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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,完形填空解题技巧,命题特点:,1.短文长度,300词左右,,,记叙文、说明文和议论文,为主。,记叙文故事情节多有曲折,结果出乎意料,是幽默所在;议论文结构严谨层次分明,有很多对仗现象。,2.,首句无空格,,提供语境。5-10词设一空,人名、地名、日期、数字不在之列。,3.选项多为,一词,,偶会为,词组,。四选项为同一类词或属同一范畴,或近义或形异义,或与前后配成词组。故干扰性、迷性大。有时单独看一句话语法都是正确的,但根据上下文只有一个正确答案。,4.考查单词以实词(,v,n,adj,adv,pron.)为主,虚词(,conj.,prep.)为辅。实词一般占80%-90%。,5.以考查学生对,文章的整体理解(篇章逻辑题),和,词汇的意义(词汇题),把握为主。有些要,结合常识,才能正确选项;有些甚至要求在通篇理解的基础上,正确把握,上下文的逻辑关系,,才能正确判断和选择。,6.有些空格答案由上文决定(,前置性设空,),有些由后文决定(,后置性设空,),有些要综合上下文才能得到答案(,语篇性设空,),,以后置性设空为主,。,英语完形填空解题步骤,速览全文,把握大意。,细读首句,摸清文路。,瞻前顾后,准确选择。,复核全文,调整答案。,做完形填空必须读懂文章,前后逻辑一致;完形填空每个小题的正确答案都是有充分根据的,可以在文章汇总找到具体的突破口也就是,信息点,。解题时应联系上下文寻找相关线索,如某一个词的原词、指代词、同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词和概括词等。,2mins,10mins,2mins,1mins,答题方法:,1)择优法:,根据文章及结构边读边填,如果能够立刻判定最佳答案的,不必再去逐个考证其余答案。,2)排除法:,如答案一时难以确定,可按空格位置,从语法结构、词语搭配、上下文语境、习惯用法、词义辨析等方面,对选项逐项分析试填。排除干扰项,从而确定正确答案。,Here are some,Basic skills,of,cloze,Skill 1:Choosing by context(上下文、语境),eg.Many old people dont have good _.,A.hearing B.health C.eyesight,1)They cant watch TV,but they can listen to music or news over the radio.,C,2)They cant listen to music or news over the radio,but they can read with glasses.,3)They cant walk outside,but they can watch TV or listen to music or news over the radio at home.,A,B,eg2.,Wait till you are more _.,A.relaxed B.satisfied C.certain,1)Its better to be sure than sorry.,C,2)Ill improve it once more.,B,3)Or else youll be more nervous on the stage.,A,eg3.,Traveling _,today becomes yesterday;traveling west it is tomorrow.,A.south B.east C.north D.west,eg4.Some parts of the water are very shallow.But in some places it is very,very _.,A.deep B.high C.cold D.dangerous,eg1.When we talked,I discovered(发现)some differences in school life between the US and China.For example,each class lasts fifty minutes in the US.It is a little _ than that in China.We usually have forty-five minutes in each class.,A.shorter B.longer C.earlier D.later,Skill 2:,logic(逻辑推理),eg2.My mother often asked me,“What is the most important part of the body?”,I thought sound was very important to us as humans,so I said“My,_,,Mommy”,She said,“NoMany people are deaf(聋的),A.ears B.eyes C.body D.head,eg1.At this moment,the air hostess,1,.She looked pale,but was quite,2,.1.A.showed B.presented,C.exposed D.appeared,2.A.well B.still C.calm D.quiet,Vt.,Vt.,Vt.,Vi,Skill 3:Choosing by,meanings of words and expressions(词汇和短语用法),eg2.In the morning,the king went to visit the pond.To his surprise,the pond was only filled with water!What happened?Yes!Everyone had the same idea _that man.,A.with B.to C.as D.of,the same,。,Skill4:Choosing by grammar(语法分析),eg1.and the officers then began to eat their meal,saying that the mushrooms had a very strange _ quite pleasant taste.,A.beside B.but C.and D.or,。,eg1.I turned the key in the lock and _the door open.,knocked B.forced C.pushed D.tried,eg2.All over the world people swim for fun.Swimming is enjoyed by people of _ages,from the very young to the very old.There are many places for people to swim in swimming pools.,A.all B.none C.some D.both,Skill 5:Choosing by common sense(常识),eg3.(Immediately)the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to thehospital.,A.animal B.biggest C.plant D.nearest,The skills of finishing Cloze?,What do we learn today?,Skill1:Choosing by,上下文、语境,Skill2:,Choosing by,逻辑推理,Skill3:Choosing by,词汇和短语用法,Skill4:,Choosing by,语法分析,Skill5:,Choosing by,常识,完形填空四利用:,1.利用复现或同类的词汇答题。,2.利用前后文的对仗关系。,3.利用上下文的逻辑关系。,4.生活常识。,完形填空三忌:,忌不看首句,直奔空格处作答。,忌当做语法填空来做。,完形填空很多选项必须根据上下文才能选出,不是孤立的看本句话。,忌先入为主,一气呵成。,做题时先填把握的空格,对不是很有把握的先放一放,在后文的到答案或在做完全文后回头看才会获得答案。,The more,we practice,the easier,it will be!,Cloze is interesting,though difficult.,答案,D,答案,B,答案,B,答案,C,答案,B,答案,A,答案,A,答案,A,答案,D,答案,C,答案,B,答案,D,答案,B,答案,A,答案,B,答案,A,答案,B,答案,A,答案,D,答案,C,manage to do.,for/through,manage,in,without,no,for,He provided them with farming tools and bags,of seeds.,Give a man a fish,and you have fed him for,today.Teach a man to fish,and you have fed,him for a lifetime.,


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