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,*,29.0 Andon System,1,Principle:Continuous Improvement,原则:不断改进,Element: 29 Andon Concept,要素:,29,暗灯概念,GM-GMS Operating Guideline,全球制造系统操作指引,29.0 Andon System,29.0,暗灯系统,2,3,Table of Contents,目录,GM-GMS Relationship,全球制造体系的内部联系,Definition,定义,Purpose,目的,Core Requirements,核心要求,Benefits,益处,Andon,Enablers,暗灯驱动因素,Process Overview:,过程概要,Andon,Components,暗灯的组成,Andon,Pull cord and Switches,暗灯的拉绳和开关,Visual & Audio Signals,目视和声音信息,Andon,Boards,暗灯板,Conveyor Line Layout,传动链布局,System Operation,系统运行,How to Use the,Andon,System,如何使用暗灯系统,Roles&Responsibilities,角色和责任,Summary,总结,Appendix:References,附录:参考资料,Appendix:Revision,Log,附录:审核日志,4,GM-GMS Relationship,全球制造体系的内部联系,The GM-GMS Operating Guideline#29.0 Andon System, supports the GM-GMS Principle of Continuous Improvement in contributing to the Business Goals.,GM-GMS#29.0,操作指引“暗灯系统” 支持,GM-GMS“,不断改进”原则,有助于制造系统五个目标的实现,5,Definition,定义,The Andon System is an operational floor process control system that can be activated manually or automatically to communicate the need for assistance when abnormal conditions occur, as well as to communicate other relevant information.,暗灯系统是流水线操作过程控制系统,当出现异常状况时,通过手动或自动激活系统来寻求帮助以及交流其他相关的信息。,6,Purpose,目的,The purpose of the Andon System is to:,暗灯系统的目的就是:,Empower operations to prevent the occurrence or passing of defects to the next process.,使操作过程能够防止缺陷产生或流入下一道工序。,Call for assistance when behind in the work sequence or an out of standard condition occurs.,当跟不上工作流程或有非标准的状况产生时,寻求帮助。,Initiate the problem solving process.,促使解决问题流程的实施,Drive management and support groups to “Go and See” the problems on the floor and take action.,推动管理层和支持工段“巡视发现”生产线上的问题并采取行动。,Collect data, identifying where problems occur most frequently.,搜集数据,识别问题发生最多的地方,Communicate operational status information.,传递操作中的状态信息,7,Andon Core Requirements,暗灯核心要求,1,The Andon System:,暗灯系统,a),visually displays relevant information for anyone to see and quickly recognize the problem.,目视化显示相关信息使每个人都看见,并迅速确认问题,b),Interlocks to tooling, equipment and manual activation,和加工工具、设备和手动操作相互关联,c),has the capability to stop the moving line process at the FPS, except in emergency cases,紧急情况下,在固定停止位阻止生产线的移动,d),consists of a single pull cord/push button system, easily accessible to the operator,由简单的拉绳,/,按钮系统组成,方便操作者使用,e),directs the support organization to “Go and See”the problems,指导支持团队“巡视发现”问题,f),provides feedback to the source from quality checks, inspection and repair stations,把质量检查、审核和返修工位的信息反馈回问题的源头,g),provides information to the maintenance organization to respond,向维修工段提供信息使其及时响应,h),signals people to perform standard/routine activities,提醒员工进行标准,/,常规的活动,i),provides data(pulls and line stop time)by established Andon zone to problem solve bottlenecks and problem areas,通过暗灯区域的数据,(,拉动和停线的时间,),显示问题解决的瓶颈以及问题所在区域,j),is flexible enough to incorporate other visual management needs as they arise,有很大的弹性,可以融入其他的目视化管理需求,8,2,A people support/team concept structure must exist that has clearly defined roles and responsibilities as the job relates to the production floor(team leader, group leader, production leadership, maintenance,personnel, engineering,quality, materials,other).,必须有一员工支持,/,团队概念体系,清楚地定义与生产线相关的所有工作的角色和责任,(,班组长,工段长,生产领导层,维修,人事,工程,质量,物料,及其他,),3,Standardized Work is clearly documented and