七年级英语上册 Unit4A课件 北师大版

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Welcome!,Unit 4,Where is my backpack?,Taught by Zhu Xiaoli,bed,bookcase,chair,table,dresser,sofa,backpack,books,keys,baseball,drawer,plant,Match the words with the pictures.,table,chair,bed,dresser,bookcase,sofa,plant,drawer,Try to read the words:,table,bed,dresser,bookcase,sofa,chair,drawer,plant,桌子,床,梳妆台,书橱,沙发,椅子,抽屉,植物,Best Eyes,(,快速说出下列物品,),table,bed,dresser,sofa,chair,backpack,bookcase,baseball,plant,book,s,key,s,drawer,s,1.,table _,2.,bed _,3.,dresser _,4.,bookcase _,5.,sofa _,6.,chair _,7.,backpack _,8.,books _,9.,keys _,10.,baseball _,11.,drawer _,12.,plant _,e,j,c,d,i,h,g,a,b,f,l,k,Match the words with the things in the picture.,1a,Where,is the baseball?,the table.,on,Its,哪里,在,上面,在,.,下面,Where,is the backpack?,under,Its,the chair.,Where,is the computer game?,在,里面,Its,in,the drawer.,on,在,上面,under,在,下面,in,在,里面,Where is the pen?,Its,on,the table.,Wheres the pen?,Its,in,the drawer.,Wheres the pen?,Its,under,the table.,Where are the keys?,They are,on,the table.,Where are the keys?,Theyre,in,the drawer.,Where are the keys?,Theyre,under,the table.,Notes:,1.,“,Where,s,the,book,?”,“,Its,on,the,desk,.”,2.“Where,are,the,book,s,?”,“,Theyre,on,the,desk,.”,It,s,=it,is,They,re,=they,are,be am,is,are,where,re,=where,are,where,s,=where,is,Guessing game,Wheres,the chair,?,Its,under the dresser,.,Wheres the baseball?,Its under the chair.,Wheres the backpack?,Its on the bed.,Where are the books?,Theyre,in the bookcase,.,Where are the keys?,Theyre on the sofa.,Where are the rulers?,Theyre in the backpack.,4,5,1,3,2,Listen and number the things,1,-,5,in the picture when you hear them.,1b,A:Where is?,B:Its in/on/under,A:Where are?,B:Theyre in/on/under,Pair work,1c,Where is the boy?,He is on the sofa.,Where is the TV?,It is on the table.,Is he on the sofa?,Yes,he is.,NO,he isnt.,Is the TV on the table?,Yes,it is.,NO,it isnt.,Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture.,对图中的物品进行问答。,1d,结对活动,PAIRWORK,Is the computer game on the table?,No,_.,Its _.,it isnt,on the bookcase,Are the books on the sofa?,No,_.,Theyre _.,they arent,on the chair,Is _ under the sofa?Yes,_.,the pencil case,it is,Is the backpack _?,Yes,it is.,under the table,Are the keys _?,No,_.,Theyre _.,on the floor,they arent,on the table,Wheres the/my+,单数名词,?,Its on/in/under the.,Where are the/his+,复数名词,?,Theyre on/in/under the.,Summary,Translate the following sentences into English.,1.,我的钥匙在哪儿?在你的双肩背包里。,Where are my keys?They are in your backpack.,2.,铅笔盒在哪儿?在书架上。,Wheres the pencil case?Its on the bookcase.,3.,他的书在哪儿?在抽屉中。,Where are his books?Theyre in the drawer.,Exercise,Bye bye!,


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