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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Section,A,第一课时,(1,a-,1c),Unit,1,3 Were trying to save the earth.,人教版 九年级下册,litter,v.,乱扔,n.,垃圾;废弃物,bottom n.,底部;最下部,fisherman n.,钓鱼的人,loud music,cars,rubbish,planes,littering,ships,factories,smoking,building houses,mobile phones,1a,Here are some words related to different,kinds of pollution.Write them in the box,below.Then add more words.,noise pollution,_,_,_,_,air pollution,_,_,_,_,water pollution,_,_,_,_,loud music;cars;building house;ships;planes,smoking;factories,factories;rubbish;littering,What was the problem?,The river was _.Even the bottom of the river was full of _.These were no more _ for fishermen to catch.,What caused the problem?,People are throwing _ into the river.,Factories are putting _ into the river.,How should the problem be solved?,We should write to the _ and ask them to _ the factories.Everyone should help to _ the river.,1b,Listen and complete the sentences.,The river was dirty.,Even the bottom of,the,river was full,of rubbish.,But it used to,be so clean!,1c,Role-play the conversation.Then make,your own conversations about the kinds,of pollution in 1a.,Yes,but people,are throwing litter,into,the river.,Everyone in this,town should play,a part in cleaning,it up!,littering 乱丢废弃物,litter,作,不可数名词,,意为“,垃圾;废弃物,”。,如:There were piles of,litter,on the streets.,街上有一堆一堆的废弃物。,There will be fines for people who drop,litter,.,乱扔垃圾的人将被罚款。,Language points,litter,作,及物动词,,意为“,把,.,弄得乱七八糟,”。,如:,Dont,litter,up the floor with scraps of paper.,别,往地上乱丢纸屑。,It is antisocial to leave ones,litter,in public place.,在,公共场所遗弃杂物是妨害公共利益的。,Language points,litter,还可作,不及物动词,,意为“,乱扔废弃物,”。,如:,Please dont,litter,.,请勿乱扔纸屑杂物。,Why do you always,litter,up the table with all these newspapers?,你,为什么总是将报纸乱丢,把桌子弄得乱糟糟呢?,Language points,1.The street _ _ _(,充满了,),rubbish.,2._(litter)causes pollution.,3.Factories are putting _,(p,o,ll,u,te),water into the river.,is full of,Littering,polluted,4.The city _ _(,过去,)be,so clean.,5.We should play a part in _,(clean)the city up.,6.There _ _ _(,过去有,)so,many trees on the hills.,used to,cleaning,used to be,7.,根据汉语意思完成句子。,不要将房间弄得乱糟糟的,。,_ _ _ the room.,8.She painted herself thick and _.,A.ugly B.,uglify,C.,uglily,D.ugliness,Dont litter up,A,完成课,后提升,作业。,书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。,陆游,Section,A,第二课时,(2,a-,2d),Unit,1,3 Were trying to save the earth.,人教版 九年级下册,coal n.,煤;煤块,ugly adj.,丑陋的;难看的,wooden adj.,木制的;木头的,plastic,adj.,塑料的,n.,塑料;塑胶,takeaway n.,外卖食物,bin n.,垃圾箱,A.land pollution,B.air pollution,C.noise pollution,D.water pollution,2a,Listen to the interview.Circle the,Kinds of pollution that Jason and,Susan talk about.,1.The air is badly polluted because there are,_ on the road these,days,_,2.Factories that burn coal also _ the air,with a lot of black smoke.,3.There is also too much rubbish and waste.People _ things every day.,4.People are also littering in _like parks.This is turning beautiful places into ugly ones.,2b,Listen again and complete the sentences.,听力巩固训练,1.,I _ _ _ able to see stars in the sky,but now I cant see them clearly.,2.The air _ _ really _ around there.,3.People,a,re also _ in public places.,4.The factories that burn _ also _,the air with a lot of black smoke.,used to be,has become,pulluted,littering,coal pollute,The air has become,really polluted around,here.Im getting,very worried.,Yes,I used to,be able to see stars,in the sky.,The problem,is that,2c,Use the information in 2a and 2b to,role-play conversations between Jason,and Susan.,Jason and Susan,wh,at,are your ideas for solving,these problems?,Well,to cut down,air,pollution,we should,take the bus,or subway,instead of driving.,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Yeah,or ride a bike.There,are other advantages of,bike,riding.Its good for health,and it doesnt cost anything!,Great ideas!What,about waste pollution?,Mmm,I think simple,things like bringing,a bag to go shopping,can help.I started,doing that a year ago.,Me,too.Also,I never,take wooden chopsticks,or plastic forks when,I buy takeaway food.,I use the ones at home.,And remember to throw,rubbish in the bins and,keep,public places clean,and beautiful for everyone.,So together,our,actions can make,a difference and,lead to a better future!,1,.People are also littering in _ like parks.This is turning beautiful places into ugly ones.,ugly,作,形容词,,意为“,难看的;丑陋的,”,,指人、动物或事物的外貌或道德上令人反感,。还可表示“,有敌意的;阴险的;不祥的,”,在句中可作,表语,或,定语,,,反义词,为,comely,beautiful,。,如:The fairy changed the,ugly,old woman into a frog.,仙女把那个丑陋的老女人变成了一只青蛙。,Language points,2,.There are other advantages of bike riding.,advantage,作,名词,,意为“,有利条件,优点,优势,”,,反义词,为,disadvantage,。,如:He had the,advantage,of a good education.,他具备受过良好教育的优势。,What is the,advantage,of using nuclear power?,使用核能有何好处?,Language points,advantage,还,可作,及物动词,,意为“,有利于;使处于优势,”。,如:It would,advantage,him to go abroad.,出国会对他有好处。,It would,advantage,you to work hard.,努力工作对你会有益。,Language points,3.,Its good for health and it doesnt cost anything!,be good for,意为“,有益于;适于,”,后接,名词,或,动词-ing形式,。,如:,Whis


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