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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语考试:HOW ARE YOU?这么翻译?答案怎么是你?HOW OLD ARE YOU?怎么翻译?答案怎么老是你?,我有幸听过一段精彩的同声传译,中文:婚前,她身材玲珑浮凸。英语翻译:she looked like a bottle of Cocacola before marriage.,中文:婚后,她变得像个水桶。英语翻译:after marriage she looked like a can of Cocacola.,解题要点,一、首先要明确考点,每道汉译英题都有其考查重点,下笔翻译前要通读整个句子,思索该句子的考查重点,明确出题人的意图之后再有针对性地进行翻译,这样才能写出准确地道的译文。,【例1】,It was essential that _(我们在月底前签订合同).,解题要点,二、理清句子结构再下笔,在下笔翻译前考生要判断该句是简单句还是复杂句,分清句子的主干和修饰成分,然后根据结构需要给出正确的译文。,【例2】,Many Americans live on credit,and their quality of life _(是用他们能够借到多少来衡量的),not how much they can earn.,解题要点,三、不要受汉语语序影响,英语和汉语在语序的安排上存在很大差别,考生平时要注意培养英语的逻辑思维,汉译英时不要一味地按照汉语的顺序生搬硬套,要根据英语的语言习惯正确安排语序。,【例3】,Please come here at ten tomorrow morning _(如果你方便的话).,解题要点,四、用词要简洁准确,汉译英时用词要简洁,译文以表达清楚为宗旨,译文中多余的词不但不能增强语言的表现力,反而使语言显得累赘,使表达显得不够清晰,因此汉译英时要尽量避免重复罗嗦。,除了要简洁以外,还要能够准确贴切地表达出所给汉语的意思。考生在翻译某个汉语词汇时,往往会在脑子中浮现出不止一个英文单词,这就要求考生结合语境选择出最能够准确贴切地表达出此处汉语意思的词汇。,【例4】,Human behavior is mostly a product of learning _(然而,动物的行为主要依靠本能).,解题要点,五、结合全句进行核查,翻译完成后,要通读全句,进行全面核查,这是不可缺少的一个重要环节。在核查时应重点关注以下几项内容:标点符号、大小写、单复数使用是否正确;译文与汉语是否完全对应,是否有多译或漏译单词的情况;译文时态与已给出的英文部分的时态是否一致、与所给汉语时态是否一致;译文与已给出的英文部分连在一起是否通顺、是否符合英语表达习惯。,解题要点,六、注意合理分配时间,由于汉译英只有10分钟的时间,所以要合理分配各题时间,切忌在某一题上花费太长的时间,以致最后耽误了其他几道题的翻译,或是最后由于时间紧张而出现单词拼写、单复数、大小写、标点等方面的失误。平时训练时,要注意控制时间,培养良好的翻译习惯。,分类练习:从句(主要为定语从句、主语从句、状语从句),1.Medical researchers are painfully aware that there are many problems_(他们至今还没有答案).,2.(大多数父母所关心的)_is providing the best education possible for their children.,3.The anti-virus agent was not known _(直到一名医生偶然发现了它).,4.Youd better take a sweater with you _(以防天气变冷).,分类练习:从句(主要为定语从句、主语从句、状语从句),5.Leaving ones job,_ _(不管是什么工作),is a difficult change even for those who look forward to retiring.,6.The prevention and treatment of AIDS is _(我们可以合作的领域).,7.Some psychologists claim that people_.(出门在外时可能会感到孤独),8.Your resume should attract a would-be bosss attention by demonstrating _(为什么你是某个职位的最佳人选),状语从句(,adverbial clauses,):重要考点。,1),目的状语,(adverbial clauses of purpose),:一道。,88.,In order to,make money to support my schooling,Mother often takes on more work than is good for her.,(,2006.6,),2),让步状语,(adverbial clauses of concession),:一道。,91.,Though,a skilled worker,he was fired by the company,(,他被公司解雇了,)last week because of the economic crisis.,(,2006.6,),3),时间状语,(adverbial clauses of time),:一道。,90.Some psychologists claim that people,may feel lonely when theyre away from home.,(出门在外时可能会感到孤独),(2006.12),4),条件状语,(adverbial clauses of condition),:一道。,91.Please come here at ten tomorrow morning,if its convenient for you.,(,如果你方便的话,)(2007.6.),5),比较状语,(,结构,)(adverbial clauses of comparison or comparative constructions),:两道,88.Since my childhood I have found that,to me,nothing is more interesting than reading.,(,没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力,),(,2006.12,),分类练习:虚拟语气,1.The professor required that _(我们交研究报告)by Wednesday.,2.It was essential that _(我们在月底前签订合同).,3.The victim _(本来会有机会活下来)if he had been taken to hospital in time.,分类练习:虚拟语气,4.But for mobile phones,_(我们的通信就不可能如此迅速和方便).,5.Mary couldnt have received my letter,_(否则她上周就该回信了).Or she would have answered it.,6.If you _(听从了我的忠告,你就不会陷入麻烦).,More Exercise(语法),虚拟语气,1.Why didnt you tell me you could lend me the money?I _(本来不必从银行借钱的),2.By the time you get to New York,I _(已经动身去)London。,3.Its time _,(采取措施)about the traffic problem downtown.,4.It is essential that _,(把程序输进计算机)。,neednt have borrowed it form the bank,shall have left for,something was done/some measures were taken,the program be loaded into computer.,More Exercise(语法),5.He insisted that the seats _(事先预定).,6.If we hadnt made adequate preparations,_,(会议是不会开得这么成功的).,7._(正是由于她太没有经验)that she does not know how to deal with the situation.,(强调句型),8.The room is in a terrible mess;it_(肯定没打扫过)。,(情态动词),be booked in advanced,the conference wouldnt have been so successful,It is because she is too inexperienced,cant have been cleaned,More Exercise(语法),12.His salary is _.(是我的两倍),倍数,13._,(他虽有耐性)he was,unwilling to wait three hours.,状语从句,14.Sound is a tool _(人们通过它互相,交流).,定语从句,15._(样样精通),is to know nothing.,不定式,two times/twice as much as mine,Patient as he was,by means of which people communicate with each other,To know everything,分类练习:倒装,1.Not only _(他向我收费过高),but he didnt do a good repair job either.,2._(直到他完成使命)that he realized he was seriously ill.,3.The witness was told that under no circumstances _(他都不应该对法庭说谎).,分类练习:倒装,4.Never once_ (老两口相互争吵)since they were married 40 years ago.,5.Only in the small town _(他才感到安全和放松).,分类练习:非谓语动词,1.(为了挣钱供我上学)_,mother often takes on more work than is good for her,2.Having spent some time in the city,he had no trouble_.(找到去历史博物馆的路),分类练习:核心词汇和固定搭配,1.Through the project,many people have received training and(决定自己创业).,2.By contrast,American mothers were more likely _(把孩子的成功归因于)natural talent.,3.Though a skilled worker,_(他被公司解雇了)last week because of the economic crisis.,4.Our efforts will pay off if the results of this research _(能应用于新技术的开发).,分类练习:核心词汇和固定搭配,5.The finding of this study failed to _(将人们的睡眠质量考虑在内).,6.Because of the leg injury,the ath


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