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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,How to Write the Discussion,The Hardest Part of the Paper,The true meaning of the data,obscured,A,faulty,discussion presented,Common Negligence,Not discussed adequately.,Engrossed with the trees(the data)without noticing how much sunshine had appeared in the forest.,A Faulty Discussion,“,Not with a bang,(,突然见效或成功,),but a whimper,(,呜咽声,),.”,T.S.Eliot,A Faulty Discussion,“,Many a paper loses much of its effect because the clear stream of the discussion ends in a swampy,(,沼泽的,),delta,(,三角州,),.”,Anderson and Thistle,A Good Discussion,“,Finally,good writing,like good music,has a fitting climax,(,高潮,),.”,Anderson and Thistle,Defining Scientific Truth,Not necessary to reach cosmic conclusions(the whole truth).,Shine a spotlight on,one,area of the truth.,Describe the meaning of your little bit of truth,simply,(The simplest statements evoke the most wisdom).,Leave the“whole truth”to the ignoramuses,(,不学无术的人,),.,The Primary Purpose of the Discussion,To show the relationships,among observed facts.,The Process of the Job,From the presentation to the discussion of the results.,Not simply recapitulating,(,概括,),but restating the results in a meaningful way.,The Coverage of the Process,Previous investigations,Intentions,Results,Findings,Agreement(s,),Contrast(s,),Indications,Limitations,Implications,Conclusion(s,),Further investigation,The Contrast between the Results and Discussion,Factual,vs.,Explanatory,Objective,vs.,Interpretative,Numerical,vs.,Analytical,Informative,vs.,Critical,Presentable,vs.,Evaluative,Valid,vs.,Illuminating,Guidelines in General,Describe the results of the current study in the past tense and the known or proved facts in the present tense.,Guidelines in General,Do not simply repeat what you have already said in the Results Section;try to present the principles,relationships,generalizations shown by the results obtained.,Guidelines in General,Assess the validity of the results.,Guidelines in General,Show that your results and interpretations agree(or contrast)with the previously published work.,Guidelines in General,Discuss any results that do not“fit in”;do not try to hide them or to“fudge,(,捏造,),”the data.,Guidelines in General,Explain the significance of the results;comment on their theoretical and practical implications.,Guidelines in General,State your conclusions as clearly as possible,and summarize your evidence for each one.,Guidelines in General,Point out possible lines of further investigation.,LETS READ AN EXAMPLE AND BE CRITICAL.,Chronic Daily Headache:Identification of Factors Associated with Induction and Transformation,Marcelo,E.Bigal,.MD,Phd,;Fred D.,Sheftell,MD;Alan M.,Rapoport,MD;Stewart J.,Tepper,MD;Richard B.Lipton,MD,Chronic daily headache(,CDH,acrinym,)is one of the more frequently encountered headache syndromes at major tertiary care centers.,1-3,Its prevalence is almost 5%in the general population,and it is the most common headache problem seen in clinics specifically devoted to headache management.,4-6,Most patients with CDH report their role functioning and well-being to be frequently and severely impaired,with a consequent reduction in quality of life.,7.8,It is clear that,comorbid,factors play a significant role in the development and maintenance of headache that occurs on a daily or near-daily basis.,9.10,Originally coined by Feinstein,11,the term,comorbidity,is used to refer to the greater than coincidental association of two conditions in the same individual.,12,Psychiatric issues are prominent among patients with more difficult headache syndromes,particularly CDH.Studies have shown that depression occurs in 80%of patients with chronic migraine(CM),the most common type of CDH.,13.14,Compared with controls,stressful life events such as divorce,widowhood,separation,and problems with children are more likely to occur in individuals with CDH.,15,Assessment of psychopathology shows a characteristic profile of hypochondria,(,疑病症,),depression,and hysteria in patients with CHD(with the revised version of the Minnesota,Multiphasic,Personality Inventory 2).,16,Potential somatic,(,躯体的,),comorbidity,in CDH has received less study than the psychological aspects.Hypertension,17-20,alcohol overuse,21,and sleep disturbances have been reported to be associated with CDH.,22,What factors specifically contribute to the transformation from episodic into CM and to the,de novo,(,再次,),development of new daily persistent headache(NDPH)remain largely unknown.,The purpose of this study was to identify somatic factors and behaviors associated with the development of CM and NDPH.,METHODS,The clinical records and headache diaries of 803 randomly selected patients seen between 1980 and 2001 at the New England Center for Headache were reviewed.Cases were included if they fulfilled the following criteria:daily or near-daily headache lasting more than 4 hours if not treated,occurring more than 15days/month,fulfilling the Proposed Headache Classification for C


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