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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 7,Its raining!,Reading,I think the weather is,just right for,read,ing,a book.,正适合做某事,I,have a good time(in),read,ing,books,.,=I,have fun(in),read,ing,books.,做某事很开心,sunny and hot,drinking juice&sitting,by,the pool,sunny and warm,climbing the mountains,raining and wet,writing a letter,Jane,postcard,明信片,Name,Where are they?,Hows the weather?,What are they,doing now?,Su Lin,Canada,w,arm and,sunny,sitting by the,pool and,drinking,orange juice,What is Su Lin doing in Canada?,Is her English improved,(提高),?,Is Su Lin happy to see her old friends?,Yes,it is.He learned a lot.,Yes.,Name,Where are they?,Hows the weather?,What are they,doing now?,Dave,Europe,cool,cloudy,writing,2.I want to call you but my phone,isnt working,so Im writing to you.,3.The weather here is cool and cloudy,just right for,walking.,A:,坏了,B:,不劳动,A:,只是对的,B:,刚好适合,1.Are you studying,hard,or are you,having fun?,A:,努力,B:,硬的,Read and guess,根据上下文猜词义,Guess with the key words,(,关键词,),Guess with the conjunction words,(,连词,),Guess with the content,(,内容,),4-5,位同学,1,个小组,,读一读,想一想明信片的格式,How to write a post card?,Listen and read.,称呼,问候,正文,结束语,签名,Dear Jane,Hows it going?Im having a great time visiting,my aunt in Canada.Shes working here and Im going to summer school.Im studying English and Im learning a lot.Im also visiting some of my old friends.Im so happy to see them again.Its afternoon right now,and Im sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.Its warm and sunny,and its very relaxing here.,See you soon.,Su Lin,正文,(body),(第一句一般是,主题句,之后是解释说明主题句的,细节句,)。,Can you draw a mind-map?,Weather,Doing,Canada,Who can retell,(,复述,),the letter?,Dear Jane,How is your summer vacation going?Are you,studying hard,or are you having fun?Im having,a great time in Europe!My family and I are on a,vacation in the mountains.I want to call you but,my phone isnt working,so Im writing to you.Its,hot in your country now,isnt it?The weather,here is cool and cloudy,just right for walking.,See you next month.,Dave,称呼,问候,正文,签名,结束语,Please find out the English meanings in,2b,.,1.,过得非常愉快,2.,学习英语,3.,学到了许多,4.,我的一些朋友,5.,很开心能又见他们,6.,马上要下午了,7.,坐在游泳池边,8.,这里很令人放松,9.,我在这感到很放松,10.,希望尽快能见到你,11.,努力学习,12.,在山中度假,13.,想要打电话给你,14.,电话坏了,15.,写信给你,16.,正好适合散步,17.,下个月见,have a good time,=have fun,doing,study,English,learn,a lot,study,研究;学,(,过程,),learn,学会;学,(,结果,),some of,my friends,so,happy,to,see them,again,Its afternoon,right now.,=at once,sit,by the pool,by,在附近,Its relax,ing,here.,I feel relax,ed,here.,adj.,-ing,事物,令人放松,adj.,-ed,人,感觉放松,See you soon.,study hard,be,on,vacation,in,the mountains,want to,call you,My phone isnt working.,write,(a letter),to,you,just right,for walking,See you next month.,


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