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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016-7-27,#,英语平行结构和比较结构,Parallelism & Comparison,连词是一种虚词, 它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及句与句的作用。连词主要可分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。,并列连词用来连接平行的词、词组和分句。,从属连词用来引导名词从句和各类的状语从句。,一、平行结构,即并列结构:由并列连词连接两个或两个以上对等的语言成分构成。,并列结构的连接手段,)并列连词,)标点符号,)并列结构的插入语,在最后一个项目之前插入一个词语,使这个项目处于更加突出的地位。,)并列结构的对称组合,成对组合的办法使整个结构更加紧凑。,常见的并列连词有:,1,、表递进关系:,and, not onlybut also,neithernor, not but,2.,选择关系:,or,,,eitheror, otherwise, whether.or,3.,转折对比关系,: but, yet, whereas, while, still,4.,因果关系:,so, for,5.,并列关系:,and, when,一、表示平行、递进关系的连词,1.AandB,And,连接两个并列成分。,and,也常位于句首,使上下文联系更紧密。,The fabric is light and strong.,I like reading and fishing in my spare time. This model of the computer is powerful, and the price is competitive.,It was a severe winter. And we had not enough food for ourselves.,2.bothAandB,这一结构是,and,的强化形式,连接的两个成分必须在结构上等同。不能连接句子。,The new tax policy benefits both workers and farmers.,Bothe she and I are interested in English literature.,3.notonlybut(also),不仅,而且,notonlybutaswell,不仅,而且,也,aswellas,和,andaswell,和,*notonlybut(also),结构侧重在后者,而,aswellas,侧重在前者。,Not only George but also his wife did a lot for us.,It is said that he can fly a plane as well as drive a car.,She can play pop music and classical music as well,.,二、表示选择关系的连词,1. neither A nor B,这一结构表示否定意义,若连接两个句子可以采用倒装形式。,Einstein cared for neither money nor fame. You can neither take it out nor photocopy it.,*,在否定结构中通常用,or,连接两个并列成分。,You can never take it out or photocopy it.,2. or,或者,大约,否则,不然,eitheror,或者,.,或者,,不是,就是,(eitheror,结构是,or,的强化形式,),Do you stay at home alone or go to theatre with me?,Youll have to wait one or two days before you know the result.,Hurry up, or well be late.,Have one more try, or you wont be successful.,Either he didnt speak clearly or you didnt hear well.,三、表示转折和对比意义的并列连词,but,(但是),,yet,(然而),,while,(而,却)等,After a busy day, I felt tired but happy.,Difficulties will arise in the course of reforming,,,but we will certainly overcome them.,He was not feeling well, yet he kept on until it was done.,China is rich in natural resources, while Japan is poor.,四、表示因果关系的并列连词,so,(因此,所以),,for,(因为),Many directors were absent, so the meeting had to be postponed.,He must have done something wrong, for the head teacher called him to the office.,*so,不能与,because,同时出现在同一句中。,For,从句主要是对前面的句子作出解释或进行推断,因此,for,引导的句子不能用于句首。,Tom is tall _ his brother is short.,She got up early,_ she failed to be there on time.,It is not wrong of people to pursue wealth; _, they should also try to learn to fulfill their knowledge.,Someone must be coming , _ the dog is barking .,That was our first lesson, _ she didnt know all our names.,while,but,yet,for,so,One day John was late, _ his missed the first class.,Not only did he speak more correctly, _he spoke more easily.,The children can go with us, _ they can stay at home.,You must tell the truth, _ you will be punished.,Either you can do it by yourself,_ you can ask someone else to help you.,Do you have a table for two? -Im sorry,_ there arent any seats now.,and,but also,or,or,or,but,Paired conjunctionsDirections: Add,is,or,are,to each sentence,1.Both the teacher and the,student _ here,.,2.Neither,the teacher nor the student,_here,.,3.Not,only the teacher but also the students,_ here,.,are,is,are,Error Analysis: Paired Conjunctions,1.Either John will call Mary or Bob.,1.John will call either Mary or Bob.,2.Not only Sue saw the mouse but also the cat.,2.Sue saw not only the mouse but also the cat.,3.I enjoy not only reading novels but also magazines.,3.I enjoy reading not only novels but also magazines.,4.Oxygen is plentiful. Both air contains oxygen and water.,4.Oxygen,is plentiful. Both air and water contain oxygen.,并列结构的标点符号,由两个以上项目构成的并列结构通常只在最后一个项目之前用并列连词,其他项目之间用逗号连接。