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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,定语从句的翻译方法,根据汉语的表达习惯及对原文的忠实度,翻译这类定语从句可以采用以下六种方法。,一 前置合译法,假设定语从句较短,较简单,与名词 先行词的关系紧密一般来说,紧密的,为限定性从句;不紧密的,为非限定性从句,限定性定语从句 及少局部非限定性从句(较短且有描述性的非限定),一般将从句提在先行词之前,译成“的,The action it takes at any moment cant be predicted,and people find that disturbing.,它在任何一个时刻采取的行动都无法预见,,这使人们觉得有些乱,。,I was,to borrow from John,the spy who was to stay out in the cold.,借用约翰的话来说 插入语,作状语,译成汉语时,放在句首,我成了一个被打入冷宫的间谍.,There will come a day when people all over the world will live a happy life.,全世界人民过上幸福生活的那一天终究是会到来的。,The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him.,在他手下干活的员工怕他怕得要死。,We were most impressed by the fact that even those patients who were not told of their serious ill were quite aware of its potential outcome.给我们留下极深印象的是:同位语的翻译即使那些没有被告知严重病情的病人,对其疾病的潜在后果也是非常清楚的,One explanation for the pig-eating taboo is that pork that is not cooked sufficiently may spread a disease called trichinosis.,对禁食猪肉的一种解释是:如果未被煮透的话,猪肉可能会传播一种叫旋毛虫病的疾病。,But even more important,it was the farthest that scientists had been able to look into the past,for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago.,但更为重要的是,这是科学家们所能观察到的最遥远的过去的景象,因为他们看到的是150亿年前宇宙云的形状和结构。,Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another.,即使是老道的作家也很可能不能完全描述出决定人的面孔各不相同的所有特征。,The sun,which had hidden all day,now came out in all its splendor.,那个整天躲在云层里的太阳,现在 如今又光辉四射地露面了(介词短语做状语的翻译方法)。,The emphasis was helped by the speakers mouth,which was wide,thin and hard set.,讲话人那又阔又薄又紧绷的嘴巴有助于他加强说话的语气。,He liked his sister,who was warm and pleasant,but he did not like his brother,who was aloof and arrogant.,他喜欢热情愉快的妹妹,不喜欢冷漠傲慢的哥哥。,二 切分重复法 后置分译法,假设定从较复杂,或与先行词的关系疏松,如果把它翻译在其修饰的先行词的后面的话,会显得定语太过于臃肿和复杂,不符合汉语表达习惯时,而无法让评卷老师看的清清楚楚,明明白白。一般用分译法将从句译成一个句子。,先翻主句,再翻从句,重复关系代词所指代的名词。英汉两种语言的差异,英语要防止重复,汉语喜欢重复,因此,将指示代词明确之后,重复出来,Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another.,即使是最老道的作家也很可能描述出全部特征,这些特征能够表达出各人面孔的不同。,He unselfishly contributed his uncommon talents and indefatigable spirit to the struggle which today brings them(those aims)within the reach of a majority of the human race,.,他把自己非凡的才智和不倦的精力无私地奉献给了这场斗争,这场斗争 该斗争今天已使人类中大多数人可以到达这些目标。,三、定语从句后置,后置法:把定语从句翻译在所修饰的先行词后面,翻译为并列分句。英语的英语从句结构常常比较复杂,如果翻译在其修饰的先行词前面的话,会显得定语太臃肿,而无法表达清楚。这时,可以把定语从句的翻译技巧从句翻译在先行词后面,译成并列分句。翻译时可以用两种方法来处理。,一重复先行词,由于定语从句的先行词通常在定语从句中充当句子成分,如果单独把定语从句翻译出来的话,常常需要重复先行词,还可以用,代词,代替先行词来重复。,I told the story to john,,,who told it to his brother.,他把这件事告诉了约翰,约翰又告诉了他的弟弟。,We wish to express our satisfaction at this to the special committee,,,whose activities deserve to be encouraged.,在我们对特别委员会表示满意,特别委员会的工作,外贸,合同的翻译方法受到鼓励。,You,,,whose predecessors scored initial success in astronomical research,,,have acquired a greater achievement in this respect.,你们的先辈在天文学研究方面取得了初步的成功,而你们现在那么在这一方面获得了更大的成就。,although he lacks experience,,,he has enterprise and creativity,,,which are decisive in achieving success in the area.,他虽然经验缺乏,但很有进取心和创造力,而这正是在这一翻译技巧获得成功的关键。,二省略先行词,省略关系代词所指代的含义,不翻译出来,如果把定语从句翻译在先行词后面,在“通顺、完整的前提下,有时候可以不用重复先行词。,It is he who received thethat announced the death of your uncle.,是他接到那封信,说你的叔叔去世了。,They worked out a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased.,他们制定出一种新方案,采用之后生产已迅速得到提高。,after dinner,the four key negotiators resumed their talks,which continued well into the night.,饭后,四个主要谈判人物继续进行会谈,一直谈到深夜,He did not find any one in the house who particularly cared to see.,他认为家里没有人特别想知道的。,Carrie reached home in high good spirits,,,which she could scarcely conceal.,嘉莉兴高采烈地回到家,想掩饰也掩饰不住。省主语,After dinner,the four key negotiators resumed their talks,which continued well into the night.,饭后,四个主要谈判人物继续进行会谈,,一直谈到深夜。,He saw in front that haggard white-haired old man,whose eyes flashed red with fury.,他看见前面那个憔悴的白发老人,,眼睛里愤怒地闪着红光,。,When she was lost to his view,he pursued his homeward way,glancing up sometimes at the sky,where the clouds were sailing fast and wildly.,直到看不见她了,他才往家里走去,不时抬头望望天空,,乌云在翻滚奔驰。,His wife,Betty,is a Shanghai-born Chinese who left China at the age of eight,and whose book,“Eight Moon,tells of her sister Sansans life in China.,他的妻子贝蒂是一位出生在上海的华人,八岁离开中国,写过一本名为?八月?的书,记述她妹妹姗姗在中国的生活。,As brighter areas of the image eject more electrons than the darker or shaded portions,an electronic image is produced in which varying degrees of positive charge duplicate light intensities seen in the scene being pictured.,参考译文:因为图像的较明亮的局部比黑暗的局部或者阴影局部发射的电子更多,所以产生的电子图像随正电荷的变化强度,使正在描述的荧幕上的光强度成倍增强。,四、分译连词法 翻译成状语从句 将关系代词转换成连词,呵呵,1),He insisted on building another house which he had no use for.,他虽自己不用,但仍坚持再建一座房。,上例能译成“他坚持再建一座他不用的房子或“他坚持再建一座房,这房他不用吗?显然不能,因为这样的译文令读者莫名其妙。这两种译文是套用定语词组和并列分句形式而译的,然而错了。英语定语从句尤其是非限制性定语从句有时兼有状语从句的职能,可以表示时间、条件、原因、让步、目的、结果等等关系。,2)In a personal sense,I think of my eldest daughter,whose birthday is today.,就个人来讲,我想到我的大女儿,因为今天是她的生日。表原因,3)These actions,which have aroused universal and unreserved disapproval,must nevertheless give us a pause.,这些行动,虽已激起普遍而毫不掩饰的反对,却


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