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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 12,The Needs That Drive Us All,在地震中幸存,满足需求,完成个人的计划,分担我们的忧虑,谴责法庭的不公正,记载下很多这种情况,为顾客服务,寻找复仇机会,窒息人们的思想,宣讲道义,提倡节能技术,Monotonous work,An oppressive atmosphere,Genetic engineering,A power payoff,A sense of belonging,A spontaneous reaction,Unbridled power,Bare necessities,The virtue of humility,The mores of a culture,The all-pervasive sense of despair,associate with,progress with the future,联系,Be d for a lifelong union,永结同心,The press feels the need to itself with the green movement. (the press is d with the movement),公开支持,They disapproved of her ,ing,with homosexuals.,与人交往,n.,associates,同事,伙伴,Bloodshed is an to war.,形影不离,a.,an editor,副主编,an professor,war and its horrors,benefit,sb, from,sth,/,sth,benefits,sb,This could work,to my ,/ this will,be of to me,.,Coerce,sb,into doing,sth,He had argued that the government d him into pleading guilty.,Confine to,Health officials have successfully d the epidemic of bird flu to some areas of China.,Yoko had largely d herself / her activities to the world of business.,Be d to a mental institution, prison, etc.,n.,within the confines of,在范围内,the confines of this marriage,局限内,Conflict with,A with B.,Conflicting interests,相互冲突的利益,The two objectives are,in conflict,.,Crumble away = crumble,碎裂,摧毁,崩溃,消失,into fragments,The low-rise apartment blocks built in the 1960s are ,ing,.,年久失修而损坏,The empire finally d.,His hopes are d to dust.,化为泡影,His influence is ,ing,away.,Evolve from/ evolve into,逐步形成,制订,发展,展开,演化,,a cure for,sth,想出解救的对策,a theory out of thin air,无中生有,Mammals d from reptiles.,Buds into flowers.,Incentive to,刺激,鼓励,动机,An to negotiate,谈判动机,The charming book is to further study. (,a.,),Incite,sb,to do,sth,.,Manipulate,sb,to do / into doing,parents into buying toys, me to give her vast sums of money, an event, situation or system, a computer,操作,revenge,Take on,sb,.,报复某人,yourself on,sb,who has hurt you, the dead,为死者报仇,Tribute,贡品,进贡,纪念,颂辞,称赞,表示敬意的礼物,Memorial Day is a to the dead soldiers.,Pay to,sb,/,sth,赞扬,His success has been a to hard work.,功绩,It is a to Prof. Charlies skill that he has fashioned a fascinating book out of such unpromising material.,survive,Survive: remain alive.,-Of those wounded in the battle, only three survived,-How many of the countrys early customs survive?,Survive: Live longer than,The man survived his brothers by three years.,Few people in the town survived in /from the earthquake.(,误),Few people in the town survived the earthquake.(,正),survivor/ survival /,survival of the fittest,fulfill, 履行,a contract, a promise, requests;,执行,a function, ones responsibility, ones instructions;,完成,a work program;,满足,ones needs, ones expectations,This way of life adequately s the individuals.,She succeeded in,ing,herself,as an actress.,实现抱负,发挥才能,Attachto,a label,to,a suitcase,The abalone,ed,itself to,rocks.,鲍鱼附着在 岩石上,He,was,strongly,ed to,his home.,依恋,She,ed great,significance to,his warning.,The court said it could,no possible,blame to,the driver.,归咎于,A moral obligation,es,to,high rank.,连在一起,Advocate doing,abandoning humanitarian goals,提倡放弃人道主义目标,An of green movement,拥护者,claim,payment from/of,sb, the luggage at the station,提取,our attention,需要我们注意,respect,值得尊重,The explosion ed 24 lives.,以为后果,responsibility, victory, the highest jobless rate, 2000 members,声称有,具有,to do / to be true / that clause,Involve doing,His job as a public relations director,s,spending,a lot of time with other people.,The scandal,s,people,at the highest levels of government.,I seem to, myself in,the mystery.,A late booking may, you in,extra cost. (one thing s you in another),Verbs collocating with the word “power”,Abolish, abuse, acquire, come to, consolidate, decentralize, deprive,sb,of, establish, exercise, exert power, gain, give up, grab, hand over, have, hold on to, misuse, possess, recognize, reduce, restore, restrict, return to, seize, share power,


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