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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lyrical Ballads,抒情歌谣集,Coleridge and William Wordsworth were close pals and their collection of poetry titled Lyrical Ballads(1798)was an early pillar of what became known as the Romantic movement in poetry and art.,Born:7 April 1770,Birthplace:Cockermouth,England,Died:23 April 1850(aged80),Occupation,:,Poet,Alma mater,:,Cambridge University,Literary movement,:,Romanticism,Notable work(s),:,Lyrical Ballads,Poems in Two Volumes,The Excursion,William Wordsworth,William Wordsworth started with Samuel Taylor Coleridge the English Romantic movement with their collection LYRICAL BALLADS in 1798.When many poets still wrote about ancient heroes in grandiloquent,grndlkwnt,夸张的,style,Wordsworth focused on the nature,children,the poor,common people,and used ordinary words to express his personal feelings.His definition of poetry as the spontaneous,spntens,自发的,overflow of powerful feelings arising from emotion recollected in tranquility,trkwlt,平静,was shared by a number of his followers.,In 1795 he met Coleridge.,Wordsworths financial situation became better in 1795 when he received a legacy and was able to settle at Racedown,Dorset,with his sister Dorothy.Encouraged by Coleridge and stimulated by the close contact with nature,Wordsworth composed his first masterwork,Lyrical Ballads,which opened with Coleridges Ancient Mariner.,About 1798 he started to write a large and philosophical autobiographical poem,completed in 1805,and published posthumously in 1850 under the title THE PRELUDE.,The long work described the poets love of nature and his own place in the world order.,Samuel Taylor Coleridge,Born:21 October 1772,Birthplace:Devonshire,England,Died:25 July 1834(heart attack),Best Known As:The author of,The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings arising from,emotion recollected in tranquility,诗歌是情感的自然流露,华兹华斯,The Rime of the Ancient Marine,Withslopingmastsanddippingprow,/AswhopursuedwithyellandblowStilltreadstheshadowofhisfoe,/Andforwardbendshishead,/Theshipdrovefast,/loudroaredtheblast,/Thesouthwardayewefled./,Andnowtherecamebothmistandsnow,/Anditgrewwondrouscold:/Andice,/mast-high,/camefloatingby,/Asgreenas emerald./,AndthroughthedriftsthesnowycliftsDidsendadismalsheen:/Norshapesofmennorbeastsweken-Theicewasallbetween./,Theicewashere,/theicewasthere,/Theicewasallaround:/Itcrackedandgrowled,/androaredandhowled,/Likenoisesinaswound!/,AtlengthdidcrossanAlbatross,/Thoroughthefogitcame;/AsifithadbeenaChristiansoul,/WehaileditinGodsname.,古舟子咏,“,桅杆弓着身,船头淌着水,像有人在背后追打叫喊,却总是躲不开敌人的影子,只好低着头任其摧残,船儿在疾驶,狂风在呼啸,我们一个劲儿往南逃窜。,“,接着出现了浓雾和冰雪,天气奇寒,冻彻骨髓;如樯的冰山从船旁漂过,晶莹碧绿,色如翡翠。,“,冰山射出惨淡的光芒,在飘流的云雾中若明若灭:四周既无人迹也无鸟兽,只有一望无际的冰雪。,“,这儿是冰雪,那儿是冰雪,到处都是冰雪茫茫;冰雪在怒吼,冰雪在咆哮,像人昏厥时听到隆隆巨响!,“,终于飞来了一头信天翁,它穿过海上弥漫的云雾,仿佛它也是一个基督徒,我们以上帝,的,名义向它欢呼,。,Samuel Taylor Coleridge was famous for dreamy and somewhat creepy poems like,The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,(古舟子咏),Christabel,(克里斯特贝尔),and,Kubla Khan,(忽必列汗),.,The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,which describes a sailor who curses himself and his ship by killing an albatross.,Coleridge is also remembered for his turbulent,tbjlnt,personal life,especially his decades-long addiction to opium,opjm,鸦片,.,Tintern Abbey,丁登寺,.For I have learnedTo look on nature,not as in the hourOf thoughtless youth;but hearing often,timesThe still,sad music of humanity,Nor harsh nor grating,though of ample,powerTo chasten and subdue.And I have feltA presence that disturbs me with the joy Of elevated thoughts,;,a sense sublime Of something far more deeply interfused Whose dwelling is the light of setting sunsAnd the round ocean and the living airAnd the blue sky,,,and in the mind of manA motion and a spirit that impels All thinking things,,,all objects of all thoughtAnd rolls through all things,.,因为我已懂得如何看待大自,然,,再不似,少不更事的青年;而是经常听到,人生宁静而忧郁的乐曲,,优雅,悦耳,却富有净化,和克制的力量。我感觉到,有什么在以崇高的思想之喜悦,让我心动;一种升华的意念,,深深地融入某种东西,,仿佛正栖居于落日的余晖,浩瀚的海洋和清新的空气,,蔚蓝色的天空和人类的心灵:,一种动力,一种精神,推动着,思想的主体和思想的客体,穿过宇宙万物,不停地运行。,Wordsworths poem“Tintern Abbey”,b,寺院,is a poem which describes how his revisit reminded him of the sublime,sblam,壮丽的,宏伟的,scenery in the past.,As a twenty-three-year-old man,Wordsworth had been traveling at the beautiful Wye river,怀伊河,the time-honored Tintern Abbey and Monmcutshire,蒙茅斯郡,which located in western England.,Five years later,accompanied by his sister Dorothy,Wordsworth revisited the abbey.,Though all the scenery was still in old spot,,,he felt everything had changed and went into meditation,mdten,冥想,.,The pleasure of revisiting mixed with the reluctance,rlktnt,不情愿,to his youth and the expectation for his future.,Set off by the scenery of the nature,the pleasure,reluctance and expectation was presented by a feeling including happiness and sadness at the same time.,We Are Seven 我们是七个,A Simple Child,这是一个单纯的小孩子,,That lightly draws its breath,她正在轻松地呼吸:,And feels its life in every limb,她感到周身充满了活力,,What should it know of death?,怎知道什么叫做死?,I met a little cottage Girl:,我碰到一个小女孩,,She was eight years old,s


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