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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Confidential and Proprietary materials. For use by Bank of America and China Construction Bank personnel only. See applicable contract.,Individual Learning Plans,个人学习计划,Illustrative Framework,(90 Day Assignment),示范框架,(,90,天任务),Deliver results,(给出结果),Demonstrate thought leadership and develop action plans,(展示观念领导力并制定行动计划),Learn the business, organization and processes,(学习业务、组织与流程),Build key relationships,(建立重要关系),Define on-boarding plan & objectives,(确定专用的计划与目标),120+,Days,(,120,天以上),90,Days,(,90,天),60,Days,(,60,天),30 Days,(,30,天),Week,1,(第一周),Objectives,(目标),2,Confidential and Proprietary materials. For use by Bank of America and China Construction Bank personnel only. See applicable contract.,Process Steps and Timeline,流程步骤与时间,Steps,步骤,Phase,阶段,Define,定义,Measure,衡量,Analyze,分析,Improve,改进,Control,控制,Week 1,第一周,Week 2-32,3,周,Week 4-64,6,周,Week 7,第七周,Week 9-21*,第九周,21,号,Timeframe,时间限制,Week 8,第八周,Clarify learning goals for on-the-job learning assignment,明确在职学习任务的学习目标,Identify participant,明确参与者,Engage line of business and Human Resources,结合业务范围与人力资源,Identify subject matter experts,明确主题专家,Develop specific learning objectives and success metrics,制定具体学习目标与成功衡量指标,Conduct interviews to assess skills, strengths, development needs,进行面试以评估技巧、能力和发展需求,Identify learning activities and deliverables,明确学习活动与结果,Determine learning coach,确定学习教练,Interview learning coach,面试学习教练,Develop detail design (weekly calendar of activities),制定详细设计方案(每周活动计划,),Summarize resource requirements and time commitments for each person involved,总结资源要求和每位参与者的时间要求,Develop support materials and communications,制定支持材料和交流计划,Contact managers to secure resource involvement,联系管理人员以保证资源可用,Develop communications plan and materials,制定交流计划及材料,Develop evaluation plan,制定评估计划,Gain approval for program execution,取得项目执行 批准,Brief all participants on the process and plan,告知参与者该流程与计划的大概情况,Monitor & assess learner progress,监控与评估学习者过程,Assess results,评估结果,Begin on-the-job learning assignment,开始在职学习任务,*,Length of assignment will vary,(任务长度依具体情况而定 ),3,Confidential and Proprietary materials. For use by Bank of America and China Construction Bank personnel only. See applicable contract.,Process Owner,流程所有者,Leadership Development,领导开发,Human Resources,人力资源,Manager,经理,Associate,关联人士,Manage overall Individual Learning Plan Process,管理个人学习计划综合流程,Track progress and completion of Individual Learning Plans,跟踪个人学习计划的发展和完成,Track completion of Stakeholder reviews completed,跟踪股东评估的完成,Provide Individual Learning Plan direction and tools,提供个人学习计划指导和工具,Ensure the completion of Individual Learning Plans & stakeholder Reviews,确保个人学习计划和股东评估的完成,Coordinate and complete Individual Learning Plans with Manager and Human Resources input,协调经理和人力资源部门,完成个人学习计划,Develop communication plan,开发通信计划,Provide input on Individual Learning Plan completion for measurement,提供输入的个人学习计划供评估,Provide input for Voice of Customer to Process Owner,向流程所有者提供客户建议,Partner with Leadership Development & Hiring Manager to ensure appropriate content is listed in the Individual Learning Plan,与领导开发和人力资源经理一起,确保在个人学习计划中列出合理内容,Complete,touchbase,meetings with new hires to get input on the Individual Learning Plan,完成个人学习计划中涉及新雇佣员工的会议,Provide feedback to Leadership Development on effectiveness of tools, templates and overall process,向人力资源部门提供工具,模型和综合流程效力的反馈,Complete Individual Learning Plans,完成个人学习计划,Partner with Leadership Development & Human Resources to ensure appropriate content is listed in the Individual Learning Plan,与领导开发和人力资源伙伴一起,确保在个人学习计划中列出合理内容,Send communications to new hire & key stakeholders,向新雇佣员工和主要股东发送通信,Complete,touchbase,meetings with new hires to get input on the process,完成流程中涉及的新雇佣员工的会议,Provide feedback to Human Resources on effectiveness of tools, templates and overall process,向人力资源部门提供工具,模型和综合流程效力的反馈,Receive the onboarding plan and accept guidance & coaching from Human Resources, Leadership Development and Manager,接收附带计划,并接受人力资源部门,领导开发部门以及经理的指导,Attend 30/60/90 day coaching sessions,参加,30/60/90,天指导例会,Complete stakeholder meetings in 60 days,在,60,天内完成股东会议,Receive and apply feedback from 90-day stakeholder review,接受并申请,90,天股东评估的反馈,Provide feedback to Human Resources on effectiveness of tools, templates and overall process,向人力资源部门提供工具,模型和综合流程效力的反馈,Roles & Responsibilities,作用及责任,4,Confidential and Proprietary materials. For use by Bank of America and China Construction Bank personnel only. See applicable contract.,Success Criteria,成功标准,Invest only in high impact opportunities,(仅投资于影响大的机会),Learning activities align to business priorities and support the desired business results,(学习活动与业务优先度并重,并且支持所需的商业结果),Selected participant(s) possess the skills and leadership capabilities required to drive change and be perceived as high potential thought leader,(所选的参与者掌握驾驭变化的技巧和领导力,并且成为高潜力的观念领导者),Participant must be committed to change and highly skilled at formulating and selling a clear point of view of the business opportunities,(参与者必须适应变化,并掌握制定和推销商业机会观点的高超技巧。),Participant is received as a full member of the host team during the assignment,(任务过程中参与者被视为主队的正式会员),During the assignment: Participant is accountable for meaningful and realistic deliverables that encourage application of learnings to pertinent business issues,(任务过程中:参与者必须负责取得有意义的、现实的结果,该结果促进在相关的业务问题中应用学习),After the assignment: Participant is accountable for driving measurable results,(任务结束后:参与者负责推进重大成果),Host organization & team members are fully engaged and supportive. benefits for host team are clear,(主队组织与团队成员全部参与并支持,.,主队的利益清晰),Additional thoughts for CCB:,(中国建设银行的其它观念),English language skills will increase knowledge transfer and application,(英语技巧将会增加知识的传递和应用),On-the-job learning assignments should be planned with a cross-annex view of the priorities,(在职学习任务计划的制定必须参考全面优先度),5,Confidential and Proprietary materials. For use by Bank of America and China Construction Bank personnel only. See applicable contract.,


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