,There are five types of discharge from military service: honorable, general, undesirable, bad conduct, and dishonorable.,两个以上项目全用连词连接起来的并列结构,在修辞色彩上给人以悠闲缓慢、延续持久的感觉。,Raising vegetables presents endless opportunities for weeding and thinning and hoeing and watering.,有时也可全用逗号,在修辞色彩上给人以紧张、急促、明快、利落的感觉。,除了逗号,分号和冒号也能起并列连词的作用。,分号连接两个并列分句,通常表示对比关系。,Golf demands the best of time and space; tennis, the best of personal energy.,用冒号连接两个并列分句,通常表示下文是对上文的解释和发挥。,Hijackers and kidnappers offer two equally impossible alternatives: a refusal to meet their terms may mean death for their victims; meeting their terms may mean more victims in the future.,在某些连接性副词如,accordingly, furthermore, hence, however, nevertheless, therefore,等之前通常要用分号,而不用逗号。,He had worked in the foreign service for two years without leave; hence he was tired almost beyond endurance.,From a running start Pedro launched his body into a vigorous racing drive; however, he was about thirty feet from the pool at the time.,二、 对连接词连接的成分要求:,形式对称,;,功能相同,(充当同样的句子成分),,时态平衡,。,并列,平行结构应该是名词和名词,副词和副词,分词和分词,不定式和不定式,动词和动词,句子和句子等的并列,而不能其中一个概念用分词结构表达,而另一个概念用不定式或从句来表达。,比如下面句子就违反了平行结构的准则:,Do some nice things for your parents that they dont expect like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean the floors.,“,做饭,”,、,“,刷碗,”,、,“,洗衣服,”,、,“,拖地,”,在,本句中应为并列结构作为介词,like“,像”的宾语,故应用相同的形式,都用动名词,所以应将,clean,改为,cleaning,。,三、平行结构主要类型,1.,名词和名词平行结构,The patients symptoms were,fever,dizziness,and,headache,.,病人的症状是,发烧、头晕和头痛,。,2.,形容词和形容词平行结构,Early to bed and early to rise makes a man,healthy, wealthy,and,wise.,早睡早起使人,健康、富有、聪明,。,三、平行结构主要类型,3,.,副词和副词平行结构,The work is,handsomely,and,skillfull,y done.,这项工作做得,漂亮,有水平,。,4.,分词平行结构,(,现在分词与现在分词,/,过去分词与过去分词,),The boys were running,shouting,and,laughing.,男孩子们边跑,,边喊叫着、笑着。,(伴随状语),The old man returned home,disappointed,and,exhausted.,5.,动名词,doing,平行结构,Henrys work is,reading books,and,writing book reviews,.,亨利的工作是,读读书,写写书评,。,6.,动词不定式平行结构,On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged because you need money,to pay gardeners and other workers, and,(to) buy plants and young trees,.,另一方面,,,40%,的同学认为应收门票,他们认为门票费可以作为支付园林工人及其他工作人员的工资和购买新花木的,费用。,and,连接并列不定式第二个不定式往往省略,to,。,7,.,介词短语平行结构,1,),Your semester grade is based,not only,on how well you do on each test,but also,on how you participate in class.,2,),We often go,to the countryside,as well as,to factories,.,8.,谓语动词平行结构,谓语,形式时态要一致,He,went,downtown,bought,some books and,visited,his daughter.,9.,句子的并列(并列句),I was tired, but,I felt happy.,Error Analysis :Parallel Structure,1.By obeying the speed limit, we can save energy, lives, and it costs us less.,1.By obeying the speed limit, we can save energy, lives and,money,.,2.My home offers me a feeling of security, warm, and love.,2.My home offers me a feeling of security,warmth, and love.,3.The pioneers labored to clear away the forest and planting crops.,3.The pioneers labored to clear away the forest and,plant,crops.,4.When I refused to help her, she became very angry and shout at me.,4. When I refused to help her, she became very angry and,shouted,at me.,5.In my spare time, I enjoy taking care of my aquarium and to work on my stamp collection.,5.In my spare time, I enjoy taking care of my aquarium and,working,on my stamp collection.,6.With their keen sight, fine hearing, and they have a refined sense of smell, wolves hunt elk, deer, moose, and caribou.,6.With their keen sight, fine hearing, and,refined sense of smell, wolves hunt elk, deer, moose, and caribou.,7.All plants need light, to have a suitable climate, and an ample supply of water and minerals from the soil.,7.All plants need light,a suitable climate, and an ample supply of water and minerals from the soil.,英语比较句型,原级的句型,“,as+,原级,形容词,/,副词,+,as,”,的结构,表示前后两者的情况一样,1,),“,A,+,系动词,+as+,形容词原级,+as+,B,eg.Billisasfunnyashisfather.,Myhandwritingisasbeautifulasyours.,我的书法和你的一样好。