicine on it,Look at the picture.Write the correct letteram for each,part of the body.,_arm _back _ear _eye _foot,_hand_head _leg _mouth,_neck _nose _stomach _tooth,i,b,c,d,m,f,1a,j,l,h,a,e,g,k,Task 1: Role play,Act with your deskmates.,one student mimes(,哑剧,) an illness, the other students guess the illness,one student mimes(,哑剧,) an illness, the other students guess the,illness and give advice.,the best actor,Task 2:Guessing game,Listen and answer,Whats wrong with Lisa?,She,has a headache,and she cant,move her neck,.,2.,What did she do on the weekend?,She played computer games,all weekend,.,And she,sat in the same way,for too long,without moving,.,3. What should she do?,She should,take breaks,away from,the computer.,And she should,lie down,and rest.,Mandy: Lisa, are you OK?,Lisa: I and I cant my . What I do? Should I ?,Mandy: No, it doesnt you . What on the weekend?,Lisa: I all weekend.,Mandy: Thats probably why. You to away,.,head,have a fever,Lisa: Yeah, I think I for without .,Mandy: I think you should . If your and still tomorrow, then .,Lisa: OK. Thanks , Mandy.,neck,played,go to a doctor,lie down and rest,computer games,take my temperature,take breaks,moving,hurt,have a headache,sat,in the same way,neck,move,should,sound like,did you do,need,from the computer,too long,


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