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China in the past ten years.,某城市近年每百人中手机用户增长示意图。,ownership,第二步:分析数据间的,主要差异及变化趋势,,抓,重点,抓,特征,抓,规律,,不能事无巨细,一一列出,.,主体,部分往往包含,facts and reasons,(,Facts,)一,描述变化趋势,1.The number of private cars,increased/,rose,suddenly/rapidly/sharply/dramatically,(急剧),/considerably,(大量),/slowly/gradually/slightly,(轻微),(from to),2.The number of private cars increased by,10%,in 1999,reaching 20000.,3.The number,dropped/decreased/declined/went down,slightly,from,38%in 2005,to,31%in 2006,4,.The number,remained,steady/stable/constant,betweenand,从,到,期间,数量保持稳定!,(facts),二,,描述数据,差异,1,The number of people having cars,accountsfor/,make,sup 60%,2,.Onthetopofthelistis,whichaccountsfor60%.,占比重高的是,占60%。,3,.Atthebottomis,,ma,k,ing,up20%.,占最低比重的是,占20%。,4,.AissecondtoB.,A仅次于B。,5,.Aisranked/ratedfirst,followedby,Bat30%andCat25%.,A占的比重最高,紧随其后的是占30%的B和占25%的C,6.The number of,doubled,compared with that of last year,7.The number ofis,four times as big as,8.,The number of is almost,the same as,某城市近年每百人中手机用户增长示意图。根据所给图表,简要,描述某城市近年每百人中手机用户增长情况,,并分析其增长原因。,In 1997,only ten people in a hundred had mobile phones in,the,city,In 1999,the number doubled,reaching 20 in 100.,The people owning mobile phones in 2001 were 5 times as many as those in 1997.,Three years later,the number of the citizens owning the magic tools increased rapidly,making up,80 percent,.,Reasons:,1.,The reason,why/for,is that,2.,It is,because/because of,that,3.We may,consider,the change,as a result of.,4,.is,the key factor,(因素)contributing to,5.The reasons why.,are as follows,./,There are plenty of reasons for,the change.Firstly,secondly,Thirdly.,3.Reasons,There are some reasons for the rise in the number of people with mobile phones.Firstly,the technology of making mobile phones is changing rapidly,which leads to the drop in the prices.,Secondly,peoples income has been increasing.,As a consequence,they have more options.,Thirdly,being useful in daily life,mobile phones make peoples communication easy and convenient.,1.I,n a,word,/,I,n short,/,I,n conclusion,/,I,n,summary,we,can say/conclude/predict,that,2.,As far as Im concerned,/As for me,/For my part,/From my point of view,/in my opinion,I,think it necessary,to.,3,.From what has been discussed above,we can,draw a conclusion/it can be concluded,(,得出结论),that,第三步 总结归纳,From what has been disscussed above,it can be,estimated,that,the number of the mobile phone holders will reach a,new,height with the,further advance of science and technology.,第三步:,归纳总结或发表评论。,第一步 点明主题,According to the above chart,we know more and more people,have mobile phones in recent years.,第二步 阐明图表数据 说明原因,In 1997,only ten people in a hundred had mobile phones in some,city.In,1999,the number doubled,reaching 20 in 100.The people owning,mobile phones in 2001 were 5 times as many as those in 1997.Three years,later,80 percent of the citizens had the magic tools.,There are some reasons for the rise in the number of,people with mobile,phones.Firstly,the technology of making mobile phones is changing,rapidly,which leads to the drop in the prices.,Secondly,peoples income,has been increasing.As a consequence,they have more options.,Thirdly,being useful in daily life,mobile phones make peoples communication,easy and convenient.,第三步 总结归纳,From what has been discussed above,it can be estimated(估计)that,the number of the mobile phone holders will reach a new height with the,further advance of science and technology.,What Jobs Do College Students Want to Do,目前学生择业状况,男女学生就业选择的区别,我的观点,What Jobs Do College Students Want to Do,It goes without saying that college students have a clear idea about their future occupation,.Boys are to some extend different from girls in their choice.,As can be seen from the picture,the most striking contrast,is in the occupation of teaching:45%of girls students would like to do the job.,What boys like to do most is,to become managers(40%)and the second largest group is to be businessmen(30%).Girls also like to,pursue,these two professions,with a percentage of,15%and 25%respectively choosi


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