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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit4 Sharing,Reading,The sign of United Nations Volunteer in China(,中国青年志愿者,),北京,2008,年奥运会志愿者标志,What does the word“volunteer”mean?,A person who offers service,or help to others in need,without being paid or,rewarded,.,What does the sign remind you of?,_,_,_,_,help,love and care,peace,Y stands for youth,A hand,:,A heart,:,A dove,:,A letter,:,Jo,a young Australian,woman,has worked,as a,volunteer teacher,in,Papua New Guinea,for,two years,.,A Letter Home,-By Jo,Independent State of Papua New Guinea,be dying to,hear from,Pre-reading,Scanning,1.It was wonderful for _ to,hear from,Rosemary.,2_,is dying to,hear about Jos life there.,3._ started jumping out of the window because they had never,came across,anything like it.,4._ started crying“ieee ieee”to welcome them.,5 _ led us to his house,a low bamboo hut withgrass sticking out of the roof.,6 Jo felt it,a privilege,to have spent a day with his student,_s family.,Jo,Rosemary,The boys,Kiak,Mukap,Tombe,_Para 1,_Para 2,_Para 3,_Para 4,_Para 5,_Para 6,_Para 7,_Para 8,_Para 9,I.The purpose of the letter,A.What Jo,s,school,is like,G Poor,school,conditions,B.Jo,s first visit to a,village,F.What the hut was like outside and inside,C.How the,villagers,cooked their meals,D.Jo said goodbye to the,villagers,E.The way to deal with leftover food,H.The ending of the letter,Skimming,I,A,G,B,F,C,E,D,H,A Letter Home,Part 1(para.,1,),An introduction,Opening of the letter:1._,Part 2(para.,2-3,),Para.2,Something about my high school:2._,Para.3,Poor teaching conditions:3._,Part 3 (para.,4-8,),Para.4,My first visit to a village.,Para.5,4._,Para.6,5._,Para.7,6._,Para.8,7._,Part 4 (para.,9,),the ending,Para.9,The close of the letter.,A.We had a meal together.,B.The experiment frightened the boys.,C.I am glad to receive Rosemarys letter and Ive included some photos.,D.I left and I felt privileged.,E.I saw the poor condition of the room.,F.Its a bush school and the students live far away.,G.I saw a strange custom.,C,F,B,E,A,D,G,the conditions,of the high school,a visit to a local village,Detailed reading,Tombe comes from a,_ village where,people speak special,language.People,live in the hut which,has no _ and,the doorway was _.,The main food they eat,are _,_,and _.Villagers,believe that _,attract evil spirit in the,night.,Jos school is a _,school whose classrooms,are made of _,and roofs of _.There,is no _ or _,even no_.,Without _,the students have no,_ of doing experiment.,Most of the students will,be going back to their,villages after _.,Local,Village,High,school,bush,bamboo,grass,electricity,water,textbooks,equipment,concept,year,8,remote,windows,narrow,kaukau,corn,greens,leftovers,?,conditions,lives&customs,?,Im glad to _you.I know youre_ hear my life here.Im still trying to _the conditions here.The other day I visited a _village with another teacher.We walked for two and a half hours_there.The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to _.We also had a meal there.I could not _in their conversation.Luckily,Tombe could act as our_.We left the village the next morning.It was such a _ to have spent a day with Tombes family.Im thinking about the question whether I can _ to their lives.,dying to,adapt to,remote,to get,adjust,participate,interpreter,privilege,make any difference,hear from,Summary,Share your,happiness,with others,happiness,doubles,.,Share your,sadness,with others,sadness,halves,.,Share your,love,with others,love,spreads.,Roses given,fragrance in hand.,(,赠人玫瑰,手留余香,),Appreciation:Sharing,Key phrases,:,1.hear from 2.be dying to do 3.be made of(,物理变化,)4.up to 5.adapt to 6.for sure,7.in fact/as a matter fact 8.the other day,e across 10.jump out of,11.to be honest/honestly speaking,12.make a difference to 13.get to know,14.a remote village 15.two and a half hours,16.shake hands with 17.lead sb.to sp.,18.share.with.19.a couple of jars,几个罐子,20.coverwith 21.smell delicious,22.even though/even if 23.participate in,24.stand upside down,倒立着,25.dry out,26.dry up 27.be thrown out of,被扔出去,28.do some paperwork,句型,:,1.,It takes me only a few minutes to walk,to school down a muddy track.,2.There is no electricity or water and even no textbooks either!,3.The other day,I was showing,the boys the weekly chemistry experiment,when,the mixture was bubbling over everywhere.,4.Tombes father,Mukap,led us to his house,a low bamboo hut,with grass sticking out of the roof,.,5.The doorway,was just big enough to get through,.,6.,Once,the fire was going,he laid stones on it.,7.We ate inside the hut,sitting,around the fire.,8.,It was such a privilege to have,spent a day with Tombes family.,Fill in the blanks,:,1.Thanks for your letter,_ took a fortnight to arrive.,2._ was wonderful to hear from you.,3.It takes me only a few minutes _(walk)to school down a _(mud)track.,4.When I reach the school,there are lots of“good mornings”for me from the boys,many of_,Have walked a long way to get to school.,5.I am still trying t


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