followed.,标准化操作明确地整理成文,并予以执行,4,Quality Standards and Process Controls are defined for each job.,每个工位的质量标准和过程控制都有定义,5,The Andon System is used to achieve the concept of “Do not accept, build, or pass a defect”.,使用暗灯系统来达到“不接收,制造,或传递缺陷”的思想观念,6,The Problem Solving Process is used to resolve recurring Andon calls.,使用问题解决流程来消除重复的暗灯呼叫,7,Actual takt time (conveyor speed)is established to allow for proper use of the Andon System.,建立实际单件工时,(,传动链的速度,),,合理利用暗灯系统,8,Decoupling exists to allow for the proper use of the Andon System.,退耦,(,装置,),的存在使得要合理利用暗灯系统,9,Benefits,益处,The Andon System supports continuous improvement in Safety,People,Quality, Responsiveness, and Cost.,暗灯系统支持在安全、人员、质量、响应和成本方面的不断改进,Andon is used as a formal communication tool to alert the organization to “Calls for help” and abnormal process conditions.An Andon response process should be in place to support and rectify situations as quickly as possible.,暗灯作为一种正式的交流工具,警示相关部门寻求帮助以及有异常的流程状况发生。而设置暗灯响应流程为了尽快支持并纠正相关状况。,Andon boards for all areas are easy to understand and support”Status at a Glance”,每个区域的暗灯板都容易理解并“一目了然”,Andon area configurations are established to direct the support organizations to “Go and See”the problems on the floor.,暗灯区的布局可以指导支持工段巡视并发现流水线上的问题,Andon is flexible in order to incorporate improvements and required changes as they arise.,为了融入不断改进和所要求的变化,暗灯设计是柔性的。,Andon collects data for problem solving and identifying where problems occur most frequently.,暗灯搜集解决问题的数据并识别问题发生最多的区域,Andon can remind employees to perform routine activities at regular intervals.,暗灯可提醒员工定时进行常规活动,Empowers team members to Build Quality in Station,使得员工在每个工位制造质量,Andon is a tool to keep the line running!,暗灯是保持流水线运行的工具,10,Andon Enablers,暗灯的驱动因素,Below are the enablers that should be in place prior to activating the Andon System.,以下是在使用暗灯系统前需要合理设置的驱动因素,Continuous Improvement Culture,不断改进的氛围,Management Commitment,管理层的义务,Teamwork,团队合作,Employee Training,员工培训,Defined Quality Standards,定义过的质量标准,Level Scheduling,同步的计划,Fixed Position Stop,固定停止位,Decoupling/Buffers,退耦,(,装置,)/,缓冲,Standardized Work(,Key Point:avoid operation interference and downtime by reducing or eliminating layer builds on adjoining processes,),标准化操作,(,关键点:在相邻的工艺流程减少或消除叠层制造,以避免操作的互相影响以及停线,),Standardized Problem Solving,标准化问题解决流程,Address System,定位系统,Capable Process&Equipment,可行的工艺和设备,Mutual Trust&Respect,互相信任和尊重,11,Andon Components,暗灯组成,Workstation Addresses,工位的位置,Pull Cords,Buttons,and Switches,拉绳,按钮和开关,Lights,亮灯,Audio Signals and Speakers,声音信号和扬声器,Andon Boards,暗灯板,12,Andon boards,workstation lights and speakers provide alerts to the team leader, group leader, maintenance team member, and management so they can respond quickly to “Calls for help”.,暗灯板、工位灯和声音装置可以提醒班组长、工段长、维修员工和管理人员对于“寻求援助的需求”迅速响应。,Andon System Layout for a Moving Line,流水线的暗灯系统布局,13,Pull Cords, Buttons and Switches,拉绳、按钮和开关,The Andon system can be activated by a number of different methods.This chart describes the propose and use of the different pull cords,buttons,and switches of the Andon system.,有几种不同的方式激活暗灯系统。图表描述了暗灯系统不同拉绳、按钮和开关的目的及使用。