,2,),“,A,+,谓语动词,+as+,副词原级,+as+B,”,eg.LucyspeaksChineseaswellasLily.,在否定句中,用,“,notas/so+,原级形容词,as,”,结构,表示前者不如后者。,“,A+,系动词,+notas,so+,形容词原级,+,as,+,B,”,eg.Thesebooksarentasinterestingasthose.,Iamnotas/sobusyasIusedtobe.,我,没有过去那么忙了。,区别:,Tom,is not,as,tall,as,Mike.,Tom,is not,so,tall,as,Mike,.,“,A+,助动词情态动词,+not+,谓语动词,+as,so+,副词原级,+as +B,”,eg.Shedidntsingsowellthatnightassheusuallydoes.,the same () as,与,相同,/,同样,Youve made the same mistake as Tom.,有时,the same,可以单独使用:,My mother is much younger than yours.,She isnt! Theyre about the same age.,Those two dress are the same,.,different from,与,不同,(,different,前面可加,very,,,much,,,a little,等修饰语),Is French food very different from Italian food?,Were planning something different this year from what we did last year,.,常用词组,as,good as,几乎已经,实际上等于,和,几乎,一样,He is as good as dead,.,他,跟死了一样,。,The second hand geography book is as good as new,.,这本二手地理书几乎还是新的,。,2,.,as soon as,一,就,Please let us know as soon as you arrive in Beijing,.,一到北京,请通知我们一声,。,As soon as she got home, she began cooking,.,她一到家就开始做饭。,3.,as much / many as,多达,,达到,之多,实际上等于,,差不多,Some of the stones even weigh as much as fifteen tons,.,有些石块甚至重达,15,吨,。,The number of people who lost homes reaches as many as 250,000,.,失去家园的人数多达,25,万,。,Thats,as much as to say he was a thief,.,那无异于说他曾是个小偷,。,4,.,as far as,就,而言,尽,As far as I know,hell,be away for three months,.,就我所知,他将离开三个月,。,We will help you as far as we can,.,我们会尽力帮助你。,5. as long as,只要,You can go where you like as long as you get back before dark,.,你去哪儿都可以,只要你在天黑前返回,。,You will be happy as long as I am living.,只要我活着,你就会幸福,。,6,.,as often as,每当,,每次,As often as he came, he would stay with us for a time,.,每次他来,总要和我们呆上一阵子,。,The boy always says hello to me as often as I meet him,.,每次我遇见那个小男孩,他总是向我问好。,7. as well as,和,同,既,又,,不仅,而且,My parents as well as my elder brother enjoy music,.,我父母亲和我哥哥都喜欢音乐,。,He is clever as well as hard working,.,他不仅努力工作而且聪明,。,8.,asas possible / one can,尽可能,尽(某人)所,能,Please sweep the floor as clean as possible,.,请把地打扫得尽可能干净,。,Ill,get back as soon as I can.,比较级,+,than,(,比,更,),形容词比较级的常用句型,This bridge is,longer,than,that one.,Our school is,larger,than,theirs.,比较级,+,and,+,比较级,(,越来越,),In spring, the days are getting,longer and longer,The flowers are,more,and,more beautiful,.,The +,比较级,,,the+,比较级,(越,就越,),1,),The,sooner,,,the,better,.,2,),The,more,you eat,,,the,fatter,you will be.,Which is +,比较级,,A or B ?,(,A,和,B,,哪一个比较,?),Which is,longer, this one,or,that?,the,+,最高级,+,(名词),+in/of/among ,在,(范围内)最,形容词最高级的常用句型,1,),Tom is,the,tallest,in his class.,2,),This apple is,the,biggest,of the five.,one of the,+,形容词最高级 + 复数名词,表示,“是中最,之一,”。,Beijing is,one of the,largest cities,in China.,Which is +,the,+,最高级,+?,在,(范围内)哪一个最,?,Which is,the,biggest of the five balls,运用比较级表达最高级的概念,“,比较级,+thananyother+,名词单数,”,,,“,比较级,+thantheother+,名词复数,”,或,“,比较级,+thantherestof+the+,名词复数,”,都可表示最高级意义。,Juliaistallerthananyothergirlinherclass.,Juliaistallerthantheothergirlsinherclass.,Juliaistallerthantherestofthegirlsinherclass.,以上三句表达的意思等同于最高级的含义:,Juliaisthetallestofthegirlsinherclass.,朱丽叶是她们班上最高的女生。,比较级和最高级的修饰语,比较级,的修饰语,Much,(,得多,),,far,(,得多,),,even,(甚至,更),,still(,更,),,,abit,(有点),,alittle,(有点),,alot,(很),,agreatdeal(,大大地,),twice(,两倍,),fivetimes(,五倍,),two-fifths(,五分之二,),ahalf(,一半,),等修饰比较级表示程度,但决不可用,very,修饰。