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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Spot dictation,主旨题 main idea,2013.12(2),61.What is the main idea of the first paragraph?,(1)60.What is the main idea of the passage?,观点态度:point of view or attitude,2013.12(2),59.What is the traditional,view,of retirement according to the passage?,60.What do critics,say,about“nevertirees?,65.What does Lucia Dunn,think,might be a risk for the creditcard issuing banks?,(1)61.What kind of education does the,author think,is ideal?,Agree or disagree,Agree,(3)Passage one,Para 2.Pro-market,Para 4.Support,Last para:favor,57.D)advocate,Disagree,Against,Disagreement,Vocabulary,56.What do we learn about the,so-called,“nevertirees”?,Divide/divorce/differ,Research Finding,58.What do we,learn,from the 2011,study?,(3)56.what is the finding of the new study?,(2)58.what is the finding of Howard Friedmans research?,Survey,statistics,Implication and suggestion,(2)59.what does Brunstrom,suggest,we do to controll our appetitie?,(1)65 What,suggestion,does the author offer to parents?,(3)59.What does Ann Mari May,imply,about public policy-making,(3)65.What does Beall suggest the UK government should do?,Cause and effect,2013.12.(1),56.What is said to be a,factor,affecting,our appitete and food intake?,(3)61.,What has caused,the decline of the number of non-EU postgraduates in the UK?,63.,Why,do UK universities try to attract postgraduate students from outside the EU?,Globalization,In the years after World War II,the world greatly changed.Much of this was due to new_1_.For instance,the jet was developed.This _2_the speed that people could travel.There were also _3_in telecommunications.Computers and the Internet were_4_.It became much easier for people to communicate with others all around the world.,This has led to the _of globalization.Basically,the world is becoming a smaller place.In the past,what happened in one country rarely affected other countries.Or it took a long time for any effects to_5_.But the world is different today.Because of globalization,what happens in one part of the world can affect places all around it.,Thanks to globalization,people can now do business more easily with those in other countries.When you go to the supermarket,you can see _7_foods from all of the different countries.,Also,people are learning more about other countries these days.This _8_more understanding about other countries.In the age of globalization,the world is becoming richer.,key,1,technology,2.increased,3.,advances,4.invented,5.spread,6.occur,7.various,8.leads to,proverb,It is no use crying over spilt milk.,He who hesitates is lost.,Absence makes the heart grow fonder.,Haste makes waste.,The grass is always greener on the other side of the hill.,Beauty is only skin deep.,欲速则不达。,这山望着那山高。,以貌取人是肤浅的。,一、避免过多重复信息,例1 中国最重要的节日是新年,最热闹的节日也是新年。,参考译文:The most important festival in China is Spring Festival,which is also the most exciting.,例2 中国文化认为有些颜色吉利,有些颜色不吉利。,参考译文:In Chinese culture,some colors are considered lucky and some unlucky.,例3 竹子象征清逸,松柏象征长寿,莲花象征纯洁,兰花象征归隐。,参考译文:Bamboo represents elegance,pine longevity,lotus purity and orchid reclusion.,二、避免动词使用过多,例1 各地开办了很多老年大学,让老人学写书法,学画国画,学跳舞。,参考译文:Around the country,many colleges for the elderly have been set up for them to learn calligraphy,Chinese painting and dancing.,在翻译“使”字句和“让”字句时,译者容易受原文影响,一味地用make、let、enable等去对应原文的“使”字和“让”字,从而产生一些生硬、晦涩的中式英语。译者在翻译这两种句型时,需仔细分析原文,若原文不适合用make、let、enable等词去翻译,可尝试用如下方式:其一,,省略,“使”字或“让”字,在译文中,添加,表示逻辑关系的词(组),来体现“使”字或“让”字的前后文之间的逻辑关系;其二,将“使”字或“让”字与其后面的动词结合起来译为,英语及物动词,(或词组)。,三、正确翻译“使”字句和“让”字句,例1 几十年的改革开放使上海变得繁华热闹。,参考译文:,With,reform and opening-up over the past decades,Shanghai has now thrived and bustled with excitement.,例2 中国人为菜肴赋予色、香、味,使饮食提升为一种享受。,参考译文:Chinese people cook dishes with good color,aroma and flavor,thus,enhancing the enjoyment of the dining experience.,例3 两岸美丽的景色一个接一个地展现在眼前,让你觉得就像是穿行在天然画廊之中。,参考译文:The beautiful scenes on both sides of the river are unfolded one by one before your eyes,and you feel as if you were wandering along a natural art gallery.,Diagram,Concept,Add Your Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Diagram,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Diagram,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your,Title,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Diagram,Text,Text,Text,Diagram,Add Your Title,Text,Text,Text,Text,Cycle Diagram,Concept,B,E,C,D,A,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Diagram,1,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,2,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed


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