,14,Activation Device,激活设备,Purpose,目的,Where Used,使用的地方,Description,描述,Andon Pull Cord,暗灯拉绳,Andon Push Button,暗灯按钮,Run Stop Switch,运行停止开关,Manipulator Over-Travel Limit Switch,操作者超程限制开关,Team Member Help Call,组员帮助响应,Team Member Help Call,组员帮助响应,Stop the process or conveyor immediately for safety reasons,为了安全原因,立即停止流程或传动链,Increase level of safety on the workstation by stopping the conveyor when an over-travel condition occurs.,当出现超程情况,停止传动链以提高工位的安全性,On a workstation in a moving conveyor line,移动的传动链上的工位,Work Cells,such as a Body shop or Press Line,or in a Paint Booth,工作间,如车身或冲压线,或在油漆房,Installed along the conveyor and on all major equipment,沿传动链在主要设备旁安装,The limit switch is installed along the travel of the manipulator,限制开关在操作者行进路程旁安装,Connected to a switch with a light and looped along the length of the conveyor,亮灯和开关连接,沿传动链形成环路,Switch box with a push button is located in the most convenient location of the work cell,有按钮的开关盒处于工作间最方便操作的地方,Placed at regular Fixed Position Stops on alternating sides of the line.(Note:Must be in accordance to all safety standards and regulations.),在线的两旁交替放置于固定停止位处,(,注:必须符合所有的安全标准和规定,),To prevent manipulators,articulating arms and assist devices from dangerous over-travel conditions to increase safety on the workstations.,避免操作者、连接设备和辅助仪器发生危险的超程情况,提高工位的安全性。,15,Pull Cords, Buttons and Switches,拉绳、按钮和开关,16,Activation Device,激活设备,Purpose,目的,Where Used,使用的地方,Description,描述,Critical Check Complete Button&Light,关键检验完成按钮和亮灯,Local Quality Call Buttons,区域质量响应按钮,Downstream Quality Call Buttons,下道工序质量响应按钮,To indicate Critical Checks have been completed,表示关键检查已完成,To call Production Team Leader to the Quality Verification Station,呼叫班组长到质检工位,To call the Production Group Leader to the Quality Verification,呼叫生产工段长到质检工位,Switches installed in Zone area or as needed to support the process,开关安装在需要的区域,支持工艺流程,Quality Verification Stations,质量检验工位,Quality Verification Stations,质量检验工位,The button light turns on indicating that a check must be done.After the button is pressed,the system turns off the light button,acknowledging the check has been completed.If the Team Leader does not press the button by the time the check time expires, the button-light flashes.,灯亮表示必须检查。按下按钮后,系统关闭亮灯,表示检查完成。如果班组长在检查时间结束时,没有按下按钮,亮灯将闪烁。,Push button switch mounted on a pedestal,按下装在支架台上的开关按钮,Push button switch mounted on a pedestal,按下装在支架台上的开关按钮,17,Visual and Audio Signals,目视和声音信号,Visual Signals,目视信号,Standard colors help determine the “Status At A Glance”,颜色标准帮助确定状态,Green signals “OK”or Normal Status,绿色表示,OK,或正常状态,Yellow signals “Help Required”Potential Risk of Loss of Production or Quality.,黄色表示需要帮助,生产或质量有潜在损失的风险,Red signals “Line,Process Or Equipment Is Down”-Immediate Help Is Required.,红色表示生产线、流程或设备的停止,-,需要立即抢修,(,In some applications of Andon it may be necessary to use other colors to fulfill all the requirements of the system.),在暗灯的有些使用中,需要应用其他颜色来满足系统的所有要求,18,Audio Signals,声音信号,Audio signals convey a unique melody or audio signal to alert the correct support personnel to look up at the Andon Board or to see the workstation lights to determine the specific location calling for help.,声音信号发出独特的音乐或声响来提醒纠正支持人员观察暗灯板或工位亮灯以确定需要帮助的特定工位。,Typically two types of audio signals are used:,使用的两种典型的声音信号:,Melodies,音乐,Tones,音调,Unique melodies are used to distinguish different Andon events,Groups,Andon Zones,and routine reminders.,独特的音乐用来区分不同的暗灯事件、工段、暗灯区域以及日常的提示,Tones are used for common Andon alerts,such as equipment faults and scheduled start or stop of the line.,声调是用来常规的暗灯提醒,如设备故障,生产线的启动或停止。