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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,From SYSU,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Few things are impossible in themselves;and it is often for want of will,rather than of means,that man fails to succeed.,There are no secrets to success.It is the result of preparation,hard work,and learning from failure.,不定式的省略,虚拟语气中的省略,状语从句的省略,替代词,so,和,not,one,、,the one,、,that,等的选择,省略和替代,Tom:I burned up my car because I want,to,.,will you join me?,Jerry:Yes Id love,to,.,You havent burnt your car?But you ought,to have,because you have promised.,为避免句子重复,承前省略动词原形,而保留不定式符号,to,,但是有助动词,be,或,have,时,则要保留,be,或,have,不定式的省略,Tom:You fool.,不定式在感官动词,see,hear,feel,watch,notice,look at,listen to,observe,和使役动词,have,make,let,后作宾语补足语时,不定式省略,to,。,Tom heard jerry,date with,other guys.He was very angry.He even could see his own heart,bleeding,.So Tom decided to ask Jerry why.They were heard,quarreling,in the next door.After that,Tom left,never back.It was said that he was last seen,standing,near a river.Oh,poor Tom.,不定式的省略,在,cant but,,,cant not help but,can not choose but,之后的动词不定式一般不带,to,,,but/except,之前有实义动词,do,的某种形式,do,,,does,,,did,,,done,时,也不带,to,;,当主语或修饰主语的定语从句中有动词,do,的某种形式时,用作表语的不定式可以省略。如:,All I did is,(,to,),give him a lesson.,I have a friend called Lihua.She likes nothing,but to enjoy,junk food.It makes no effect,except to make me sick,.But in fact,I could,do nothing but put up with,him.I hope one day she can change herself,but theres little,I can do but play trick on,her.One day,.,When she fell off the bike,I,could not help but,laugh.,Poor Lihua.,不定式的省略,When,compared with,the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.,While,cooking dinner,she thought of her past.,If,(it is),necessary,Ill pay him a personal visit.,You should let us know the result as soon as,(it is),possible.,在时间、条件、让步状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语相同或者是,it,,从句中谓语动词又含有,be,的某一种形式时,可以省略从句中的主语和,be,。,状语从句的省略,如果在条件句中含有were,/,had,/,shoul,d,,,可将if省略,然后将 were,/,had,/,shoul,d,移至主语之前,构成省略倒装句,Should,it rain tomorrow,we would have to put off the visit to the White River.,Were,I you,I wouldnt do that.,Had,you come earlier,you would have met him,Had,it,not,been for the bad weather we would have arrived in time.,虚拟语气中的省略,She suggested that the class meeting,(should),not,be,held on Saturday,The expression on his face suggested that he,was,very angry.,He insisted that he _ right,and so he insisted that his plan _ carried out at once.,A.was;be B.be;would be,C.was;was D.be;should be,虚拟语气中的省略,替代词,so,和,not,1.You have no watch,so I think youd better get _,2.Will you please pass me some apples,?,Id like big _,3.Is this university _they visited last spring,?,4.However,,,new shoots of bamboo will come up from around the roots of,the,old _,5.Toms textbook is not so new as _ of Rose,6.It is said that the weather in Beijing is colder than _ in Nanyang,7.The lights in your classroom are much brighter than_ in ours,one,、,the one,、,that,等的选择,the one,ones,one,ones,the one/that,that,the ones/those,one,、,the one,、,that,等的选择,


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