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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Slide,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,joanneterena.org,Slide,*,Presenting Effectively,Part 1,Effective Slides,TERENA NETWORKING CONFERENCEPrague,Czech Republic2 February 2007,Carol de GrootConference&PR Officer degrootterena.orgwww.terena.org,Outline,Structure,Templates,Fonts,Content,Colours,Language,Animation,Sequence,Summary,degrootterena.org,2,Structure,degrootterena.org,Start with an outline of,your,presentation,Make,your,points logically and clearly,Summarise,your main points,Come to a definite conclusion,Invite questions,3,Structure,Use a professionally designed template,Available in your slide software,Search for free resources,for example:,ht,tp:/ a clear,simple template,degrootterena.org,4,with enough flexibility to display different types of data,5,joanneterena.org,Structure,effectively!,6,Fonts,This is Verdana 12 point,This is Verdana 18 pt,This is Verdana 24 pt,This is Verdana 32 pt,This is Verdana 36 pt,This is Verdana 44 pt,degrootterena.org,7,Fonts,degrootterena.org,Step back about 2 m.from your screen to check your font size.,12 point is too small,18 point is also very small,24 point is good for text,30 is recommended,44 point is in your face,8,Fonts,degrootterena.org,CAPITALISE ONLY WHEN NECESSARY.IT IS,DIFFICULT TO READ,Dont use a complicated font,Serif fonts like Times New Roman can look busy use with care,Sans serif fonts like,Arial,or Verdana,are clear,sharp and legible,9,Fonts,degrootterena.org,Italics are difficult to read on screen,Normal or,bold,fonts are clearer,Underlines may signify hyperlinks,Instead,use,colours,for emphasis,10,Content,degrootterena.org,1 slide for every minute or two,4 or 5 bullet points per slide,4 to 5 keywords per point,Dont read your slides,Use keywords to support your talk,11,Colour,degrootterena.org,Using a font colour that does not,contrast with the background colour,is hard to read,Using colour for decoration is,distracting,and,annoying,Using a different colour for each,point is unnecessary,12,Colour,degrootterena.org,T,r,y,i,n,g,t,o,b,e too,c,r,e,a,t,i,v,e,c,a,n,a,l,s,o,b,e,a,m,i,s,t,a,k,e,13,Colour,degrootterena.org,Over 12%of men of European origin,are colour blind.,Avoid using,red,and,green,together in your illustrations,.,Many in the audience will see this:,Avoid using,red,and,green,together in your illustrations.,14,Colour,degrootterena.org,Avoid using dark red shades and black in text and illustrations.,Some in your audience will see this:,Avoid using dark red shades and,black in text and illustrations.,15,Language,degrootterena.org,Set the language for your talk-,16,Language,degrootterena.org,and remember to run a check.,17,Animation,degrootterena.org,Excessive animation,distracts,18,Animation,degrootterena.org,A simple fade,attracts,19,Sequence,degrootterena.org,Use a numbered list only for points with,a logical sequence:,How to put an elephant in the refrigerator?,Open the door,Put the elephant in,Close the door,20,Sequence,degrootterena.org,Use bullets for lists of information,elephants are large,you need a big fridge,elephants dont require refrigeration,21,Summary,degrootterena.org,22,Summary,degrootterena.org,Start with an outline,Use a professionally designed template,Make your points logically and clearly,18 point should be the smallest font you use,Use a sans serif font like,Arial,or Verdana,23,Summary,degrootterena.org,1 slide for every minute or two,4 or 5 points per slide,4 to 5,keywords,per point,Use contrasting colours dark on light,Set the language and run a spelling and,grammar check,24,Summary,degrootterena.org,Keep animation simple,Use a numbered list only for points with,a logical sequence,Use bullets for lists of information,25,Conclusion,degrootterena.org,Come to a definite ending,Thank them for their attention,Invite questions,26,


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