精彩ppt_Movies lines

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,welcome,Movies lines,The world early theatrical play lines are verse.In the 17th century,prose lines begin in comedy the script to establish a solid position;The 18th century,the tragedy lines also gradually using prose,In the mid 19th century later,eventually replace poetic prose become the basic form of script lines.Lines form a script for the cornerstone.,twilight,.,Id never given much thought to how I would die.,我从来没有想过自己会怎么死。,.,But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go.,但是死在自己爱的人的怀里看起来是一个不错的选择。,.,when you can live forever,what do you live for?,当你可以永生、你将为何而活?,.,Im not afraid of you.Im only afraid of losing you.,我不是害怕你,我只是害怕失去你,.,you are my life now,现在你就是我的生命了,.,I dream about being with you forever,我梦想永远和你在一起,Chi bi,(Sun,Quan,)My decision to fight Cao,Cao,is final.,(孙权)我心已决,必与曹操拼死一战。,(Liu,Bei,)We have walked a long way wearing,these shoes.,(刘备)穿这样的鞋,路走得长。,(Xiao,Qiao,)and as powerful as thunder,(雷声),.,(小乔)动如雷震。,(Xiao,Qiao,)I wish we could invite Cao,Cao,for tea,forget the war and just enjoy the scenery.Wouldnt that be great?,(,小乔)如果我们可以请曹操喝杯茶,不谈战争,只谈风月,那该有多好!,(Zhu-,ge,Liang),I think you are unique,it is the unique ones who are the most misunderstood.,(诸葛亮)我觉得你很有个性,而有个性的人最容易被人家误解。,(,Cao,Cao,)Who can unravel,(拆开),these woes,(悲哀),of mine?,I know but one man,the God of Wine!,何以解忧?唯有杜康。,Thank you,


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