,19,Andon Lights,亮灯,Activation Device,激活设备,Purpose,目的,Where Used,使用的地方,Description,描述,Workstation Light,工位灯,Run stop light,运行停止灯,Equipment Fault light,设备故障灯,Supports help call function,寻求帮助功能,Support Run stop function,运行停止功能,Support equipment faults,显示设备故障,One Yellow workstation light is located at the end of each workstation.,每个工位的末端有一黄色的灯,One red beacon light is located at the run stop switch,在运行停止开关处有一红色的信号灯,One red beacon light is located at the control panel of each piece of major equipment,在每个主要控制设备的面板上有一红色的信号灯,Turns on solid yellow in a response to a call for help.Flashes when the vehicle reaches the fixed position stop.,寻求帮助时显示常黄。当车辆达到固定停止位就闪烁,When run stop switch is activated, the light flashes.,运行停止开关激活时,亮灯闪烁,When an equipment fault occurs,it flashes,设备发生故障,灯就闪烁,20,Audio Signals and Speakers,声音信号和扬声器,The Andon system will play unique audio signals such as, melodies and tomes for specific types of help calls and faults.It should be user friendly and flexible to allow for the following functions:,暗灯系统会发出独特的声音信号如,求助和发生故障的特定类型的音乐和声调。系统具有以下功能,对使用者友好并具有弹性:,Length of Time On,声音的长短,Fast Mode of Play (25% to 100% Faster than Original),播放的快速模式,(,比开始快,25%,到,100%),Priority level assignment for event melodies and tones,音乐和声调的优先级分配,Selectable Location of Melody Play (Zone,Board or both),可供选择的播放音乐,(,区域,显示板,),Capable of supporting all Andon Calls and Faults with a specific Melody or Tone,用一特定的音乐和声调支持所有的暗灯求助或故障情况,Adjustable speaker volume,可调节的声响,21,Speakers are placed to ensure Team Leaders and Group Leaders and all other responders hear the melodies.Speaker placement is especially crucial for louder facilities.,放置扬声器是确保班组长,工段长以及其他所有响应者听到音乐。扬声器的放置对于有噪声的设备十分重要。,22,Andon Boards,暗灯板,Different Types of Andon Boards (all boards may not be required to fulfill the core requirements of Andon),不同类型的暗灯板,(,所有的暗灯板不一定都要满足暗灯的核心要求,),Group Boards,工段板,Supports a specific group of operations or production area,usually one group leaders area,支持一特定工段的操作或生产区域,通常是工段长区域,Shop Status Board,车间状态板,Supports the organization and provides real-time status and performance information of the current shift.,提供当前班次的实时状态和绩效信息,23,Performance Board,绩效板,Supports the Production team leaders and group leaders by providing real-time pull count and downtime information by Zone for the current shift.,提供当前班次各个区域的拉灯次数及停线信息,,支持生产班组长和工段长,Final Process Board,最终工艺板,Supports the Production and Quality Organizations by providing quality and throughput information and informs them where help is requested,支持生产部门和质量部门,提供质量和产量信息并告知需要帮助的地方,Maintenance Board,维修板,Supports the Maintenance organization by providing information related to abnormalities with equipment and informs them where help is requested.,提供设备异常的相关信息,支持维修部门并告知需要支援的地方,24,Group Board,工段板,The Group Board supports a specific group of operations,conveyor length or production area, usually one group leaders area.The appropriate light is turned on and melody is played to alert support personnel when help is requested or a fault occurs.,工段板是对一个特定工段的操作,传动链或生产区域,通常是工段长区域的支持。当需要帮助或发生故障时,相关的灯亮,音乐响起提醒支持人员。,Because of different process requirements,group sizes,and board locations for each department, the boards may vary slightly from department to department.,由于不同的工艺需要、工段大小和位置,每个工段的暗灯板略有区别,Smaller size boards can be used where team members are working in isolated work cells as long as they retain the common functionality requirements.,员工在单独的工作间里操作时,可使用较小尺寸的暗灯板,只要符合通常的功能要求。