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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Rome,The Italian capital,小组成员:,魏声慧 陈文静 乐思雨,王 娟 崔 倩,The Roman arena,美食,gourmet,著名景点,attractions,城市介绍,City Information,罗马,Rome,Rome, the capital of Italy, is located in the Tiber River Plain. Italy is the political. historical and cultural and transportation center. It is also splendid culture of ancient Rome and the birthplace of the world. It has more than 2500 years of history. It is a treasure house of art, and cultural city.,罗马,意大利的首都,位于台伯河平原。意大利是中国的政治,历史,文化和交通中心。它也是古代罗马和世界灿烂文化的发祥地。它拥有超过,2500,年的历史。它是一座艺术宝库,文化城市。,City Information,Rome attractions,(1) the Colosseum(,罗马斗兽场,),(2)Trevi Fountain(,许愿泉,),(3) The ancient Roma Square(,古罗马广场,),(4) The Vatican Museums in Rome(,梵蒂冈博物馆,),(5) The Spanish Square(,西班牙广场,),(6)Victoria and Pan Feili Museum(,多利亚潘菲利美术馆,),(7)Rome Opera(,罗马歌剧院,),(8) Pantheon(,万神殿,),Now,please follow me to visit some attractions in Rome.,(1) the Colosseum(罗马斗兽场),The site is located in Italy capital of Rome city center, it in Venice square to the south, ancient Rome market nearby.,该遗址位于意大利首都罗马市中心,它在威尼斯广场的南面,古罗马市场附近。,Admission ticket,Euro 12(including the Palatine Hill ),Opening hours,Summer 9 00-19 30; winter 9 00-16 30,(2)Trevi Fountain(许愿泉),The Trevi Fountain nickname girl fountain, but it is the most famous name is wishing well.,It is said that back at the fountain, from the shoulders thrown a coin, if it put into the water, dreams will come true.,特莱维喷泉”的绰号,但女孩喷泉”是最著名的名字是“许愿井”。,这是说,回到喷泉,从肩膀抛硬币,如果放在水里,梦想就会成真。,(3) The ancient Roma Square(古罗马广场):,Once the Republic of Rome is the bright brilliance of the center.Now It becomes artists and architects seeking inspiration.Square in the remnants of the old building is the best material for interpretation of the civilization of ancient Rome.,曾经是罗马共和国的中心的明亮的光彩。现在它成为艺术家和建筑师寻求灵感。在旧建筑的遗迹广场是古代罗马的文明解释最好的材料。,Admission ticket:,Free admission,Opening hours:,Summer9:00-18:00; winter 9:00-15:00,Suggestions,:4 hours of play time,The best tourism season:,4-5,9-10 month,(4) The Vatican Museums in Rome(梵蒂冈博物馆),The Vatican Museum is located in Italy Rome north of St. Peters church.The original is the papal court. Collection of rare artifacts and art treasures, and indeed the London British Museum and Le Louvre Museum Paris to rival. The total area is 55000 square meters.,梵蒂冈博物馆位于意大利罗马北圣彼得教堂。原来是罗马教廷。罕见的文物和艺术珍品收藏,而且伦敦大英博物馆和巴黎卢浮宫的竞争对手。总面积,55000,平方米。,Admission ticket:,12 euro. Every last Sunday of the month for free.,Opening hours:,visit time complex, before the tour to view the schedule.,(5) The Spanish Square(西班牙广场),Spain square is well-known for the movie Roman holiday.,Admission ticket:,Free admission,Opening hours:,All day,Suggestions:,2 hours of play time,The best tourism season:,4-5,9-10 month,(6)Victoria and Pan Feili Museum(多利亚潘菲利美术馆),Victoria Pan Feili Museum is located in the north of Venice square.It is a fine art gallery and a beautiful private residence.The museum from floor to ceiling is full of all kinds of painting.,维多利亚泛飞力博物馆位于威尼斯广场的北面。它是一个美术馆和一个美丽的私人住宅。从地板到天花板的博物馆是充满了各种绘画。,Admission ticket:,8 euro,Opening hours:,Friday - Wednesday 10:00-17:00,(7)Rome Opera(罗马歌剧院),Aka Costanzi opera or thunder columns theater, is from the wealthy hotel owner Costanzi funded the construction.,又名柯斯坦齐歌剧或雷列剧院,从富有的酒店老板柯斯坦齐出资建设。,Opening hours:,9 00 17 00(13 30 Sunday, Monday rest ).,(8) Pantheon(万神殿),Pantheon is located in the heart of Rome. Pantheon in Pan refers to all, theon is God, to worship God must be the whole of Rome.,万神殿坐落在罗马的心脏。万神殿泛指一切,席恩是神,敬拜神必须是整个罗马。,Admission:,Free,Opening hours:,Monday - Saturday,9:00-17:30;Sunday,9:00-19:30;,Suggestions:,2 hours of play time,The best tourism season,:,April -5, September -10 month,Roman cuisine,古罗马人喜爱吃鱼,今天的罗马沿袭了当年的饮食特色,罗马人饮食较为规律,每天都有固定的取材范围,如周二周五吃鱼,周四吃面等,许多餐馆也会根据顾客的需求,每天提供相应的料理。,意大利菜在西餐中享有盛名,而罗马作为意大利的首都,当然会有享誉世界的菜品呈上。种类繁多的意大利面,无论外型怎么变化,口感总是那么爽滑;色彩鲜艳的意大利比萨,已经成为世界流行的快餐食品,小小的比萨将带来不一样的饮食体验,The end,thank you !,


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