,eg.TomisalittletallerthanMike.,Tom,比,Mike,稍高一点;,Itisevencoldertodaythanyesterday.,今天,甚至比昨天更冷,比较结构的同义转换,有时,不同的比较结构可以表示相同的意思,因此,它们可以相互转换。,1.notas/,soas,与,lessthan,的转换,Theplacewasnotas/socrowdedasitusuallyisyesterday.,Theplacewaslesscrowdedthanitusuallyisyesterday,.,昨天,这个地方不像平常那样挤满了人。,2.,morethan,与,lessthan,notas/,soas,的转换,Yourpictureismorebeautifulthanhis.,Hispictureislessbeautifulthanyours.Hispicture,isnt,as/sobeautifulasyours.,你,的画比他的好看。,3.,最高级与,morethan,nomore,than,的转换,Mathisthemostdifficultsubjectofall.,Mathismoredifficultthananyothersubject.,Nosubjectismoredifficultthanmath.,数学,是所有学科中最难的。,Exercises,用括号中形容词或副词的适当形式,填空,1)This park is muchthan that one. (beautiful,),2)Im,aboy in the sun. (happy,),3)Which,book is, yours or mine? (thick,),4)My,mother drives asas my father. (good,),5)Who,isthan I, he or she? (old),6) He,becomesand(,越来越胖,),7) The,he,is, the,he feels,他越忙就越高兴,。,8) This,garden isasas that one(,三倍大,),more beautiful,happy,thicker,well,oldest,fatter fatter,busier happier,three times big,用所给的词组翻译句子,1.,一旦关系有所改善,他们就可以获准离开。,(as soon as),As soon as,relations improve they will be allowed to go.,2.,据我所知,它仅仅维持了两三年。,(as far as),It only lasted a couple of years,as far as,I know.,3.,只要你离他们远一点,你就会安全,. (as long as),As long as,you can keep away from them, youre safe.,4.,选花不仅要观其形还要闻其香。,(as well as),Flowers are chosen for their scent as well as their look.,不改变意思,改写下列,句型,1) Lin,Tao is the tallest boy in his,class.,Lin,Tao isany otherin his class,.,2)Science,is not so interesting as music,.,Science,isthan music,. Music,isthan science,.,3) This box is 12 kg. That box is 14 kg.,The two boxes are _ weight.,4,)Mary,is 6,years old. Lily is 12 years old,.,Lilys age is _ Marys.,(asas),Mary is _ than Lily.,taller than boy,less interesting,more interesting,the same,the same,twice as old as,younger,选择,填空,(,),1.,This book isthat one,.,A. not so interesting B. more interesting than,C. as more interesting as D. interesting,than,(,)2. I think maths is notEnglish,.,A. easier B. less easy C. easy D. so easy,as,(,)3. He is one ofin our country,.,A,. the most popular singer,B. the most popular,singers,C,. the more popular singers D. most popular,singers,(,)4. Which do you prefer, vegetables or fruit,?,I prefer,fruit vegetables.,A. to B. than C. of D.,and,(,)5. The weather in Beijing is asin Shanghai today,.,A. wetter than the weather B. wet as the,weather,C. wet than that D. wet as that,B,D,B,A,D,6.,No one runs as fast as John in his class. The sentence means _.,A. John runs fastest in his class.,B. John runs faster than any other boy in his class.,C. John runs more slowly than any other student in his class.,D. John runs as fast as others in his class.,7.,New York is _ in the United States.,A. larger than any city B. larger than any other city,C. bigger than any cities D. biggest of all the cities,8.,Of the two pencil-boxes, the boy chose _ expensive one.,A. less B. the least C. the less D. the most,9.,How was the weather yesterday?,-It was terrible. It rained _. People could _ go out.,A. hardly; hardlyB. hardly; hard C. hard; hard D. hard; hardly,10.,This chair is not _ for him to _.,A. strong enough; sit B. enough strong; sit,C. enough strong; sit inD. strong enough; sit on,A,B,C,D,D,Translate the following sentences,.,你工作越努力,你就会得到越好结果。,你英语听得越多,英语就会越容易。,你越爬得高,就看得越远。,你越吃得多,就会越胖。,The harder,you work,the,better,result you will get.,The more,you listen to English,the,easier,it becomes.,The higher,you climb,the farther,you will see.,The more,you eat,the fatter,you will be.,


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