,It should also be recognized that in other work cell applications of the Andon system such as a stamping process, the group boards may look different from what we would see in a typical moving line operation.These boards would be more focused on cell calls and equipment faults,but the intent of the system must stay true to the core requirements of Andon.,必须指出,在其他工作间使用的暗灯系统,如冲压流程,工段板和运行的流水线操作的工段板是不同的。这些板更注重于工作间的求助及设备故障,当然系统的内容必须符合暗灯的核心要求。,25,26,Shop Status Board,车间状态板,Supports the organization and provides real-time status and performance information for the current shift.,提供当前班的实时状态和绩效信息,The location of the board is typically at the end of a shop, or at the Visual Management Center where all team members can obtain status information quickly.,板的位置通常在车间的末端,或在目视化管理中心,所有的员工可以迅速得到状态信息。,27,Line,生产线,Condition,情况,Shop Status,车间状态,Area or Line Status,区域或生产线状态,Starved/Blocked,短缺,/,堵塞,Total Downtime Area/Line,总的停线时间,Key Production Information &Counts,关键生产信息及数量,Green-OK-Line is running,绿色,-,生产线运行正常,Red-Not OK.Line is not running.,红色,-,生产线没有运行,FA,:,Float Alarm:Yellow Solid Level 2 Alarm Yellow Flashing Level 3Alarm,缓冲警示:黄灯常亮,2,级警示,黄灯闪烁,3,级警示,Green-OK-Line is running,绿色,-,生产线在运行,Red-Line is down for Andon Call or Equipment,红色,-,由于暗灯或设备的原因停线,Green-OK,绿色,-OK,Starved/Blocked-Red,红色,-,短缺,/,堵塞,Total Area or Line downtime,总的区域或生产线停线时间,Current Shift Production Information-Goal,Actual,Trend,Quality,Float,Shipped,当前班生产信息,-,目标,实际,趋势,质量,缓冲,装运,Paint to GA Buffer Count,油漆到总装的缓冲数,28,Performance Board,绩效板,The Performance board supports a specific group of operations or production area,usually one group leaders area.,绩效板支持一特定工段的操作或生产区域,通常是工段长区域。,29,Display,显示,Description,描述,Andon Downtime Clock,暗灯停线时间计时钟,Equipment Downtime Clock,设备停线时间计时钟,Verification Station Downtime Clock,质检工位停线时间计时钟,Zone Downtime Clock,区域停线时间计时钟,Reset Buttons,重置按钮,Displays the total line downtime related to Andon calls,显示与暗灯相关的总停线时间,Display the total line downtime due to Equipment faults,显示由于设备故障的总停线时间,Displays the total line downtime due to quality calls and repairs in the verification stations,显示由于质检工位的质量问题或返修而造成的停线时间,Displays the total line downtime for each specific zone,显示每个特定区域的总的停线时间,Reset buttons are used to reset each downtime clock and pull count display after information is recorded.,在记录数据后,用重置按钮重新设置每个停线计时钟和拉动次数,30,Final Process Board,终线流程板,The Final Process Board supports the final process and production repair organizations by alerting them when help is needed.It also provides quality and throughput information.,终线流程板支持最终工艺以及生产返修部门,提醒他们何时需要援助。同时提供了质量和产量信息。,31,Quality OK Rates:,质量通过率,Displayed is the Actual OK rates for the Quality Verification stations,显示质检工位的实际通过率,Throughput Performance,产量绩效,Displayed are Actual number of vehicles off EOL,显示离开终线的实际车辆数量,On hold displays the number of vehicles On hold,Hold,表示滞留的车辆,OK-Status:Normal float level, all repair areas under the predetermined float levels.,正常的浮动车辆标准,所有的返修区域在设定的浮动标准范围内,Level 1 Alarm, for Final Process only, System turns on level 1 alarm condition at a predetermined percentage of float level capacity.,只对终线工艺而言,系统在预置的流动容量百分比上显示一级警示状态,Level 2 Alarm:System turns on Level 2 Alarm condition at a predetermined percentage of float level capacity, prior to reaching maximum capacity.Group leaders involved in problem solving.,二级警示:在达到最大容量之前,系统在预置的流动容量百分比上显示二级警示状态。