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按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,*,*,自動化系統評估,Evaluation of Automation Systems,張裕幸,F.W.Lancaster and Beth Sandore,Technology and Management in Library and Information serverices:Chapter14 Evaluation of automated Systems,1997,196-225.,Evaluation of the performance of an automated system can provide several useful types of management information on(1)whether new or updated systems meet contract requirements;(2)whether the system is living up to the performance and output standards of its user community;(3)the point at which a new system or system refinements are needed;(4)possible future resource consumption.,評估自動化系統的效益可以由下列幾種有用的管理資訊予以獲得:(1)新系統或更新系統是否符合合約需求;(2)系統產出或效益是否有達到使用者(群)的要求標準;(3)明確指出新系統或系統強化的需求;(4)未來可能的資源消耗。1,-,1.第四項資訊即考慮到未來潛藏性的成本支出,與TCO的觀念相符。,It is obvious that a computer system can be evaluated according to different types of criteria ease of use,cost,reliability,integratibility,and so on.,電腦系統的評估可以依據不同的標準,如容易使用、成本、穩定性以及整合性等等。,In her survey of 54 major research libraries in North America,Johnson(1991)discovered that ease of use by patrons was a major consideration in the selection of a new system.above cost and,perhaps surprisingly,ease of use by staff.Her found that these same libraries considered improvement of user services as the major objective of automation and improvement service to users as the major accomplishment of automation.,經過評估北美54個主要的圖書館,Johnson(1991)發現使用者感覺容易使用是選擇系統的主要考量。2而她亦發現改善使用者服務是自動化系統的主要目標,亦是自動化的使命。,Peters(1988)identifies three types of systems evaluation:(1)functional to determine whether a systems features meet the librarys needs;(2)economic to determine the affordability of a system;and(3)performance to reveal whether the system capacity can meet present or anticipated future demands.,Peters定義系統評估三個型式:功能性決定系統特性是否符合圖書館需求;經濟決定系統的支出(時間與金錢等);效益系統是否能夠符合現今或未來的需求。,Criteria,Value,1,2,3,Ease of use by patrons(顧客感覺好用),77.8,14.8,7.4,Availability of application modules and subsystems(應用模組或子系統之可用性符合使用需求),77.8,18.5,7.4,Completeness of modules and subsystems(模組或子系統完整性),68.5,22.2,9.3,Cost of system(系統成本),68.5,29.6,1.9,Cost of hardware(硬體成本),61.1,33.3,5.6,Need for local programming stall(MIS人員的需求),59.3,29.6,11.1,Service reputation of vendor(軟體廠商的保證-e.g.售後服務),53.7,37.0,9.3,Easy of use by staff(職員或幕僚感覺好用),48.1,51.9,0.0,Comparable installed sited(軟體的客戶參考),44.5,40.7,14.8,Previous experience with vendor(軟體廠商的導入經驗),25.9,29.6,44.5,Training and documentation provided(教育訓練及文件提供),22.2,66.7,11.1,Bias against vendor(對軟體廠商的徧見),5.6,25.9,68.5,Key:,1.=Seriously considered(審慎考慮),2.=Considered to some extent(僅考慮某些範圍),3.=Not considered at all(從不考慮),There are obviously many possible ways in which approaches to the evaluation of automated systems can be categorized.For the purposes of this chapter,two major approaches are identified:,Evaluation without user involvement or with less than full user involvement.(user free),Evaluation with full user involvement.(user involved),評估自動化系統有許多方法,但可歸納成兩類:1.没有使用者參與的評估方法;2.使用者完全參與的評估方法。3,-,ThinkingTAM模型屬於上述兩種評估方法中第2種型式。,User-Free Evaluation:This category of evaluation focuses on system features rather than on how these are exploited by a particular group of users.,無使用者參與評估:這類型的評估著重於系統特性而不是特定使用者的試用經驗。這類評估可用於系統的選擇、系統的接受性評估以及系統強化或替換的決策評估。,One useful tool that can be used in the selection of systems is a checklist to determine the features present in a particular system or,more particularly,to compare the characteristics of two or more systems.,這類的評估通常會使用Checklist 工具,以呈現特定系統的特性或比較兩個系統之間的特色。,A point value may be assigned to each feature,and a differential weighting scheme may be established to place emphasis on features that are considered more important than others.In other cases,features are assigned an equal rating of 1 or 0.system scores can be derived from the grids,with subtotals to indicate system strengths in particular areas,and total scores to indicate overall performance.,在Checklist中,可針對不同的特色指定權值以強調重要的系統特性。系統評分可以由垂直加總導出,子項加總分數為該系統某特定區項的系統強度,整體加總可以顯示出整體的效益。,Questions,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,D,O,B,I,S,Geac,NOTIS,P,A,L,S,D,R,A,H,O,M,e,H,O,M,e,1.Is there adequate logon instruction(i.e.explain which terminal types are supported),2.Are the contents and coverage of the OPAC ckearkt exokaubed?,3.Are the key equivalencies explained for remote users keyboard?,N,A,N,A,N,A,N,A,N,A,N,A,N,A,4.Is there adequated logoff instruction?,5.Is the screen display always clean?(i.e.,no garbage characters),6.(a)Is remote access unrestricted in terms of time of day?,(b)Does the system tell the user if there is a time limit to remote sessions?,(c)Does the system give a warning message of automatic logoff if there is no user input?,7,.Does the remote user have access to the some OPAC as those who use dedicated terminals in the library?,8.Does the sytem indicate where the remote user can get additional help?,Score(Maximum 10),6,5,4,7,5,5,6,6,6,8,8,7,Note:“NA”means“not applicable”,The checklist method of evaluation is useful for several reasons.In the case of a single system review,it helps


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