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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2 Plant a Plant,Lesson 10 Make Your Garden Grow!,Think about it!,Do you like gardening?,What is fun about growing a,garden?,consider,sunlight,test,compost,dry,nearby,squirrel,fence,purpose,v.,仔细考虑,;,认为,;,觉得,n.,阳光,;,日光,v.&n.,测验,;,考查,n.,混合肥料,adj.,干的,v.,使干,;,变干,adv.,在附近,;,不远,n.,松鼠,n.,栅栏,;,篱笆,;,围墙,n.,目的,;,目标,;,意图,Words&expressions,1.To listen and understand the passage.,2.To learn some useful words and expressions about how to grow a garden.,Objectives,Words:,consider,test,dry,purpose,Phrases:,make sure,keepaway from,best of all,take care of,have fun doing sth.,Patterns:,Read and answer.,What do most plants need to grow well?,Sunlight.,2.What is the best food for plants?,Compost.,3.Why is water important for plants?,Plants need water to grow strong and stay healthy.,4.Why do you need to make a fence?,It can help keep these small animals,away from your garden.,5.,Whats the whole purpose of growing a garden?,To have fun.,6.What do you need to consider to grow a good garden?,You need to consider sunlight,soil,water,a fence and having fun.,Hands-on Activity,Plant your own seed in a pot.Just follow these steps:,Dig a small hole.Put the seed in it.,Cover your seed with soil.,Water your seed every day.It cant water itself!,Put it in the sun.Plants needs sunshine!,Soon,your seed will grow roots and a stem.Then it will grow a leaf and then another leaf.Your seed will grow into a plant.,Language points,1.,consider,v.,仔细考虑,;,认为,;,觉得,You do have to,consider,the feelings of,those around you.,你真的得,仔细考虑,你身边那些人的感受。,Take whatever measures you,consider,best.,采取任何你,认为,最好的措施。,What do you,consider,to be your greatest,success?,你,认为,什么事是你取得的最大成就?,2.,test,v.&n.,测验;考查;实验,Out of a total of 25 students only 15 passed the,test,.,所有,25,个学生中只有,15,个通过了,测试,。,It is a fact that holidays are a major,test,of any relationship.,这是事实,节假日是对任何情感关系的重大,考验,。,His work is to,test,out new designs of cars before they are put on the market.,他的工作是在新设计的汽车投入市场之前对它们进行,检验,。,3.,make sure,确定;确信;务必,Make sure,you have the truth on your side,and that your idea makes sense.,要,保证,让真相站在你这一边,这样你的见解才能站得住脚。,Make sure,your relationship has room for give and take.,请,确信,你们的关系有索取和给予的空间。,4.,water,n.,水,vt.,使湿,;,给,浇水,He went out to,water,the plants.,他出去给植物,浇水,。,He pushed me,and I fell into the,water,.,他推了我一下,我便掉到,水里,去了。,You must,water,the garden,its very dry.,你得给园子,浇浇水,,太干了。,5.,keepaway from,使,.,远离,We should,keep away from,cigarette and keep healthy.,我们应该,远离,烟草,保持健康。,Dont,keep,running,away from,life.,别总是,逃离,生活。,Do not forget to,keep,1.2m,away from,the subject.,别忘了同被摄物体,保持,1.2,米的,距离,。,6.,take care of,照顾;照看,If he has relatives,I hope they can,take care of,him.,如果他有亲戚,我希望他们可以,照顾,这个孩子。,Each family member can help,take care of,the family.,每一个家庭成员都能帮助,照顾,家人。,7.,best of all,更好的是;更重要的是,It is not possible to have the,best of all,worlds.,你不可能拥有世界一切,最好的,东西。,And,best of all,there are no side effects.,最好的是,,它们都没有副作用。,I make telephone calls.I exercise,but,best of all,Im outside.,我遛狗,打电话,锻炼,,最重要的是,这些都在室外进行。,Lets Do It!,What do you need to consider to grow,a good garden?Read the lesson and,tick the factors mentioned.,1,heat light space,a fence temperature climate,water air soil sunlight,Before we begin gardening,there are many things we need to consider.(),2.Few plants need a lot of sunlight to grow well.,(),3.Sometimes there is not enough rain,and the garden gets dry.(),4.A fence can help keep small animals away from your garden.(),5.Getting exercises is the whole purpose of growing a garden.(),Read the lesson again and write true,(T)or false(F).,2,T,F,T,T,F,The words in italics are from this unit.,Tick the correct answer to complete,the sentence.,3,1.If you put one thing _ another thing to,hide it or keep it safe and warm,you,cover,it.,over under,2.Before you plant a garden,you should,consider,or _ carefully about something.,look think,The words in italics are from this unit.,Tick the correct answer to complete,the sentence.,3,3.The,purpose,means the _ for something.,reason time,4.The engineer,tests,the machine to _ if it,works well.,check make,Time for reflection,make sure,think about,get into,keepaway from,take care of,best of all,确保;确信,考虑,进入,使远离,照顾,更好的是,Exercise,.,Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.,Before you plant a garden,you should,consider,or _ carefully about something.,A.look B.think,2.The,purpose,means the _ for something.,A.reason B.time,3.The engineer,tests,the machine to _if it works well.,check B.make,4.You can put,compost,in your garden to _ the soil.,enrich B.increase,5.If something is,nearby,it is only a _ distance away.,A.long B.short,.Fill in the blanks with proper words.,1.The administration continues to _ ways to resolve the situation.,政府继续,仔细考虑,解决这种情况的办法。,2.Her wrinkles showed up in the strong _.,她的皱纹在强烈的,阳光,下很显眼。,3.He has stood up to the _ of his honesty.,他已经通过了这次对他是否诚实的,考验,。,consider,sunlight,test,4.You can make _ from food waste at home with or without the help of worms.,你可以在家使用食物垃圾来制作,堆肥,,蚯蚓有无皆可。,5.So_


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