工段长参与问题解决。,Level 3 Alarm:System turns on at the maximum allowable float level capacity.Area manager and plant management involved in problem solving.,三级警示:系统达到最大允许流动容量时的级别。区域经理和生产基地领导班组参与问题解决。,32,Maintenance Board,维修板,The Maintenance Board supports the Maintenance organization by providing information related to abnormalities with equipment and tools and location where help is requested.,提供设备异常的相关信息,支持维修部门并告知需要支援的地方,The Maintenance Board displays will vary depending on the maintenance deployment strategy implemented.In some cases, extra marquees may be added as necessary to support the effectiveness of the maintenance function.Shown below are examples of departmental maintenance boards.,依据实施的维修分布策略,维修板的显示有所不同。有时,必须增加附加的车辆以支持维修的效率。以下是部门维修板的样例。,33,Line,生产线,Condition,情况,Area or Conveyor Status,区域或传动链状态,Equipment Status,设备状态,Equipment Uptime Actual,设备实际工作时间,Buffer Count,缓冲数,Buffer Count,缓冲数,Green-OK;Equipment and conveyors running.,绿色,-,设备和流水线运行正常,Red-Line not running.Conveyor or equipment not running,红色,-,流水线或设备停止运行,Green-OK,绿色,-OK,Red-Equipment fault,红色,-,设备故障,Displayed is the Actual uptime of the equipment in each respective area.,显示的是每个区域设备的实际工作时间,Paint to GA buffer count,油漆到总装的缓冲数,Trim 4 to Chassis 1 buffer count,内饰四到底盘一的缓冲数,34,Andon board Layout Planning,暗灯板规划布局,When planning Andon board layouts and board configurations in a department, there are many things that need to be considered.Such as :,当在一部门进行暗灯板的规划和版面设置时,需要考虑很多事。如:,What are the Team/Group sizes and locations?,班组,/,工段的大小和位置,Can the group, including the verification station, be tied into one board?,工段,包括质检工位,可否联成一块板?,Is there a clear line of sight for team members?,班组成员是否能清楚看见,What is the clearance height needed underneath the boards to allow for area activity?,考虑区域活动的进行,板下的高度是多少?,What is the maintenance deployment strategy for equipment faults?,对于设备故障的维修分布策略是怎样的?,Are there central or satellite maintenance work shops?,是否有维修中心车间?,Are there scheduled controlled stops and starts?,是否有计划的控制停线和启动?,Are procedures in place for routine reminders such as critical checks or material pull card pick-up?,是否有程序作为日常行动的提醒,如关键检查或物料拉动卡的搜集?,Is there flexibility in the system for future needs?,对于系统将来的需求是否有可塑性?,Is there a nerve center or central meeting area?,是否有控制中心或会议区域?,35,Conveyor Line Layout,流水线的布局,Key Points,关键点,Group Andon boards support Andon zones.Typically a zone represents one team(4-6 team members).A zone can be left or right operations and 2-5 workstations.One workstation equals the distance between the fixed position stop markings.In some cases due to isolated team locations, individual line segments, and automation, Andon boards may need to support the station and team level.,工段的暗灯板支持暗灯区域。通常一个区域表式一个班组,(4-6,个组员,),。一个区域包含左边或右边的操作,,2-5,个工位。每个工位在固定停止位标记间的距离是相同的。有些情况,由于独立的班组位置,单独的分装线,暗灯板需要支持这个工位和班组。,Andon cords are installed in a clothesline fashion on moving lines or as call buttons in work cells and paint booths.Workstation lights are located at the end of the workstation.Run stop switches are located as required in the area.Speakers are placed in each zone.,暗灯线在移动的生产线上的安装采用晒衣绳的样式,而在工作间和油漆房内采用按钮形式。工位


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