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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,This is America,Highlights,Topic,Higher Education in America,Words and Phrasses,complex,,,involvement,,,attend,specialize,,,as a result,divide into,earn a living,major in,Grammar tips,Tenses,Passage A,Think about the following questions.,1.Do you know any famous universities in the US?,2.How about the higher education of the US in your mind?,3.Do you know what the difference is between a college and a university?,Higher Education in America,America has a very,well-developed,higher education system with a large,scale,and,complex,types.It,focuses on,training students to obtain new knowledge and the ability of,analysis,and creation.,Paragraph 1,words,1,、,well-developed,adj.fully developed,完善的,健全的,e.g.,well-developed,是个复合词。英语中复合词是由两个或者两个以上的自由词素组成,表达单一的语意概念。,例如,,son-in-law,女婿,养子,oil-field,油田,n.(,尤指与其他事物相比,),规模、程度、范围,e.g.,on a large scale,很大规模,on a global scale,在全球范围内,v.,scale sth.down/back,减少(数量);缩小 (规模或者范围),scale sth.up,增大,扩大规模数量,eg.We are thinking of scaling down our,training programmes next year.,2,、,scale,/skeil/,words,adj.,复杂的;难懂的;综合的,plex machinery,结构复杂的机器,the complex structure of the human brain,复杂的人脑结构。,3,、,complex,words,集中(注意力、精力)于,e.g.Time is limited.Please focus your attention on your work.,时间有限,请集中精力在你的工作上。,The discussion focused on three main problems.,讨论集中在三个主要问题上。,4,、,focus on/upon,words,n.,(对事物的)分析;分析结果,e.g.He has given an acute analysis of the accident.,对于这次事故,他给出了敏锐的分析。,The book is an analysis of poverty and its causes.,这本书分析了贫困及其原因。,5,、,analysis,words,They have,public,colleges and universities and,private,ones.A big difference,involves,money.State schools cost less because they get money from the States that started them to local citizens.,As a result,out-of-state and international students usually pay more than state,residents,at least,the first year.,Paragraph 2,adj.,公立的;公共的,e.g.a public education system,公共教育体系,a public library,公共图书馆,6,、,public,words,adj.,私立的;民营的;私人的,e.g.private doctor,私人医生,7,、,private,v.,包含;需要,e.g.Any investment involves an element of risk.,任何投资都有一定的冒险成分。,Many of the crimes involves drugs.,许多罪案都与毒品有关。,8,、,involve,words,后果,结果,e.g.He was late as a result of the snow.,他因为下雪而迟到。,He made one big mistake,and,as a result,lost his job.,他犯了个打错,丢了工作。,9,、,as a result(of),words,n.,居民;住户,e.g.Income level of urban and rural residents,increase rapidly.,城市和农村居民的收入水平增长很快。,10,、,resident,words,e.g.Itll cost at least 500 dollars.,它至少要花费,500,美元。,10,、,resident,11,、,at least,至少,But,of course,prices,alone,do not say anything about quality of a school or the value of an education.,12,、,alone,仅仅;单;只,(用于名词或代词后以加强语气),Paragraph 3,Colleges and universities,have many things in common,.,Both,offer,undergraduate,degrees in the,arts,and,sciences,for example.And both can help prepare young people to,earn a living,.But many colleges do not offer graduate studies.Another difference is that universities are generally bigger.They offer more programs and do more research.,Paragraph 4,n.(,东西、地方,),有相同的特征(或特点等),e.g.The two cultures have a lot in common.,这两种文化具有许多相同之处。,words,13,、,have sth.in common,代词。(与复数名次连用)两个,两个都,e.g.Both the women are French.,两名妇女都是法国人。,14,、,both,words,both and,不仅,而且,Both his mother and his father will be there.,他父母二人都要去那里。,15,、,undergraduate,words,n.,大学本科生,postgraduate/graduate,硕士研究生,doctoral candidate,博士研究生,Arts,文科(如语言学、历史学、文学等等),Sciences,理科(物理、化学等),16,、,arts and sciences,words,谋生,营生,e.g.She earned a living as a part-time secretary.,她靠做兼职秘书为生。,Its known to all that Jingdezhen earns its living in making china.,众所周知,景德镇以制瓷器为生。,17,、,earn a living,words,Another place of higher education,especially in technical areas,is an,institute,like the,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,.Yet even an institute of technology can offer a wide choice of programs and activities.M.I.T says that seventy-five percent of,freshmen,come there with a strong interest and,involvement,in arts.,Paragraph 5,18,、,institute,words,n.,学会;研究所;研究院,e.g.institutes of higher education,高等学校,a research institute,研究所,19,、,freshman,n.,大一新生,大一学生,frashman,大二学生,sophomore,大三学生,junior student,大四学生,senior student,20,、,involvement,words,Involvement in/with sth.,耗费时间;投入、沉迷,e.g.Her growing involvement with music.,她对音乐投入日益增长。,M.I.T says that seventy-five percent of freshmen come there with a strong interest and involvement in arts.,麻省理工学院表示,有百分之七十五的大一学生选择该校是因为他们对文科非常感兴趣,非常沉迷。,“介词,with+,名词或代词(组)”组成的一般的,with,短语在句子中可以作定语和状语。做状语的时候,它能表示时间、伴随和条件。本句中,with,短语表示原因。,The first American universities,divided,their studies,into,a number of areas and called each one a college.This is still true.A college can also be a part of a university.For example,Harvard college is the Undergraduate part of Harvard University.,Programs in higher learning can also be called,schools,like a school of engineering or a medical school within a college or university.,Paragraph 6,、,7,21,、,dividedinto,words,划分;分割;分成,e.g.White lines divided the playing area into,sections.,这些白线将赛区分成了各个部分。,22,、,school,words,(高等学校的)学院,系,e.g.the university m


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