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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Mr. Bean,Do you know Mr.Bean,Mr.Bean,Mr. Bean was a British comedy television series of 14 half-hour episodes starring Rowan Atkinson as the title character. Different episodes were written by Rowan Atkinson, Robin Driscoll, Richard Curtis and one,by,Be,n,Elton. The self-titled first episode was,broa,d,cast,on ITV on 1 January 1990, with the final,ep,iso,de, Goodnight, Mr. Bean, on 31,October 1995,.,To be born,憨豆先生,(,Mr. Bean,)是英国的电视喜剧,以半小时剧集形式播放,第一辑共计,13,集。罗温,艾金森担当剧中主角,并建立了其形象。第一集于,1990,年,1,月,1,日在英国首播,而最后一集,豆豆晚安,(,Goodnight, Mr. Bean,)大结局则于,1995,年,10,月,31,日播放。,Mr. bean can move the ears. Mr. bean can throw sweats into air, and then use his mouth to catch. When Mr. Bean in a,roller coaster,ride ,he not only wont,vertigo,v:tigu, but fall in sleep. Also ,he cannot come round, if no people awake to him. Even he cant come home to what happened,.,Special abilities,憨豆的特殊能力,憨豆的耳朵可以动。,憨豆可以把糖扔到空中,然后用自己的嘴巴接住。,憨豆在乘坐,过山车,(以及其他能造成类似效果的工具)时,不仅不会,眩晕,,还能睡着。当结束的时候人家叫醒他的时候,会惊醒。,Mr. Bean is a timid,timid (,胆小的,羞怯的), but some persistent,(,持续的,),mentally,handicapped,hndikpt,(精神障碍的),people. He likes comparing with other people. Some are beyond peoples imagination, for example, he treats his,teddy bear,(泰迪熊),as a creature. He always does something,unscrupulous,nskru:pjuls,(,肆无忌惮的),and causes some funny results. Bored funny love to others, and generally always a small piece of paper attached to two, next re-stick a tongue, and then wink and tongue.,Mr. bean personality,D,o you know who play,s,the Mr Bean,?,He is,Rowan. Atkinson,.,Rowan Atkinson(,罗温,.,艾金森,),Dean(,泰斗,) of British comedy,Introduction of,Rowan Atkinson,Born January 6, 1955,.,He stands 183 c,m.,His nationality is British.Born in Newcastle upon Tyne UK.,Graduation and,Newcastle University,(新堡大学), Oxford University,(牛津大学),.,He is a comedian, screenwriter, writer and producer,.,(,喜剧演员,编剧,,,作家和制片人,),This role is often described as Mr Bean is a,contemporary Chaplin,(当代的卓别林),,Because people always laugh watching him play the movie,.Only to see his comedy laugh, no politics(政治), no criticism of society, but people think is not simple .,People always like to make fun of him because he is very funny,.,这个角色经常被描述为憨豆先生是当代的卓别林(当代的卓别林),因为人们总是笑看他演的电影。只看到他的喜剧笑,没有政治(政治),没有对社会的批判,但人们认为是不简单。,人们总是喜欢捉弄他,因为他很有趣,最纯粹的笑,2010 - Johnny English 2 憨豆特工续集 (于2011年上映) 2008 - David Copperfield 大卫科波菲尔 2005 - Keeping Mum 保持缄默 2005 - Spider-Plant Man 蜘蛛植物侠2003 - Johnny English 憨豆特工(憨豆007) 2002 - Scooby-Doo 狗狗震 2001 - Rat Race 疯狂世界 (亡命夺宝) 2000 - Maybe Baby 宝贝喜临门 1999 -BLACKADDER BACK & FORTH (黑爵士之穿梭时空) 1997 - Bean 憨豆先生的大灾难 (不可能的任务 ) 1994 - Four Weddings and a Funeral 四个婚礼一个葬礼1993 - Hot Shots! Part Deux 反斗神鹰 1990 - Witches, The 巫婆,His film,Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie (,憨豆先生的大灾难,),The film tells the story of Mr. Bean in Londons National Gallery as a security guard. When a painting is a LA Museum bought, he escorted paintings as experts. USA museum curator brought him into the house, Mr. Bean not only destroyed paintings, but also destroy others family, but he also hit the mark by a fluke do some good.,该影片讲述了憨豆先生在伦敦的国家画廊当保安。当一幅名画被洛杉矶一家博物馆买,走后,他被当作“专家”押送名画。美国的博物馆馆长把他请到府上,憨豆不仅毁坏了名,画,而且还破坏了他人的家庭,但他也歪打正着做了一些好事。,Johnny English(,憨豆特工,),Royal precious jewels were stolen, the CIA sent top spy traced, but the case has not been broken, the elite secret agents have been killed. International thief John Maikelwich is planning to steal the Queens crown. Intelligence can only send out the primary intelligence analyst Johnny English immediately assume office .Johnny English defending national security intelligence officer, as all the spies and an undercover officer revenge, uncover the intent to steal a symbol of the British Empire - crown jewels,皇室的名贵珠宝被窃,情报局即派遣顶级特务追查,可惜案件未破,精英特务已,殉职。国际大盗约翰,迈克尔维治正计划偷走英女皇皇冠。情报局只能派出初级情,报员,Johnny English,马上就职,.Johnny English,捍卫国家安全、为情报员所有的间谍,和卧底探员报仇,揪出了意图偷走大不列颠帝国的象征,-,王室珠宝,Mr. Beans Holiday(,憨豆的黄金周,),Bean to win a trip, you can fly from England to Paris to enjoy himself for a week. During the Cannes Film Festival, bean was going to take his new DV filming everywhere, but the way they encountered the Russian director, even accidentally is thought to be kidnapped the 10 year old son Stephen kidnappers. Bean and Stephen although the language barrier, but happy to play together to Paris, arrived at the destination suddenly found himself become a criminal in the city. In order to avoid prison and to have a happy holiday, bean must avoid all eyes and ears, safe to send Stephen back to his dad. During which he met a half red not black Hollywood actress Sabina, kindly bean hope to help the famous beauty, which has come up with a lot of folly,Johnny English Reborn(,憨豆特工,2),Rowan Atkinson plays the role of intrepid agent. In her Majestys Secret Service agents must be eliminated as the protagonist of the world leaders in an international assassin organization, global chaos caused by the front to prevent them.,罗温,艾金森扮演英勇无畏的特工。在女王陛下的特情局作为特工的主角必须在一支国际,刺客组织消灭世界领袖,引起全球混乱前阻止他们,.,Thats all thanks you!,


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