高中英语 Unit 1 Cultural relics Section Ⅳ-Writing课件 新人教版必修2

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Section,Writing,1,写作指导,常用句型,写作模板,针对训练,如何写辩论报告,辩论是人们基于自身对于某一事物的认知的不同立场而展开争论的过程,也就是彼此用一定的理由来说明自己对某事物或问题的见解,以便最后得到正确的认识或共同的意见。,辩论报告一般分为四部分:,第一部分,开门见山地说明辩论的主题和参与者等;,第二部分,列举支持方观点及其理由;,第三部分,列举反对方观点及其理由;,第四部分,得出结论或给出自己的观点。,注意:1.辩论报告属于议论文,要注意论点和论据之间的逻辑性以及不同论据之间的层次性。,2.语言要精练、准确,观点要明确,避免使用太多的修辞和隐语。,2,写作指导,常用句型,写作模板,针对训练,1.We had a heated discussion about/on .,我们就进行了激烈的讨论。,2.Opinions about .are divided.关于意见有分歧。,3.Different people hold different ideas/opinions.,不同的人有不同的意见。,4.People have taken different attitudes towards .人们对于持有不同的态度。,5.The reasons are as follows.理由如下。,6.Some are for/in favour of the idea that .一些人赞成的观点。,7.People who are for the idea think that .支持这种观点的人认为,8.Most of them support it.大多数人都支持它。,3,写作指导,常用句型,写作模板,针对训练,9.Some of them hold a different view that .,一些人持有不同的观点,10.People who are against it don,t think so.,反对的人不这么认为。,11.Some people object that .一些人反对,12.People who are against the idea think that .反对这种观点的人认为,13.In my opinion ./As far as I am concerned ./As for me ./From my point of view .就我而言,14.Through the discussion,we drew a conclusion that.通过讨论,我们得出结论,15.We finally reached an agreement on this problem.,最终,我们就这个问题达成了一致意见。,4,写作指导,常用句型,写作模板,针对训练,Recently we had a discussion about,.Different people held different opinions.The results are as follows.,Some people are in favour of the idea.They think,will bring many benefits.First,.Second,.,However,some people are against it.They argue that,.Besides,.,As far as I am concerned,it is wise/unwise to,.,5,写作指导,常用句型,写作模板,针对训练,假如你是李华,最近,你们班的同学在英语课上针对“旅游景区该不该要求游客买通票”这个话题进行了辩论。请根据表格提示为某英语报社投稿,介绍此次辩论的相关情况。,注意:词数100左右。,参考词汇:通票through ticket;旅游景点tourist spot,6,写作指导,常用句型,写作模板,针对训练,参考范文,:,Recently we had a discussion about whether tourists should be required to buy through tickets.Different people held different opinions.The results are as follows.,Some people are in favour of the idea.They think through tickets will bring a lot of benefits for tourists.First,tourists dont have to buy tickets at every tourist spot,which brings them a lot of convenience.Second,these tickets can help control the number of tourists who enter the spots.,However,some are against it.They argue that buying through tickets means tourists have to visit some spots they dont like.Thus many tourists may not want to visit the tourist spot.,As far as I am concerned,it is unwise to require tourists to buy through tickets.They have the right to decide on which place to visit.,7,


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