教育专题:第二课 (2)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 Weather,Lesson 2,How is the weather in your city?,Unit 4 Weather,Lesson 2,How is the weather in your city?,Objectives:,By the end of this lesson,you will be able to,talk about the weather in different,places.(,谈论不同地方的天气,),give some suggestions based on the,weather.,(,根据天气情况提出一些建议,),weather,temperature,degree,sunny,foggy,windy,cloudy,rain,snow,Question:,Whats the best season in Jinan?,Task 1 Listen and answer the question,玛丽想来济南旅游,她向济南的朋友陈华询问什么季节来比较合适。,Autumn,MMary CChen,Hua,M:Id like to visit Jinan.Hows the weather there?,C:Its always hot in summer and cold in winter.,M:What is the best season in Jinan?,C:Its autumn.Autumn is the best season in,Jinan.Its neither hot nor cold.,M:All right.Thank you.,Task 1 Listen and answer the question,玛丽想来济南旅游,她向济南的朋友陈华询问什么季节来比较合适。,1)-Whats the weather like today?,-Its,windy.(cloudy/snowing),2)-Whats the temperature,?,-Its 29.,(-Degree Centigrade,摄氏度,-Degree Fahrenheit,华氏度,),3)-,Hows the weather in Beijing?,-Its warm,(hot/cool/cold,in,spring,/summer/autumn/winter).,Task 2.Speaking practice,2.Practice the dialogue in pairs and act it out,J:Hello!Is that Mary speaking?,M:Yes,this is Mary speaking.,J:Hows the weather in,Jining,?,M:Its,sunny,.,J:Whats the temperature,?,M:Its,19,.,(,朋友,Jenny,正在通过电话向我询问济宁的天气状况,),J-Jenny M-Mary,Task 3.Listen and write,(,听录音,写出下列城市的天气,),City,Weather,Temperature,Beijing,Jinan,Dalian,Qingdao,Yantai,Zibo,fine,windy,sunny,rainy,foggy,cloudy,2 9,5 12,6 13,8 14,7 11,3 11,Task 4 Weather report,(,根据气象图预报天气),Task 4 Weather report,(,根据气象图预报天气),Task 5 Describing weather,Hows the weather in spring/summer/,autumn/winter in,Jining,?,Its _ in spring/summer/autumn/,winter in our city.,example,Task 6 Choose and speak,根据天气情况提出一些建议,Lets,stay at home.,What/How about,going skiing?,Why not,take an umbrella?,Shall we,go for a picnic?,我们,呆在家里,吧,去,滑雪,怎么样?,为什么不,带把雨伞,呢,?,我们,去野餐,好吗?,stay at home,A:How cold it is!_,B:Sure.,Lets stay at home.,take an umbrella,A:It is raining._,B:All right.,Why not take an umbrella?,go skiing,A:Its snowing._,B:Good idea.,What/How about going skiing?,picnic,A:The sun is shining._,B:Ok.Lets go.,Shall we go for a picnic?,Role play,你的好友今天休息,不知道该去干什么?请你根据天气情况给出建议。与同桌一起编一个对话,并给同学们表演出来。,参考短语,1.go to the library,2.go to the park,3.go to a museum,4.go to the zoo,5.go shopping,6.go dancing,7.go for a bike ride,8.go swimming,9.watch TV,Lets,What/How about?,Why not?,Shall we?,Homework,请你收听今天的天气预报,用英语播报给同学听,并根据天气状况给同学们一些好的建议。,Thanks for your attention!,Bye-bye!,


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