张广友-Focus on Reading(精品)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Focus on Reading,By the end of this unit you should be able to:,understand that reading is an active process and is meaning-focused;,have a clear idea about different approaches towards reading:bottom-up approach,top-down approach and interactive approach;,be able to use major reading strategies:skimming,scanning,inferring,etc.;,be able to teach reading in three stages:pre-reading stage,while-reading stage and post-reading stage.,Activity 1,Introducing Reading,Task 1,What Is Reading?,Task 2,Why Do We Read?,reading for survival;,reading for learning and information;,reading for entertainment or pleasure.,Task 3,How Do We Read?,“bottom-up”approach,“top-down”approach,“interactive”way,Task 4,Whats the Problem?,The background knowledge needed to interpret a given text is called“schema”,“Schema”plays a very important role in understanding a given text.,Task 5,Being an Efficient Reader,Activity 2 Identifying Major,Reading Strategies,Task 1,Skimming,Skimming,is not careful reading,it enables readers to look efficiently for something that interests them,without spending too much time reading what is unnecessary or uninteresting.,Task 2,Scanning,Scanning,means locating specific information the reader want from the text.,Task 3,Inferring,Inferring,means making use of syntactic,logical and cultural clues to discover the meaning of unknown elements.,These may be the writers opinions and attitudes which are not directly stated in the text.,Task 4,Recognising Rhetorical Structures,Rhetorical,structures refer to the complex network of relationships within a text.It is the structure of the underlying ideas and the connections the writer makes between them.,The most common text structures are,chronological order;cause and effect;comparison and contrast;classification;process;definition.,1.Chronological Order,A reader may sometimes come across texts describing the historical background or development of something.Such texts are usually developed on a time basis or chronological order(i.e.the earliest or oldest first,most recent or newest last).Thus understanding of these texts largely depends on the ability of tracing the time sequence.,2.Comparison and Contrast,Some texts are organised in a comparison-contrast pattern,in which the similarities and differences of two items are compared and contrasted.Here are some words and phrases used to signal the“comparison and contrast”relationship:“similarly”,“likewise”,“correspondingly”(comparison);“on the other hand”,“in contrast”,“conversely”(contrast).,3.Cause and Effect,Writers sometimes develop their texts in a cause-and-effect pattern when they wish to,analyse,the reason for particular actions or events(causes)and results or outcomes of those actions or events(effects).The typical signals used are“because”,“causes”,“the reason is”,“the reason for”,“leads to”,“produces”,“creates”and“makes”.,Understanding the text structure,Identifying comparison and contrast,Identifying cause and effect,Reference,Activity 3,The Three Stages of,Teaching Reading,Task 1,Pre-reading Stage,The,aims,of the pre-reading stage are three-fold:,a).Arousing the students interest in the topic or type of text;,b).Motivating students to read the text by providing a purpose for reading;,c).Preparing the students for the content of the text.,Task 2,While-reading Stage,This stage mainly focuses on the exploitation of the text.It aims,to help the reader understand the content and structure of the text,as,well as the authors purpose in writing it.,The typical sort of activities to train the reading skills,skim reading to get the gist(main idea)of the text,locating specific information,transferring information from the text to a diagram,table,form,map,graph or picture,taking notes on the main points,or on specific points of the text,drawing a diagram to show the text structure,answering factual questions on the text,answering inference questions on the text(reading between the lines),putting the events in the correct order,stating if statements given about the text are true or false,working out the meaning of words and phrases in the text from the context,examining referents in the text and stating what they refer to,putting the paragraphs of a jumbled text back in the correct order,giving sections of a text appropriate headings,giving the text an appropriate title(also possibly a post-reading activity).,It needs to be kept in mind that,while-reading activities,should begin with a general or global understanding of the text,and then move to a more detailed study of smaller units,paragraphs,sentences and words.,Remember that the purpose of a reading lesson is to,teach,not,test,!You are there to,help,your students become efficient readers with their own reading strategies and skills.You are not there to explain or translate the text to them so that they dont have to read it themselves.,The kinds of post-reading activities that are usually employed are:,oral discussion of the t


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