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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Narrative,The,fundamental American values are:,Property,Enterprise,Initiative,The ideology of classical Hollywood cinema is:,The work ethic;Marriage,Family,Home;Progress,Technology,City;Success and wealth;American as a land of Happiness;The ideal Male;The ideal Female,Categorization of Genres,Social Drama,Romance,Gangster,War film,Science Fiction,Fantasy,Western,Disaster,Crime,Epic,Action,Musical,Blockbuster,Film Noir/Neo-Noir,Comedy,Horror,Thriller,cross-type,Narrative refers to the way that a story is told,.,It is principally concerned with the way that events are organized in,time and space,-the way in which the scriptwriter and director take the raw elements of a story and arrange them in the most attractive and interesting way.,Hollywood has developed its own set of informal principles to guide the creation of film narratives;it has also evolved a relatively well-defined structure for their organization.,Narratives also differ according to the,position of the spectator,about the story information,with the effect that narration may be more or less“,restricted”or“unrestricted,”;and“,mixed,”,Effective narratives require that forward movement and interest in future events that we call,momentum.,Narrative,Narrative,,,Story,,,Plot,Narrative,:,A chain of events in,cause-effect relationships,occurring in time and space.,Story,:,All the events that we see and hear,plus all those that we infer or assume to have occurred,arranged in their presumed causal relations,chronological order,duration,frequency,and spatial locations.,Plot,:,All the events that are directly presented to us,including their causal chronological order,duration,frequency,and spatial locations.,Basic Stories,Achilles(,阿喀琉斯,),:,The“Achilles”story is the story of the seemingly,invulnerable hero,with a fatal flaw.Classical tragedy is usually a variant of the Achilles story.(Example:Superman),Thetis,Peleus,Styx,Troy War,Half-man-half-god,Paris,Philoctetes,Achilles Heel,Candide,(,康迪德,):,The story of the innocent abroad,the,naively optimistic hero,who triumphs contrary to all expectations.(Examples:Forrest Gump,Mr.Bean),伏尔泰,Voltaire,Cinderella,(灰姑娘),:,The story of the“,dream comes true,”:Goodness and virtue are despised at the beginning but recognized at last.The protagonist of the Cinderella story usually begins in a lowly position but,through his good nature,convinces all doubters and is rewarded.(Example:Pretty Woman,),1500,Circe,(喀耳刻),:,The“chase”story in which an innocent victim is pursued by the villain,until the villain is defeated by the potential victim.Often this story takes the form of the temptress ensnaring the,love-struck male,;it has often been vividly described as“,the spider and the fly,”.It is the basis of horror films,thrillers,and film noir.(Examples:Fatal Attraction,,,The Alien films),Odyssey,,,witch,pig,Faust,(浮士德,),:,The story of an individual who sells his soul to the devil,enjoys a brief period of power and prosperity,but eventually is called upon to,repay the debt.,The Faust story can also take the form of the dark secret that can never be completely suppressed,or the personal history that cannot be evaded.(Example:Wall Street),Goethe,60 years,Basic Stories,Orpheus,(俄耳普斯),:The story of the gift that is taken away.The gift could be something personal,a loved one,an ability of some kind,everything valuable in life,or even life itself.The story can focus on the tragedy of the loss itself or the search that follows the loss.,(,Born on the Fourth of July,),Ask not what your country can do for you,ask what you can do for your country.,Harp,,,Lyra,7.Romeo and Juliet,:,The classic,star-crossed lovers,story in which a major obstacle stands in the way of true love,。,8.Tristan(The love triangle):,A man loves a woman,but one of them is already involved with someone(or something)else.The,third party,in the relationship is usually a person,but it may be something more abstract(e.g.a cause,a mission,a destiny).(Example:The Graduate),9.The Wandering Jew:,The Wandering Jew is the story of the,persecuted or alienated traveler,who will never return home.(Examples:Apocalypse Now),Basic Stories,Combining,Kiss is still a kiss,Red Blue BlackWhite Yellow Purple,卡萨布兰卡,里克是一个在第二次世界大战期间流亡到摩洛哥的酒吧老板,一个玩世不恭、并不完美的英雄(阿喀琉斯)。,埃尔莎来到了酒吧,她是里克的旧爱,也是他愤世和空虚的原因。里克曾经深爱埃尔莎,他们一起在巴黎生活,但是后来却失去了他(罗密欧与朱丽叶),虽然他仍然爱着埃尔莎,但是她已经嫁给了另外一个人,维克托,拉兹洛,纳粹抵抗组织领袖(特里斯坦)。,但是,埃尔莎用她女性的温柔迷惑了里克,让他违背自己的利益,帮助埃尔莎丈夫的事业(喀耳刻)。,无法忘记过去的里克(浮士德)承认自己对埃尔莎还有责任,答应帮拉兹洛逃到美国去。,他两次输给了拉兹洛,首先是因为他失去了埃尔莎,其次是因为他把自己去美国的签证给了埃尔莎的丈夫(俄耳普斯)。,但是,虽然如此,里克却总是出乎观众意料地出奇制胜(康迪德):,当他为了抵抗纳粹德国放弃自己的幸福,他内心的善良终于显现出来(灰姑娘)。,里克继续在摩洛哥漂泊,归根结底,他内心还是一个流浪者(流浪的犹太人)。,勇敢的心,这部电影结合了俄耳普斯(被夺走的幸福是“自由”)、罗密欧与朱丽叶(少年遇少女,又失去了少女)、特里斯坦(华莱士的第二个情人已经结婚)、阿喀琉斯(华莱士的致命弱点,轻信谗言)和灰姑娘(华莱士出身卑贱但却逐渐表现出自己的才华)。,


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