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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,51.It is essential that he _all the facts first.,A.is examining B.will examine C.examines,D.,examine,语法书p181.be-型虚拟式用在essential,important,impossible,necessary,obligatory(必须的、必要的),proper,advisable,appropriate等形容词之后的that-分句中,所以这里要用原型。,52.Which of the following sentences expresses a future action?,A.Lucy is,continually,finding fault with her sister.,B.,We are meeting the visitors after the performance.,C.The coach is,now,crossing the Garden Bridge.,D.I,m hoping,that youll give us some advice.,A:现在进行体常与always,continually,constantly,for ever 等频度状语连用,对现阶段经常发生的动作表示某种感情色彩(多为不满)。见语法书p131;C有now,是一般现在式;D红色部分表示委婉语气 见语法书p132.,53.Which of the following italicized parts,is used as an,object complement,(宾补)?,A.The front door remained,locked.,B.The boy looked,disappointed.,C.Nancy appeared,worried.,D,.He seemed to have no money,left.,54.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?,A.Physics is an important school subject.,B.The United States borders Canada.,C.,The Niagara Falls,is in North America.,D.Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.,见语法书24页。C:以s结尾的地理名词,若表示的是群岛、山脉、海峡、瀑布等,通常做复数用。D:有一些疾病名词以S结尾,通常做单数用,见语法书23页。,55.Which of the following sentences indicates POSSIBILITY?,A,.The moon,cannot,always be at the full.,B.You,cannot,smoke inside the building.,C,.He,cannot,come today.,D.She,cannot,play the piano.,A 不可能;B不可以,表禁止;D表能力(A还是C不确定),56.The boys in the family are old enough for_.,A.schools,B.,school C.the school D.the schools,school:used without a or the,the process of learning in a school;the time during your life when you go to a school.,57.Which of the following italicized parts indicates a predicate-object relationship?,A.He was reading,Marys letter,in the room.,B.You can buy,mens shoes,in this shop.,C.,Mrs.Blakes passport,was lost.,D,.,The enemys defeat,brought the war to an end.,The enemys defeat,:defeat the enemy,58.Please pardon _ you.,A.,my disturbing B.disturbing,C.me to disturb D.that,I,disturb,pardon sb for sth/doing sth,请求某人原谅某事,排除C,;,59.Which of the following tag questions is INCORRECT?,A.Carry this parcel for me,will you?,B.Nobody wants to go there,does he?,C,.,Few,people know him,dont they?,D.Everything is ready,isnt it?,few表示否定,后反问疑问句应用肯定。,60.Which of the following reflexive pronouns(反身代词)is used as an object?,A.I spoke to the president himself.,B,.You must pull yourself together.,C.Linda herself will play the violin.,D.Frank is not quite himself today.,其他三项均作为同位语,61.The research team can handle_ needs to be handled.,A.whenever B.whichever C.wherever,D,.whatever,主句缺少宾语,从句少主语,用whatever.,62.Which of the following italicized parts modifies an adverb?,A,.Do it,right,now.,B.That was a,very,funny film.,C.I,rather,like my teacher.,D.We walked,about,6 miles.,now:时间副词;funny:有趣的,形容词。about:介词,63.When the sentence They had made a mess of the house is turned into passive voice,which of the following is CORRECT?,A.A mess had been made in the house.,B.A mess had been made by them.,C,.The house had been made a mess of.,D.The house had been made a mess.,见语法书165页。They had made a mess of the house(主动句),The house had been made a mess of(被动句,第一种形式),A mess had been made of the house(被动句,第二种形式),64.Fool_ Michael is,he could not have done such a thing.,A.who,B.,asC.thatD.lik,e,as 倒装。尽管Micheal 很蠢,但他也不可能做出这样的事。,65.When the sentence Shall I drive you to the airport first?is turned into indirect speech,which of the following is most appropriate?,A.He agreed to drive me to the airport first.,B.,He offered to drive me to the airport first.,C.He advised me to go to the airport first.,D.He suggested that I drive to the airport first.,解析:shall。好么?要不要。?,66.The interviewers were impressed by the high,calibre,of the applicants for the job.The underlined part means_.,A,.qualityB.criterionC.qualification,D.level,calibre水准,能力;quality质量,能力,才能;criterion标准,准则,规范;qualification资格,授权,条件;level水平,水准,等级 eg:Micheals roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level 麦克的室友在表面上还算友善。,67.Her career has_ a number of activities composing,playing and acting.,A.held B.produced,C.,embraced D.combined,C:拥抱;包含 to include sth D:兼有 A:持有 D使融合,68.The operation could_ her life by two or three years.,A.,prolongB.increaseC.expandD.continue,prolong:prolong something means to make it last longer 延长(时间),expand:expand something such as a business,organization,or service expands,include more people,goods,or activities.,continue不及物;increase数量的提高,69.All her cousins and their children have,fair,hair.The underlined part,means_.,A.fine,B.darkC.thick,D.,light,fair hair:has light-coloured hair,70.John always feels,sluggish,first thing in the morning.The underlined part means,A.sick,B.,inactiveC.dizzyD.drowsy,sluggish:行动迟缓的,反应慢的,不机警的;inactive:懒散的,不活跃的;dizzy:头晕的;drowsy:昏昏欲睡的,沉寂的,催眠的。,71.The family of the victim had to,endure,a long wait before the case came to trial.The underlined part means_.,A,.tolerateB.keepC.faceD.hold,endure:忍耐,容忍,持续,持久,72.The chief of surgery became committee chairman by virtue of_.,A.ageB.service,C,.seniorityD.rank,seni


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