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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高考英语开放式作文,用自己的语言对画面进行,简明、清楚,叙述,紧承叙述,引出观点(话题),(力求,自然、准确,),联系实际,摆事实,讲道理,(力求,深度、力度,),综合上文,再申主旨(力求,完整、有力,),开放作文的四个步骤:,起,承,转,合,描图,-,解图,-,议图,-,圆图,In your spoken English class,your teacher shows you the following picture.You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.,Some people look confident,but what they actually have in their head is far from enough.,一篇好的开放性作文什么样的?,As is shown in the picture,a half-empty bottle is going to stick a label of“full”on its body,feeling proud and confident.,The picture seems to be reflecting a kind of social phenomenon.We might often meet some people who look confident,trying to impress others with their“rich”knowledge.However,just like the bottle in the picture,what they really know is just a little.What they actually have in their head is far from enough.As an old saying goes,empty bottles make the loudest noise.,Therefore,its wise to enrich ourselves with knowledge and try to make our head full.,起,承,转,合,描图,(结合图)议论,如何“起”?,1.As is shown in the picture,.,2.As we can see from the picture,.,4.In the picture we can see that.,5.From the picture we can see that.,3.As can be seen from the picture,.,6.As the picture indicates,there is/are sb.doing.,.,描图,如何描图?,如何“承”?,1.The picture seems to.,2.The picture tries to.,3.The picture conveys a message that.,4.It is a common phenomenon in our daily life.,5.It is quite a common scene in the society.,6.Such a situation seems common in our society.,.,图中含义,如何表达?,如何“转”?,1.However,just like the in the picture,.,2.If,.,注意,:“,转”的方式非常灵活,难以有固定的 模式,关键与前文逻辑一致。,1,、然而,真实的情况是,.,2,、如果不这样,会有啥结果,如何“合”?,1.Therefore,,,.,结论,2.Thus,,,.,3.So.,4.In conclusion,,,.,5.Only in this way can.,漫画理解作文审图立意三步骤,一审细节(抓要点),二审角度(找可能性),三审优选立意(拓展主题句),漫画的,画面,细节,漫画的,夸张,寓意,(,与现实的矛盾之处),细节,夸张,寓意,Dont copy others way of solving the problem.,Do everything in the right way.,读图与立意,细节,类型:现象型,特点:有人有物,要素:人,门,,“,拉,”,细节,2,:,汗水代表什么?,门呢?,“,拉,”,呢?,细节,1,:,脸朝外没看标示,审 图,抓细节 揭寓意,要素:人,门,,“,拉,”,门,-,目标、理想、工作、学习、困难,具体的某一件事等,标示,“,拉,”,-,方法、建议、指令、措施、策略、规则等,例:,In my opinion,the door refers to a problem needed to be tackled,while the sign,“,Pull,”,is just like the suggestions we can get in our daily life.,人细节:汗,-,努力、能力、经验、态度等,没看见标示,-,问题所在:,“,睁眼瞎,”,、,“,盲目行事,”,、,“,固执蛮干,”,、,“,急于成事,”,等现象,评分标准:,文章是否扣题,-,描述与主题一致,自圆其说,结构是否完整,-,三部分,内容是否健康,-,乐观向上,逻辑是否清晰,-,议论要有逻辑性,语言是否准确,-,用词恰当,无语法错误,交际是否得体,-,情境,身份等,正确的立意,:,1,、方法决定成功和失败。,Sometimes,it is,the method you apply that determines,your success or failure.,In my opinion,this conveys the message that,one should always make clear of the right way to reach one,s goal,before devoting oneself to it,otherwise,you might go in the completely wrong direction and will not succeed no matter how hard you try just as the man does.,To my understanding,what holds the most significant key to success is,the way we do things,rather than how hard we throw ourselves in.,From what the picture illustrates,we could realize that even if we try hard for our goal,we,may still fail if we neglect the way to work on it.,And it is from the picture that we know,doing something with the wrong method can never lead us to success,we desire,even if we work hard.,正确的立意,:,2,、有能力没方法无法成功。,Although we possess great,abilities,if we always stick to the wrong,methods,not only will it restrict our thinking but it will prevent our further development.,The picture has a profound significance in our daily life,which indicates the fact that we succeed,not because of our ability but our ways to solve the problems we encounter.,正确的立意,:,3,、具体问题具体分析。,People sometimes,do things without any further thinking.,4,、做事应目标明确方法正确,。,The picture indicates that we should,use an appropriate way,to realize our aim and goals.,The message conveyed is that we should always,find the correct approach to things,.,From my point of view,what the picture conveys to us is that before going for something or pursuing your goals,it is very important to,make sure that where your dream lies or if you are on the right way that leads to your goals.,正确的立意,:,5,、遇事要学会变通,方法要应时改变。,In my opinion,they should not always follow their past experience;they should,observe the situation each time and make proper reaction,.,6,、不要急于求成,而应冷静反思。,In reality,we also need to,think over before we deal with a problem in order to find the best solution,.,7,、劲要使在刀刃上。,With persistent endeavor/hard work,in the right direction,we are bound to make a success.,正确的立意,:,8,、不要盲目自大,要善于听取建议。,We,teenagers,shouldn,t make light of the,suggestions,given by others,on the way to success,.,What the picture tends to get across to us is that we should,follow someone else,s suggestions,.,9,、认清形势找到正确的方法。,The picture vividly conveys the message that whenever we do something,we are supposed,to be sensible of the situation first,and then,select the right way to finish it.,One possible version:,As is shown in the picture,there is a man who is trying to open a door by pushing it very hard.Without doubt,he will fail because the door is supposed to b


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