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Lesson 22 The Great Wall一、复习检测1. 复习上节课所学短语。Send an e-mail to . Write a letter /postcard to .2. 翻译下列句子。1)每小时多少钱?2)沿着大厅直走。3)我将把它邮寄给你。二、学习目标1.掌握生词短语:climb, turn, traffic, light, true, start2.掌握句型:(1) How long is the Great Wall? (2) It is more than 6500 kilometres long!三、重难点:掌握并能熟练运用指路的语句以及there be 句型。四、课前预习1、 英汉互译一 一个男子汉 2) Be unhappy with sb. 3) 919路公交车 4) go down the street 5) a Chinese saying 6)朝左拐 2、 用所给词的适当形式填空1) They are going to (climb) the Great Wall.2) Stop (talk) and start (walk).3) Do you know the famous Chinese (say)?5、 自学指导一1. 学习生词: climb turn traffic light true start 2. 学生自读,画出本课出现的生词和重要句子。6、 当堂练习1. 汉译英1) 我知道一条中国谚语:不到长城非好汉。2) 我们班有80多个学生。3) 沿着这条街到交通灯。4) 我们到长城可以乘坐919路公共汽车。7、 自学指导二:Listen and answer:1) How long is the Great Wall ?How old is it?2) Why is Jenny unhappy with Danny?8、 检测达标。 用下列词的正确形式填空。1. Thats a _(say) Practice makes perfect.2. There are many _(bus).3. Please turn left at the traffic_(light).4. The Chinese teacher is coming and stop _(talk).5. Its _(much) than 6500 kilometers long .9、 自主提升 。I.连词成句 (1) arrive , she , will , days , in , in ,Shanghai , two _.(2) long , the , is , five , bus , meters_.(3) may , take , you , 12 ,bus , there_(4) is , there , map , the , of , on , a , Canada , desk_(5) down , go , the , at , street , turn , and , right , traffic , the , light_.句型转换1 We can take a bus to the Great Wall.(对画线部分提问)_can_ go to the Great Wall?2. There are some children in the classroom (.改为一般疑问句)_there _children in the classroom ?3. The Great Wall is 6500 kilometers long .( 对画线部分提问)_ _is the Great Wall?4 Turn left at first crossing.(改为同义句) _the _turning on the left.5 In an hour ,they arrive at the Badaling Great Wall.(对画线部分提问)_ _do they arrive at the Badaling Great Wall ?10、 当堂小结1. 学生自己总结本课知识点,强调学生相互补充。2. 教师归纳知识重点,并板书在黑板上,以造句的形式巩固训练。11、 学后反思


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